I play with a regular group of RL friends who have all decided to roll up a set of new characters with a large percentage being Dwarven. There are already two Ranger-Hybrid builds, a Barb and a Pally in the works so I think I'd like to try out a Battlecleric and I think I'll keep to the Dwarven theme that's building (plus I do have a couple of good Axes hanging around). This will definitely not be a "finesse" party and probably won't make it beyond level 14 but let's not give up hope just yet.
Researching on the forums I have seen a lot of love/hate discussions, but very little in actual BC builds that take the new cap into account (and most of those have been Human Khopesh users). I have seen a couple of people post comments about 15/3/2 Cleric/Pally/Fighter Dwarven BC builds that they have played and liked but I can find no posted builds of this type.
I have played around in the character builder but I don't have enough experience yet to know what would be a good class/level progression for such a character. I was thinking something along the lines of:
32 point build
STR 15 (+1 Fighter Enh + 6 Item = 22 final)
DEX 16 (+1 Tome for GTWF)
CON 14 (+2 Dwarven Con Enh + 6 Item = 22 final)
INT 8 (?)
WIS 16 (+5 level ups + 3 Cleric Enh + 6 Item +2 1750 Fav tome = 32 final)
CHA 6 (?)
HP ~ 300 base
SP ~ 1300 base
Level Progression (and feat):
1 ~ cleric (Toughness)
2 ~ fighter (TWF)
3 ~ pali (OTWF)
4 ~ pali
5-6 ~ cleric (Mental Toughness or Extend)
7 ~ pali
8 ~ fighter (ITWF)
9-20 ~ cleric (Emp/Heal, Max, GTWF, Quicken)
I have access to 32 point builds which helps, but am trying to stay away from counting on too many Tomes so the stat increases are based just on the 5 ability increases, Enhancements and the Fav granted tomes (and the TP I have from Favor thus far).
Am I way off base here? If so, does anyone have a link to a build like this, or for those that are playing one could you perhaps post a brief build outline and some notes on your play experiences that I could take a look over?
Input appreciated.