Who are we?
We are a guild that has been playing together for over 3 years in Europe on the server Devourer. Some of us have now taken the step over to play on the US server Orien and start over fresh.
The guild language used is English but we have other nationalities in the guild aswell. We play on GMT +0 - +2 hours. (Time zone for England, and central Europe)
We are a mixed bunch of like minded people, male and female, with a age range of 19-60
What are we about?
We are the friendly people you want to quest with and talk to in guild chat. We never leave a team member behind in a quest and we are too stupid to give up even when the odds are stacked against us.
What`s in it for me?
As a member you can expect friends to talk to and play with. When we all get up in level we are going to start raids.
If you are a new player and have lots of questions we are about ten veterans that has been around in the game for a long time. We can help you with questions about builds, items etc.
How do i join?
Contact any member of Crusaders of Justice on Orien server and you will be directed to an officer of the guild.
The first two weeks you will be in guild on a try out basis. After two weeks both you and us should be able to feel if we like each other.
You can also take a sneak peek at our guild website here:
See you in Stormreach
Laruanna - guild leader Crusaders of Justice