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@TFPAQ - You were one of the posters I had seen mention the build so I'm glad you stopped in. So if I understand you correctly, you are saying that the caster BC performed better in non-epic level situations but wasn't focused enough to keep up the DPS against the end-game? I'm assuming that's because the spell DC still isn't high enough compared to pure caster clerics, but the melee isn't high enough either to contribue to a significant degree since we're dabbling on both sides of the fence?
I do plan on having Max, Emp and Quicken by 18. The feat slot at 6 is really the debatable one as I could see Extend, Mental Toughness, and perhaps Power Attack in there depending on the needs of the build.
That provides me with a bit of a conundrum then as I don't see doing a lot of epic adventuring on this character since I'm new to the game and I'm sure I'll make enough mistakes along the way to want to give him a redo of sorts. So if I shift 4 of my level ups into STR that would bring me to 26 STR, 28 WIS by end. Do you think this would be enough to contribue in both areas on the non-epic scale? I could increase STR to 16 by reducing CON to 12, but I think that might put me in the danger zone for survivability.