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  1. #1
    Community Member Sintwar's Avatar
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    Default Traps for trappers?

    As a pure rogue trapper/lock jockey, I find that I often feel useless, most notably when there is another multiclass player with 1 level of rogue, who can disarm, and perhaps use knock to open the doors/chests.

    I would like to see a feature added for pure rogue trappers, such as a feat or enhancement that would allow us to place and set powerful traps of our own anywhere we see fit.

    Perhaps a trap making enhancement available only to someone with rogue class level X with mechanic enhancements could acquire the enhancement to plant traps of different types and power. There could even be trap kits (something akin to thieves tools) for sale or as loot which would be used to make them.

    The types of traps would be the usual traps you see throughout any dungeon. Darts, spikes, blades, fire, frost, lightning, sonic, acid, and maybe a few cool new ones.

    The idea is that a rogue trapper would be capable of creating a gauntlet of traps which he/she could lure monsters through. Make the traps only last a few seconds after being triggered, and I imagine unable to harm the other players. Only allow x number of traps by that particular rogue to exist at a time, so if he has a max of 10 traps, sets up 10 traps, and one of them is triggered, he may now set a new one, and may disarm unused traps to allow for a new trap.

    This would add a new level of intrigue and usefulness for pure rogue trappers, besides just disarming and picking locks, not to mention add another fun element of strategy for the groups.

  2. #2
    Relic of the Last War
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    Very cool.

    Huge potential for abuse and over-power.

    I like it. Give it to us and then nerf it the next update.

    PS: Traps that cause things like blindness (temporarily) and such would make a lot of sense to implemetn. Damage-dealing traps wouldn't be effective at end-game (or shouldn't), but I could see them working in the earlier levels.

    PPS: Stuff like Caltrops (Slow), Pixie Trix (Lesser Blindness), Dagger in the Eye (Greater Blindness), Hamstring to the achilles (Greater Slow), Burning Oil (Fire-Damage Trap), Black Smoke (Miss-Chance + Disease Fort Check), Yellow Smoke (Miss-Chance + Nausea Fort Check), Red Smoke (Miss-Chance + -2 to attacks, saves & skill checks vs fort save ala itching powder), Green Smoke (Miss-Chance + Poison Fort Check), Blue Smoke (Miss-Chance + Affixiation 1d20 death per vorpal on living targets only @ level 20), White Smoke (Level 1 trap, Miss-Chance & 1d20 blindness chance).

    PPPS: Only 1 trap at a time.

    PPPPS: DC = Ingenuity Check = 1/2 Rogue Levels + Int vs 1d20 + Wis; OR Spot Check where DC = Rogue Levels + Int. Successful Spot means Monster does not trigger trap (but his friend behind him could fail & trigger it on both if still in range).

  3. #3
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    I like it too.

    At the moment, I can't think of any reason I'd ever make a Mechanic Rogue.

    This would give me that reason, because it'd be cool.


  4. #4
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    It's not like those mechanic rogues are overpowered atm. Giving them something so they are not laughed out of parties would not be a horrible idea.
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  5. #5
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    I think I've said it before, but this is already SORTA in place with the various spells like Glyph of Warding, and it's Greater version.

    Just create new clickies that are basically Glyph of Poison, Glyph of Darts, whatever. Basically, the mechanics are there for 'in place things that harm enemies' so I even think implementing a system of Mechanic clickies would be fairly easy to do, on the grand scale of things. Regardless, at the very LEAST, give the Mechanics clickies of existing Glyph spells.
    Last edited by rimble; 12-04-2009 at 11:12 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Maxelcat's Avatar
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    totaly signed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Hireling: "Oh god, you're in trouble!" *heal fail* "Oh god, you're still in trouble!!" *heal fail* "Nooooo I will save you!!!" *heal fail* etc. but to the player, it just looked like the hireling was standing there staring off into space. He's not staring...he's thinking...REALLY hard.

  7. #7
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    First off, rogue is the most useful class in the game. Most of the quests in the game have traps that you cannot avoid, and even with elemental damage reduction from two different spells, most traps will kill you on elite. It's the only class that cannot be replaced by anything else. At lower levels, somebody that grabs a level in rogue might be somewhat useful, but near and above level 10, only a true rogue will do.

