Hey I'm trying to make an build similar to Yarhovah sans the Rogue lvl and instead adding a 2nd Monk lvl as well as an Elf using Longswords instead of a Human using Khopesh that can pull off High DPS,Half-way decent AC and self/off-healing for a little extra survivability (Plus takes a little heat off the healer..if there is one).
Note: I have unlocked Head-start and 32pt. So this char will be starting at Lvl 4.
Here's the raw stats...hopefully this is :
32 pt. Elf Ranger
Str 16+4 (Lvl Boosts) +6 (Item) = 26
Dex 17+2 (Elf Dex) +2(Ranger Dex) +1(Lvl Boost) +6(item)= 28
Con 12+6(item) = 18
Int 8
Wis 15+1 (Monk Wis) +6(item) = 22
Cha 8
Possible Feats:
Favored Enemies: Undead, Evil Outsider, Constructs, Abberations
Monk Bonus Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Granted: Evasion,TWF, ITWF ,GTWF,Diehard,Hide in Plain Sight and a bunch of Ranged feats
Chosen: Toughness,Spring Attack,OTWF, Improved Critical:Slashing, Power Attack,Mental Toughness
Ranger Dex (1,2),Elf Dex Line,Favored Damage Line,Tempest Line, Monk Wis 1
Ranger Devotion Line,Ranger Toughness Line and the rest I'll pick as I go
That's pretty much what I've got planned I just need some help with Feat/Lvl order (Ranger 1,Monk 2,Ranger X?) and some feedback on some of my choices would be nice too. Also If someone could calculate my AC that would be awesome (wanna compare to other ranger builds and my Mithral Full Plate THF Pally) Lastly is Deflect Arrows (Monk Feat) useful?...cause I'm one feat short...would something else be better?
Note: I've already spent hours searching through the forums and can't find a similar build...if you know of one please link it