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  1. #1
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    Default WF DR Fighter build

    I have always been a huge fan of DR. I hear there is a real tight spec for fighters that warforged can do. Anyone know anything about what feat are needed to have a high DR?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    here Are The Feats I've Planned For My 2 Monk / 18 Fighter (kensai) Thf Build. With Enhancements Gives You Dr: 10/adamantium While Still Having A Meaningful Ac At Level 20, A Stunning Blow In High 40's, With Saves In The Low To Mid 30's Buffed.
    Added additional numbers requested below.--- I welcome any thoughts you might have ( looks @ Shade). I am also interested in how this sort of build might mesh with the Juggernaut PrC once it comes out.

    Another thought I've had is to swap the maul for a quarterstaff and run in Wind stance for the +1 centered, +1 dex bonuses to AC, and the +10% boost to attack speed. I just don't know if it would be worth the tradeoff in lost dps. I will probably try it after I collect a few good staves, but I'm not overly optimistic of the outcome. However, as a defensive mode of operation I think it might be useful situationally regardless.

    - Ereshkigal

    standard Feats
    01 Improved Damage Reduction
    03 Improved Damage Reduction
    06 Improved Damage Reduction
    09 Improved Damage Reduction
    12 Improved Damage Reduction
    15 Improved Damage Reduction
    18 Improved Damage Reduction

    fighter Feats
    01 Thf
    02 Stunning Blow
    04 Wf
    06 Ws
    08 Improved Critical*
    10 Gwf
    12 Gws
    14 Ithf*
    16 Gthf
    18 Swf

    * Could Swap 8 & 14 Without Delaying Pre's.

    monk Feats
    01 Pa
    02 Dodge


    16/16/14/08/13/06 - 32 pt build A
    05/00/00/00/00/00 - Levels
    03/00/00/00/01/00 - Enhancements
    06/06/06/00/06/00 - Items
    03/03/03/02/03/02 - Tomes
    01/01/01/01/01/01 - Litany Trinket
    08/00/00/00/00/00 - Kensai

    42/26/24/11/24/09 - Sub Total

    16/08/07/00/07/-1 - Bonii


    03/03/03 - Monk Levels 02
    11/05/05 - Fighter Levels 18
    07/08/07 - Ability Bonus
    02/02/02 - Luck
    01/01/01 - Alchemy
    05/05/05 - Resist Item
    00/00/03 - Wf Enhancements
    00/03/00 - Kensai

    30/27/26 - Sub

    04/04/04 - Greater Heroism

    34/31/30 - Total

    36/33/33 - In Water Stance (situationally Useful Only)


    020 - Heroic Durability
    016 - 02 Monk Levels
    140 - 18 Fighter Levels
    180 - Constitution Bonus
    020 - Minos Legens
    010 - Draconic Vitality
    045 - Shroud Item
    030 - Greater False Life

    461 - Total (w/ no toughness)

    armor Class:

    10 ---- Base
    02 (12) Composite Body
    07 (19) Dt Docent
    05 (24) Protection / Deflection
    04 (28) Insight (green Steel)
    01 (29) Alchemical
    03 (36) Dodge - Chattering Ring
    02 (38) Dodge - Chaosguards
    01 (39) Dodge - Feat
    08 (47) Dexterity
    07 (54) Wisdom

    54 Standing Ac

    03 (57) Natural Armor
    01 (58) Haste
    04 (62) Shield Clicky

    62 Total Self Buffed

    05 (67) Paladin +15 Aura
    02 (69) Recitation
    04 (73) Inspired Heroics
    02 (75) Ranger Barkskin

    75 "raid Party" Ac

    01 (76) Defender Of Syberis Paladin Aura

    76 "max" Ac

    01 (77) Centered
    01 (78) Stance
    02 (80) Defensive Fighting

    80 "Quarterstaff mode"
    (situationally useful?)

    19 - BaB
    16 - STR
    03 - WF, GWF, SWF
    02 - Luck
    07 - Morale
    05 - Weapon
    02 - Competance
    02 - Kensai

    56- Sub (52 w/out Surge or Attack Boost)

    -8 - Pwr Atk

    48- Total (44w/out Surge or Attack Boost)

    Stunning Blow

    10 - Base
    16 - STR
    02 - Ftr Enh
    01 - WF Enh
    10 - Weighted
    03 - Kensai

    45 - Total Stun
    (41 w/out Surge)
    For Skills I ate a +2 universal tome @ level 7 so I am able to get a good 11 or 12 points into spot and balance and throw a point in tumble and still have a couple to put into jump.

