Yesterday i just picked a VoD lfm, which needed an intimidator. Grabbed that, ok it’s fine on normal, i improved well my intimidation since the last one on normal (55 with GH atm). First of all i’m sorry about when i just misunderstood something on that lfm, who knows…
Well. What turned out? It will be mostly a "so called uber guild" raid even the lfm not really said anything about that and i was too lazy to just check the tag, and was in hurry a bit. Ofc we entered on Hard-> failed my intimidate on 1-2-3, because still not really prepared for that, and some of you guys should know how hard to equip a combined tank without any proper raiding guild… But you just easily judge behind your ‘1button simple’ guildpimped fotm erhm… builds………*thumb down*
Honestly, i not really like some of them and their dumb arrogance, and opinion about builds; here’s why:
- forgot where has been started and how
- group builds versus my allaround (PvE,PvP,completionist,soloist,lowmanist,self-sufficient) opinion-> rolling a minmaxed barb or sorc or fvs or cle honestly not a big deal! Pump the main attribute to max (str for barb for example), pump the con too on casters/cle types and get the guild for the high end loot in 1 month. Congrats dudes, you are really uber, im so jealous!*sarcasm*
All i can say i not really thinking about just how to beat any raid with a group full with “one shot ponies”. The game itself give more opportunity for me to make better toons compared with the so called *team builds*
- about professionalism: when you judging me gimp because i wear a shield too (still miss my +12 ac for proper 2wf tanking<raidloot), and because i missed 3 intimidate score for Sally hard; and i rolled again this one apr. since 1 month in US (parallel with pimping my gf and my fiancée there!); you cant be serious that i should have all options and items which i need for my build… The GOAL is (explain for the short minded ones): 5 different mode (2wf dps, s&b ac, full guard, anti caster, rogue), 74-75 unbuffed ac, tons of guards (yes i will be available to decrease my ac radically, because of the nearly perfect gear setup), more than 150 crit dmg on khopesh unbuffed when go to 2wf mode, apr. 55search/55dd, enough open lock to do all locks, 42 umd, 35-40 saves, 62 intimidate+hate aggro (when fix), 40 balance, 38/28/30/22/20/14 stats (with +2 tomes), fire/cold absorb full line, 48(block)-68(defiance)-78(titan) block dr, full spectrum of different gadgets etc. (it will be around 6month, depends on my RL. Yes i have!)
So not really professional judging sby about his/her build because still not get all of the stuff/don’t know all of the tactic in the US server, and just not really understand your ‘commands’(?)…and not so wise. Otherwise guild-slaves are pathetic there, just really can poison a game/ all of the fuss about who complete what 1st…
Dudes, i could list your members mistakes too, what did on some of my lfm-s…
Erhm about demands…
So, pls guys don’t forget to sign on lfm, that you are "so called uber guild"&friends when you moving again for any raid even i forgot to examine that (sorry in advance). Thanks for some of the completions, but i really not enjoy the raiding with you by the different opinions and some different ’standards’ amongst you (you can’t realize always harder to do stuffs alone than in a ‘pimped’ group and endless resources). Easier to just BLACKLIST me (if you still not did), so can avoid the similar problem in the future.Thats all.
Thanks in advance, and good luck!
And thanks to my friends for the patience and the well deserved common success ’sometimes’!
Hope you still enjoy the game!