    Having said that, I do like the idea of being able to set up traps without the use of magic. Would definitely help rogues get more damage in, due to the mechanics of the game,etc. (Only quests I've done so far where I get more kills that the somebody other than the healer is Kobald Assault and Gladewatch Outpost, given that the tank stands still.)

  8. #8
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midragoth View Post
    At lower levels, somebody that grabs a level in rogue might be somewhat useful, but near and above level 10, only a true rogue will do.
    Wiz with rogue splashed will usually have a higher search/disable than a pure rogue. Many other classes beside wiz work well too, mostly bard and ranger. These builds are usually well planned tho.

    A fighter with 8 int that splashes 1 or 2 rogue levels at level 4 or so because he thinks its cool...will suck

  9. #9
    Community Member Sintwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    Very cool.
    PS: Traps that cause things like blindness (temporarily) and such would make a lot of sense to implemetn. Damage-dealing traps wouldn't be effective at end-game (or shouldn't), but I could see them working in the earlier levels.

    PPS: Stuff like Caltrops (Slow), Pixie Trix (Lesser Blindness), Dagger in the Eye (Greater Blindness), Hamstring to the achilles (Greater Slow), Burning Oil (Fire-Damage Trap), Black Smoke (Miss-Chance + Disease Fort Check), Yellow Smoke (Miss-Chance + Nausea Fort Check), Red Smoke (Miss-Chance + -2 to attacks, saves & skill checks vs fort save ala itching powder), Green Smoke (Miss-Chance + Poison Fort Check), Blue Smoke (Miss-Chance + Affixiation 1d20 death per vorpal on living targets only @ level 20), White Smoke (Level 1 trap, Miss-Chance & 1d20 blindness chance).
    Awesome ideas!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    PPPS: Only 1 trap at a time.
    No way! I would say maybe 5 traps at a time. 10 may be a bit excessive, but 1 would be too minimal. Think for example the way traps are set up in Gwylan's Stand. They are spread across a strip to ensure that whoever crosses that path, will get hit by it. The spikes on the steps, the force going up the big stairs, the 5 or 6 spinning blades at the bottom of the ramp in the dungeon.

    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    I think I've said it before, but this is already SORTA in place with the various spells like Glyph of Warding, and it's Greater version.

    Just create new clickies that are basically Glyph of Poison, Glyph of Darts, whatever. Basically, the mechanics are there for 'in place things that harm enemies' so I even think implementing a system of Mechanic clickies would be fairly easy to do, on the grand scale of things. Regardless, at the very LEAST, give the Mechanics clickies of existing Glyph spells.
    I would still rather be able to set up actual mechanical based traps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midragoth View Post
    At lower levels, somebody that grabs a level in rogue might be somewhat useful, but near and above level 10, only a true rogue will do.
    I have been out rogued at level 13 by a rogue 1 / wiz 12. It was quite annoying. Especially since he was not only capable of finding and disarming anything that I could, but also of casting powerful spells. He was running ahead, torching a room and then disarming everything before I could even get to it, it literally made me useless. Especially since I am a pure trapper rogue, with only minimal investments in sneak attack. I couldn't hurt the mobs, and I couldn't disarm anything, because they were already disarmed.

    Having said that, I am not really complaining about multis being able to disarm. I'm just saying that if powerful wizards, bards, etc. are allowed to be capable of superior magic/damage AND be able to do my job, I should at least have the option to be able to concoct my own powerful and useful means for killing (and making myself useful).

    Also, at anything below elite, people just consider dungeon traps to be more of a pest than a problem, effectively making me useless again in all but elite quests.
    Last edited by Sintwar; 12-08-2009 at 09:41 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sintwar View Post
    As a pure rogue trapper/lock jockey, I find that I often feel useless, most notably when there is another multiclass player with 1 level of rogue, who can disarm, and perhaps use knock to open the doors/chests.

