Why can't we get some incentive towards using only one weapon?
Everywhere I look, people have both hands occupied. Wouldnt it be alot more stylish and logical for some of us to only carry a longsword and nothing else? If I know anything about melee fighting it is that having a free hand can mean give you a real advantage; especially if you aren't only fighting, but also climbing, swimming and generally have alot to think about.
I don't mean that this fighting style should be superior in any way, just that it would make alot of sense to apply some boni to those who are very elligible to using a single weapon.
A prominent example would be bards or rogues; wouldn't it be a very nice possibility to use a single rapier, like a duelist (not meant to do the same as the prestige class, though a duelist prestige enhancement could also be a nice addition). The bards hunt for mithral light shields; why not give them another option?
Having only one weapon means you can afford better accuracy, and provide a higher degree of concentration when parrying. Power Attack gives off double the damage bonus when you are wielding two-handed weapons, why cant Combat Expertise give off double the AC when you are using only one weapon?
Another suggestion would be to add a "Single Weapon Fighting" feat line, like the TWF and THF feats. SWF would probably then increase the users AC and perhaps increase the critical threat range in the "greater" version of the feats.
I know this isnt a critical add-on to the game, but I think it would be a enjoyable and an easily programmable feature.
- Caervas