    - Fighter Attack Boost III ( 06/06)
    - Fighter Crit Accuracy III (06/12)
    - WF Damage Reduction III (12/24)
    - WF Great Weapon Aptitude III (06/30)
    - Fighter Strength III (12/42)
    - Fighter Kensai III ( 8/50)
    - Fighter Weapon Specialization II ( 3/53)
    - Kensai Weapon Mastery III ( 3/56)
    - WF Construct Thinking III (6/62)
    - Monk Wisdom I ( 2/64)
    - WF Healers' Friend I (2/66)

    This leaves only 14 points for Stunning Blow, Power attack, etc. I'm still working on the exact layout of the remaining enhancements but what I am currently toying with follows:

    - Fighter Haste Boost I (1/67)
    - WF Brute Figthing I (1/68)
    - WF Power Attack III (6/74)
    - WF Tactics I (2/76)
    - Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) II (3/79)
    - Monk Water Stance I (1/80)
    I could drop Power Attack to II, and gain 3 points which could put another point into Stunning Blow which is something I'm considering as a definate possibility. True rezzing a couple times ( groan ) and getting the additional +1's to hit would help this build I think, as the to-hit isn't as good as one of Shade's barbarians even when they have their +11 Power attack turned on. --- or there is always the fact that DR: 9/ada costs 6 action points less than DR: 10/ada... I'll just have to get to higher levels to really see what is going to be best. as I said above, I welcome feedback.
    Last edited by Ereshkigal; 12-10-2009 at 01:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    I'm curious what you mean by a meaninful AC, as I'm not seeing it. You have evasion, DR and good DPS, so I'm not knocking the build. I'm just doubtful the AC could be enough to be useful. I'd think instead of Dodge, Lightning reflex to boost your evasion would be better. What's your Reflex save?

    I have a Dwarf 2H Kensai/monk-splash myself and can totally see how the WF DR feats and PA enhancements would be great. The only advantage I see for Dwarves is the Spell Defense adding 5 to my saves, helping Evasion. If your WF didn't dump Dex that may not be an issue though.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ereshkigal View Post
    Here are the feats I've planned for my 2 monk / 18 Fighter (Kensai) THF build. With Enhancements gives you DR: 10/Adamantium while still having a meaningful AC at level 20, a stunning blow in high 40's, with saves in the low to mid 30's buffed.

    Standard Feats
    01 Improved Damage Reduction
    03 Improved Damage Reduction
    06 Improved Damage Reduction
    09 Improved Damage Reduction
    12 Improved Damage Reduction
    15 Improved Damage Reduction
    18 Improved Damage Reduction

    Fighter Feats
    01 THF
    02 Stunning Blow
    04 WF
    06 WS
    08 Improved Critical*
    10 GWF
    12 GWS
    14 ITHF*
    16 GTHF
    18 SWF

    * Could swap 8 & 14 without delaying PrE's.

    Monk Feats
    01 PA
    02 Dodge
    Curious to see what your starting stats and ac is
    Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.

  5. #5
    Community Member SolarDawning's Avatar
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    And if you really want DR without having to give anything up, why not barbarian (10/- DR just through enhancements by level 20), monk (10/epic DR at 20) or Favored Soul (10/Silver or 10/Cold Iron)

    You could go pure in any of those classes, and get the damage reduction without having to go to extremes for it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SolarDawning View Post
    And if you really want DR without having to give anything up, why not barbarian (10/- DR just through enhancements by level 20), monk (10/epic DR at 20) or Favored Soul (10/Silver or 10/Cold Iron)

    You could go pure in any of those classes, and get the damage reduction without having to go to extremes for it.
    I believe WF Favored Soul get 10/dr and stacks with wf dr, which they would get 15/dr adamantine
    Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.

  7. #7
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    I edited my original post and added some more numbers from the build, as well as some additional comments which I put in glorious yellow text.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SolarDawning View Post
    And if you really want DR without having to give anything up, why not barbarian (10/- DR just through enhancements by level 20), monk (10/epic DR at 20) or Favored Soul (10/Silver or 10/Cold Iron)

    You could go pure in any of those classes, and get the damage reduction without having to go to extremes for it.
    You're right that monks, barbs, and FvS also can get DR without giving up 7 feats, however, this kensai/monk still has 12 feats after it 'gives up' the 7 feats needed for damage reduction. 12 feats from this build > 7 feats for pure barbs & FvS, and 10 feats for pure monks.

    I only spoke of fighters, as that's what the OP was asking about (see quote below), not to mention this is the fighter forum. But you're absolutely correct that those other builds are viable ways ( both different & possibly better ways ) of achieving a build with Damage Reduction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zantul View Post
    I have always been a huge fan of DR. I hear there is a real tight spec for fighters that warforged can do. Anyone know anything about what feat are needed to have a high DR?
    Last edited by Ereshkigal; 12-09-2009 at 11:35 PM.

  9. #9
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Nice - it works.

    Maul is still better though - if your going for stunning blow...x3 crits after stunning and the higher base damage is worth a lot more than the attack speed and a bit of ac....dps wise that is.

    Good ac, evasion and static dr = lots of win.

    Sure a monk gets it too, but a monk isnt a fighter, for a fighter its looks great.

    A fvs would get 5 points higher say (or even a 20 dr if you took NO feats into anything else), but much lower ac and no evasion....tradeoff...

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