    This would add a new level of intrigue and usefulness for pure rogue trappers, besides just disarming and picking locks, not to mention add another fun element of strategy for the groups.
    Quote Originally Posted by Midragoth View Post
    Having said that, I do like the idea of being able to set up traps without the use of magic. Would definitely help rogues get more damage in, due to the mechanics of the game,etc. (Only quests I've done so far where I get more kills that the somebody other than the healer is Kobald Assault and Gladewatch Outpost, given that the tank stands still.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Sintwar View Post
    I have been out rogued at level 13 by a rogue 1 / wiz 12. It was quite annoying. Especially since he was not only capable of finding and disarming anything that I could, but also of casting powerful spells. He was running ahead, torching a room and then disarming everything before I could even get to it, it literally made me useless. Especially since I am a pure trapper rogue, with only minimal investments in sneak attack. I couldn't hurt the mobs, and I couldn't disarm anything, because they were already disarmed.

    Having said that, I am not really complaining about multis being able to disarm. I'm just saying that if powerful wizards, bards, etc. are allowed to be capable of superior magic/damage AND be able to do my job, I should at least have the option to be able to concoct my own powerful and useful means for killing (and making myself useful).
    This is the big misconception new players have about rogues, that they are there to disarm traps and nothing else. With sneak attack and backstab, rogues have the potential to be some of the highest damage dealers in the game. You know how many times I've seen a well-built rogue take aggro from the main tank? You guys are seriously underestimating and gimping the class with thinking such as this.

    There are maybe half a dozen traps in the game that require the skills of a pure "trap monkey", and they either go to optionals or are easily circumvented. For the vast majority of game content, you shouldn't *need* maxed out enhancements and feats like Nimble Fingers. Just max out your skills at every level, make sure you have level-appropriate gear for search, disable, etc. You don't need to max out DEX and INT either; if you really need them, buy Fox's Cunning or Cat's Grace potions, get House P favor and use those buffs, or get some stat items. You'll need those extra build points in things like CON so you can handle a couple hits if you do pull aggro. Your feats should be in things like Weapon Finesse, the TWF line, Toughness, etc. That way you can be a useful part of the party even when there aren't any traps to be done.

    Please realize the full potential of the class before you pigeon-hole it into one task.

    *deep breath*

    Having said all that, it would be neat if rogues could not only disable traps but set up their own; it could come in especially useful if you could set crowd-control traps like stun traps or blindness traps or fog traps (mimicking spells like Soundburst, Glitterdust, or Solid Fog).
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  11. #11
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    My only question about gaining the ability to set traps would be this: How would it fit into the game?

    Yes, while cool, it would not fit too well with the pace of the game beyond when a Rogue solos something. Most groups barely have the time to let the Rogue disable a trap - let alone set one and draw things into it. Ever play a Bard who tries to use Fascinate?

    Don't get me wrong - I love the idea. I'm just not seeing how it'd be worth the Dev time to implement since I think it would soon be an ignored ability - and one more bone of contention for the forums to argue about (They Wont Let Me Set Traps vs. Why Bother, It Just Slows Us Down).

    I think if Rogues really needed an ability akin to this - give each PrE some form of minor Crowd Control that they could use on a timer.

    Mechanic- Caltrops. Monsters are Slowed on a failed Reflex save.
    Assassin- Blinding Powder. Glitterdust with a shorter duration
    Acrobat- Oil Slick. Grease with a shorter duration.

    This would be akin to setting a trap w/o the trap needing to be stationary - and would fit easily into the PrEs.

    But - do Rogues really need this or the ability to set traps? I'm not sure...
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  12. #12
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sintwar View Post
    No way! I would say maybe 5 traps at a time. 10 may be a bit excessive, but 1 would be too minimal. Think for example the way traps are set up in Gwylan's Stand. They are spread across a strip to ensure that whoever crosses that path, will get hit by it. The spikes on the steps, the force going up the big stairs, the 5 or 6 spinning blades at the bottom of the ramp in the dungeon.
    My rebuttle to this is that 5 traps at a time would be akin to a sorcerer that can firewall all day long with no consequences. Too powerful. A rogue could sprint away, set another trap, and continue on harassing monsters by dragging them through traps - especially if the traps were even a little effective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    My only question about gaining the ability to set traps would be this: How would it fit into the game?

