Is more cookies!
The Jaggie Cookie Foundation has started up once more and there are many hopes that this years collection will knock the socks off last years 2008 collection.
Last year over 3200 cookies and cakes where donated by fellow player and/or gathered by the Jaggie. Has of right now 5948 cookies/cakes have already been collected, but she wants more. Her goal is to attempt to double last years number and that is why she be posting here now.
Anyone that would like to donate any unwanted cookies or cakes for the Jaggie Cookie Foundation please send these tasty little treats to Jaggie or Lillypetal on the Thelanis server. Your cookies and cakes will be added to the current 2009 count which will be updated every other day. ((Please no coal, twigs or sun flask. Her artificer told her she's not allowed to attempt to eat them anymore. No matter how tasty coal and sun flasks taste.)
As an added bonus, Jaggie is adding a chance for some lucky user, on the Thelanis server, to win 1 000 000 gold. Users on this thread may place a bet on how many cookies the Jaggie will have collected by the end of December. Who ever posts a bet closest to the actual amount of cookies collected wins.
Only one bet per forum name. If more than one player wins, the prize of 1 000 000 gold will be split equally between all winning parties. Donating cookies to the Jaggie is not required to participate but it is happily and most greedily accepted. (Note: these cookies are not actually eaten by Jaggie or her character but very often handed out as random gifts to people throughout the year.)
Current betting is closed.
Previous counts:
Dec1 - 561 Dec7 - 1800 Dec15 - 2682 Dec20 - 4107 Dec28 - 5244
Dec3 - 944 Dec8 - 1886 Dec16 - 3143 Dec21- 4255 Dec29- 5374
Dec4 - 1228 Dec10 - 2013 Dec17 - 3262 Dec23- 4385 Dec30 - 5681
Dec5 - 1349 Dec12 - 2401 Dec18 - 3454 Dec24- 4471 Dec31 - 5948
Dec6 - 1513 Dec13 - 2571 Dec19 - 3614 Dec26 - 4611
Current cookie count: 5948
Current bets:
adRyft - 2684
Hydra_ex - 2999.8
Club'in - 3942
DoctorWhofan - 4672
Trullea - 4700
Sirdanile - 5000
Enigma1122 - 5016
Ohjay_DD - 5738
Coldin - 6000
Jules921 - 7500
Dyer - 8645
Maxelcat - 9000
RTN- 9999
Ranagrande - 11691