Hi, i just viewed 2 y-tube reviews of this game and got thrilled and eager to test this game but after about 1-2 hrs of patching (downloader stopped.) and so on i finally installed it and now to the problem.
When i started it up everything worked fine, logged in and connected to Oria or something and yes it said that the server was up and i have also tried connecting to another server, First comes the cinematic and then it goes off to the screen with the copywright text, after that the arrow turns to a loading time glas and its been like that for about 20-30mins now, i guess it froze up on me again because i've tried this 3 times already and i havnt been able to minimize the game either even if i keep spamming ctrl + alt + del/esc or end..
Anyone here that knows what might be the problem here? im above the minimum req but not above the recommended yet it continues to freez at that page.
Oh, i have also checked my antivirus (Panda Express) and allowed 3 sections to gain both incomming and outcoming internet access so i dont think the problem is there.
A little info about my PC
Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GhZ
1 GiG Ram memory
over 7 Gigs free disk space
ATI Radeon 9200SE (Graphic Card) I dont know for sure but i think its something with 128mb.
This computer has worked without problem when playing EvE Online and WoW Wotlk so i dont really think my computer is to weak for this game, any sort of advice would be great, im almost considering to just uninstall this but im writing here as a last resort, im going to hit the sack for now but ill give it another go tomorrow, will probably reply here tomorrow if someone gives me a helping hand
Best regards!
/Nerd with NerdRage