    Yes, while cool, it would not fit too well with the pace of the game beyond when a Rogue solos something. Most groups barely have the time to let the Rogue disable a trap - let alone set one and draw things into it. Ever play a Bard who tries to use Fascinate?

    Don't get me wrong - I love the idea. I'm just not seeing how it'd be worth the Dev time to implement since I think it would soon be an ignored ability - and one more bone of contention for the forums to argue about (They Wont Let Me Set Traps vs. Why Bother, It Just Slows Us Down).

    I think if Rogues really needed an ability akin to this - give each PrE some form of minor Crowd Control that they could use on a timer.

    Mechanic- Caltrops. Monsters are Slowed on a failed Reflex save.
    Assassin- Blinding Powder. Glitterdust with a shorter duration
    Acrobat- Oil Slick. Grease with a shorter duration.

    This would be akin to setting a trap w/o the trap needing to be stationary - and would fit easily into the PrEs.

    But - do Rogues really need this or the ability to set traps? I'm not sure...
    I do agree with the crowd control idea (and you pinned them pretty well to the build too!), but I think the Mechanic could get away with extra trap-building (he's a mechanic master after all, right?) Some groups may want to use it (or a guy that wants to solo) and can have the option. I wouldn't claim that all rogues need it, but the Master Mechanic could use some love. I think the savvy rogue may still find a way to use a quick trap -- even in the zergiest of groups there are brief moments of pause.

  13. #13
    Community Member Sintwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirea View Post
    Please realize the full potential of the class before you pigeon-hole it into one task.
    I have 3 rogues as of today. My first rogue I wanted to to be an assassin, and I rolled him with stats mostly for that role. I quickly learned though that most of the time people want a trapper when they invite / allow a rogue into their group. I found this out the hard way, when I was getting reamed for not being able to disarm traps. So I changed his enhancements and a few feats to specialize in trapping. Unfortunately, his stats were made for DPS, so his int and wis are still pretty low, causing him to fail at spotting, searching and disarming, even on at level quests, with +10 items equipped.

    From that point, I made 2 new rogues. One who is a pure trapper/unlocker with high dex, int and wis who never fails on spotting, finding and disarming traps. He does have some sneak attack (which is just granted to all rogues), but he is a complete wimp. He has everything invested in spotting, searching and disarming. (Don't tell me spot is useless once you know the dungeons, I have heard it, and I still like being able to spot them (just in case)) The point is, because I have completely optimized him to be a trapper / unlocker, there is literally no more room for DPS enhancements, at least not up to level 13 or so.

    On that note, I have also created a DPS/UMD only rogue, who cannot find or disarm traps at all. In fact, he only has 8 int and wis. With this char, I am careful to inform anyone before I join a group that my guy is a fighter (DPS), and if they need a trapper, to make sure they get one of those too. 9 times out of 10, I don't hear from them again, and they don't send an invite, so most of the time, I start my own groups with that guy, and make sure I have a trapper in the group. I have even had a few people join the group, and then leave "because we have 2 rogues"... Ignorant I know, but it is the world we play in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    My only question about gaining the ability to set traps would be this: How would it fit into the game?

    Yes, while cool, it would not fit too well with the pace of the game beyond when a Rogue solos something. Most groups barely have the time to let the Rogue disable a trap - let alone set one and draw things into it. Ever play a Bard who tries to use Fascinate?

    Don't get me wrong - I love the idea. I'm just not seeing how it'd be worth the Dev time to implement since I think it would soon be an ignored ability - and one more bone of contention for the forums to argue about (They Wont Let Me Set Traps vs. Why Bother, It Just Slows Us Down).

    Many times I have had a group ask that I not disarm a trap yet, so that we can lure some mobs through it. I have seen this method being used just about anywhere there is a trap, and a group of tough mobs right after it.

