Well, to start off, my name is Justin. I run a Dwarf Fighter named Dhojur Kushbeard, along with a miriad of alts such a Caelthir the monk, Denethyr the ranger, and more. I like alts. I am also fairly new to Dungeons & Dragons Online.

Being new and also low level, what makes me think I am qualified to run a guild?

Well, I've played MMO's for at least 9 years starting with Everquest 1, and moving on to other MMO's over the years, WoW included and I've never really had as much fun as I have already had in DDO. I have played Dungeons&Dragons pencil&paper since AD&D (2nd ed.) and on up to 4th edition, and I feel like Turbine has created a wonderful MMO that captures the same fun of pencil&paper without all the inconvenience struggling to schedule a good playtime for everyone and keeping everyone on track and such.

I feel I want to tackle running a guild here because since DDO has gone Free2Play there has been an influx of new players, and I hope to gather the best of them and be able to experience this game at a new player's pace. To me, it's most fun playing this game in a group of people who are not only exploring and learning for the first time, but who also want to enjoy the D&D experience.

I also enjoy roleplaying. I am not such a great roleplayer that I have elaborate backstories and such, but it's fun to get in character and explore a dungeon now and then. We welcome roleplayers and non-roleplayers, provided they are willing to not disrupt those that choose to RP. We also plan to run perma-death groups.

In a nutshell, Stygian Syndicate is a guild for mature players, new or veteran, free or VIP, to enjoy the game together.

We're small and hoping to grow, but not too large, if you're interested shoot me a tell in game. Name's Dhojur.

www.stygian-syndicate.com for more info