    I have been in many many groups that take a fairly slow approach, and only a handful of groups where people are moving so fast, they don't even bother to stop for the existing traps. And I can guarantee you that when the group is standing there making a plan as to how we are going to take on the next room, a rogue speaking up and saying "I can lay down a few traps to slow them down and weaken them up a bit" would be quite welcome, useful and strategic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post

    But - do Rogues really need this or the ability to set traps? I'm not sure...
    Do casters really need firewall? Do healers really need bless? Do tanks really need intimidate?... Not really, but they are useful none the less, and people do appreciate the fact that they have them and put them to good use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    My rebuttle to this is that 5 traps at a time would be akin to a sorcerer that can firewall all day long with no consequences. Too powerful. A rogue could sprint away, set another trap, and continue on harassing monsters by dragging them through traps - especially if the traps were even a little effective.
    There can be a restriction that only allows them to make 10 or so traps before they have to rest again. I think that would work out great.

    Also, I have seen casters using firewall in every fight throughout a dungeon. They may have had to quaff a few mana pots to pull it off, but they are fully capable of casting firewall all day long. Perhaps repair pots can be used to refresh the current number of traps that can be set without having to rest. repair light grants 1, moderate grants 3, serious grants 5. Or something to that effect. Or maybe light:1 moderate:2 serious:3 or whatever makes it balanced.

    And perhaps each type of trap may require more than 1 trap use, or the lethality of the trap might be determined by how many trap points are used.

    There are all kinds of ways to balance this out, and still make it useful.

  14. #14
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sintwar View Post
    There can be a restriction that only allows them to make 10 or so traps before they have to rest again. I think that would work out great.

    Also, I have seen casters using firewall in every fight throughout a dungeon. They may have had to quaff a few mana pots to pull it off, but they are fully capable of casting firewall all day long. Perhaps repair pots can be used to refresh the current number of traps that can be set without having to rest. repair light grants 1, moderate grants 3, serious grants 5. Or something to that effect. Or maybe light:1 moderate:2 serious:3 or whatever makes it balanced.

    And perhaps each type of trap may require more than 1 trap use, or the lethality of the trap might be determined by how many trap points are used.

    There are all kinds of ways to balance this out, and still make it useful.
    That's why I didn't cite firewall casters using mnemonics -- that's a big cost to keep that ability going strong (quaffing the potions).

    However, I do like the XX traps per rest, gain at rest OR X option. Change the option from repair pots though because those are not anywhere equal to mnemonic costs, or the traps better be really watered down (at which point,why bother, right?). Instead, make something like Trap Kits which can be picked up or purchased in the DDO Store. Apply the same idea -- Lesser, Greater, Major, Perfect, etc to the Trap Kit as an instant reassimilation of Trap Ability.

    Another option to this is create a "Trap Power" bar which is like mana bar, but not anywhere as inflated. The rogue could set the power of traps from their pool and use X-points on any given trap. The Trap Kits would replenish the supplies (the trap pool).

    For instance, they could make a really powerful level 6 * 300% effectiveness trap at level 18, or they could make a double-powered level 12 * 200% trap for the same cost.

  15. #15
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    without having read anything beyond the op, I'd like to point out (though I dont think I have to) the fact that rogues get great pre's. The ability to assassinate and the immunity to slippery surfaces is nothing to shake a stick at and cant be gained with just 1 level...... or even 6. Not to mention improved evasion and crippling strike. Even if a slash class can hit a specific DC a rogue just does it better under more varied situations.

    Gonna go back and read the rest and may edit/add later

    sirea hit the nail on the head and pretty much said it all

    but to sintwar I think the disconnect comes in the thought that a rogue must be either a trap monkey or an assassin when in fact he can be both. A rogue being able to work traps is like a fighter being able to connect with a swing, you class is already built for it so its hard to be bad at it, you can build with another purpose in mind and still be good at traps.

    My rogues highest attribute is charisma, he fights well, he tanks with confidence, he has mastered all the charisma skills and he has never ever failed to disable a trap.
    Last edited by captain1z; 12-10-2009 at 06:37 PM.
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  16. #16
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    I like that rogues get two other awesome PrEs, but I don't like how it's the same sort of situation: every ranger takes Tempest and hardly ever do I see an Arcane Archer of a Deepwood Sniper. It really does bother me that most rogues are either Assassins or Acrobats, with Mechanic being almost useless.

    I would really like to see something to make Mechanic useful. Perhaps the enhancement line should give the rogue abilities to bypass the Fortification of only constucts to varying degrees. Each level could increase that by 10% (unless the level 3 of Mechanic will never come in, in which case it should be 15% per level).

    Also, instead of setting up traps, mechanics could instead get a new type of ingredient (perhaps called Trap Parts) each time they successfully disarm a trap. The mechanic could then use these Trap Parts to say throw a Poison Grenade, or a Fire Grenade, or a Sonic Grenade (for stunning) and others. They wouldn't be able to mass-spam these since each one would use up a Trap Part, but it would give incentive for some people to actually disarm traps (not all though).

    Also, since a Mechanic could farm Trap Parts in quests with a lot of Traps, like in the Liar of Summoning, and these abilities would be near-instant, so that it'd be useful in combat and wouldn't require time to set-up and kiting (which would annoy PuGs).

  17. #17
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    To be honest if a mechanic 3 rogue could disarm and then move any trap he wanted - rogues would be demanded in elite and epic runs.

    Step 1. Disarm and pickup elite spike trap that does 1000 per failed save.

    Step 2. Place it on door with meanies all over the other side.

    Step 3. Open door and watch them all get impaled
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sintwar View Post
    As a pure rogue trapper/lock jockey, I find that I often feel useless, most notably when there is another multiclass player with 1 level of rogue, who can disarm, and perhaps use knock to open the doors/chests.

    I would like to see a feature added for pure rogue trappers, such as a feat or enhancement that would allow us to place and set powerful traps of our own anywhere we see fit.

    Perhaps a trap making enhancement available only to someone with rogue class level X with mechanic enhancements could acquire the enhancement to plant traps of different types and power. There could even be trap kits (something akin to thieves tools) for sale or as loot which would be used to make them.

    The types of traps would be the usual traps you see throughout any dungeon. Darts, spikes, blades, fire, frost, lightning, sonic, acid, and maybe a few cool new ones.

    The idea is that a rogue trapper would be capable of creating a gauntlet of traps which he/she could lure monsters through. Make the traps only last a few seconds after being triggered, and I imagine unable to harm the other players. Only allow x number of traps by that particular rogue to exist at a time, so if he has a max of 10 traps, sets up 10 traps, and one of them is triggered, he may now set a new one, and may disarm unused traps to allow for a new trap.

    This would add a new level of intrigue and usefulness for pure rogue trappers, besides just disarming and picking locks, not to mention add another fun element of strategy for the groups.
    I have heard rumbling about changes that may be made to the Mechanic prestige class for rogues. Perhaps they are just rumors, but I will share it here anyway...

    I've heard that Mechanic Rogues will be able to salvage parts from the traps they disable, and that they will be able to later combine (stone of change?) those parts into area of effect weapons that do either sonic, fire, ice, force, acid, electric, or poison damage.

    has anyone else heard anything similar?

  19. #19
    Community Member Sintwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    That's why I didn't cite firewall casters using mnemonics -- that's a big cost to keep that ability going strong (quaffing the potions).

    However, I do like the XX traps per rest, gain at rest OR X option. Change the option from repair pots though because those are not anywhere equal to mnemonic costs, or the traps better be really watered down (at which point,why bother, right?). Instead, make something like Trap Kits which can be picked up or purchased in the DDO Store. Apply the same idea -- Lesser, Greater, Major, Perfect, etc to the Trap Kit as an instant reassimilation of Trap Ability.

    Another option to this is create a "Trap Power" bar which is like mana bar, but not anywhere as inflated. The rogue could set the power of traps from their pool and use X-points on any given trap. The Trap Kits would replenish the supplies (the trap pool).

    For instance, they could make a really powerful level 6 * 300% effectiveness trap at level 18, or they could make a double-powered level 12 * 200% trap for the same cost.
    Sounds good to me! Something like that would also allow you to scale for the situation, using weaker but less draining traps on avergae mobs, and/or conserving enough to really knock the hell out of a boss.

    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    but to sintwar I think the disconnect comes in the thought that a rogue must be either a trap monkey or an assassin when in fact he can be both. A rogue being able to work traps is like a fighter being able to connect with a swing, you class is already built for it so its hard to be bad at it, you can build with another purpose in mind and still be good at traps.

    My rogues highest attribute is charisma, he fights well, he tanks with confidence, he has mastered all the charisma skills and he has never ever failed to disable a trap.
    I have 2 primary rogues right now.
    1: DPS/UMD, he has high dex and cha, mid str and con, and low int and wis. All of his skills, feats and enhancements are geared toward sneak attacking / killing, and has taken the assassin PrE's. He cannot disarm if his life depended on it, but he is by far the most lethal member of just about any party he joins.

    2: Pure trapper, he has high Dex, int and wis, with mid con, and low str and cha. He can do ok damage with sneak attack, but for the most part, he isn't much use in battle, especially when it usually takes only 1 or 2 hits for him to die. And I like him that way. He can spot, find and disarm any trap and unlock any door/chest with a 100% guarantee, even on quests 3-4 levels higher than his level. Every single skill, feat and enhancement spent on him, has been invested in spotting, searching, disarming and unlocking, including the mechanic PrE. The point is, I don't want him to be a front line fighter. He is a trapper, and that is what I enjoy doing with him. When I am in the mood for the up-close in your face fighting/assassination, I get my rogue who is optimized for exactly that, and leave the trapping to someone else who has those skills.

    Quote Originally Posted by AylinIsAwesome View Post
    I like that rogues get two other awesome PrEs, but I don't like how it's the same sort of situation: every ranger takes Tempest and hardly ever do I see an Arcane Archer of a Deepwood Sniper. It really does bother me that most rogues are either Assassins or Acrobats, with Mechanic being almost useless.

    I would really like to see something to make Mechanic useful. Perhaps the enhancement line should give the rogue abilities to bypass the Fortification of only constucts to varying degrees. Each level could increase that by 10% (unless the level 3 of Mechanic will never come in, in which case it should be 15% per level).

    Also, instead of setting up traps, mechanics could instead get a new type of ingredient (perhaps called Trap Parts) each time they successfully disarm a trap. The mechanic could then use these Trap Parts to say throw a Poison Grenade, or a Fire Grenade, or a Sonic Grenade (for stunning) and others. They wouldn't be able to mass-spam these since each one would use up a Trap Part, but it would give incentive for some people to actually disarm traps (not all though).

    Also, since a Mechanic could farm Trap Parts in quests with a lot of Traps, like in the Liar of Summoning, and these abilities would be near-instant, so that it'd be useful in combat and wouldn't require time to set-up and kiting (which would annoy PuGs).
    I do like the idea of collecting trap parts from disarmed traps, but I don't know about grenades. heh Do they have grenades in D&D? :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    To be honest if a mechanic 3 rogue could disarm and then move any trap he wanted - rogues would be demanded in elite and epic runs.

    Step 1. Disarm and pickup elite spike trap that does 1000 per failed save.

    Step 2. Place it on door with meanies all over the other side.

    Step 3. Open door and watch them all get impaled

    Even if we were able to just assemble high power traps without "moving them", the same would be true. Even if the traps only weakened the mobs as they rushed through a door, it would still be very helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ereshkigal View Post
    I have heard rumbling about changes that may be made to the Mechanic prestige class for rogues. Perhaps they are just rumors, but I will share it here anyway...

    I've heard that Mechanic Rogues will be able to salvage parts from the traps they disable, and that they will be able to later combine (stone of change?) those parts into area of effect weapons that do either sonic, fire, ice, force, acid, electric, or poison damage.

    has anyone else heard anything similar?
    I have not heard anything like this, but I would use it if it came out. :P I would still really like the ability to set a few traps in a narrow corridor/doorway, and throw a dagger or two to lure them through it. Especially in situations where the group is having problems clearing a room.

  20. #20
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ereshkigal View Post
    I have heard rumbling about changes that may be made to the Mechanic prestige class for rogues. Perhaps they are just rumors, but I will share it here anyway...

    I've heard that Mechanic Rogues will be able to salvage parts from the traps they disable, and that they will be able to later combine (stone of change?) those parts into area of effect weapons that do either sonic, fire, ice, force, acid, electric, or poison damage.

    has anyone else heard anything similar?
    I'd chalk that one up to pure rumor. Seems way to powerful for one PrE of one class...
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