I know this subject has been brought up before however, I have not seen a Guild response therefore, I will respond from the Rogue’s Guild. In addition, I would like to present a suggestion for a solution...
I frequently see people inquiring about a place to store their stuff and the responses to the inquiry are usually “get a bank account”. Unfortunately, that cost turbine points but this solves the problem of storage. Alternatively, you can get VIP status but this cost a monthly fee. Either way, you are paying some sort of “fee”. This has been a downfall for a lot of online games.
If a person goes out and spends the turbine points to get a Guild started then DDO should offer the option of renting a Guild house with plat each month. This should include storage, offer quicker rest time then the bars and you should be able to receive mail there. Any one in your Guild should be able to put what they want in but only Officers and Guild leaders should be able to get stuff out. Leaving a percentage of copper, gold or plat would be a nice way for Guilds to get members to help with the rent. If a Guild wants to add a training area in their house then rent should go up accordingly. Rent should also be based on what part of town the Guild is in. Guilds should be the only one to drop a member. If a member wants to leave, that member needs to let the Guild know and not just drop out. Any members in the Guild should get a 10% bonus to armor and health.
I think this would not only be a boon to the Guilds but also to DDO. Let’s make DDO a place to live for our Guilds toon's and not just a game. In the long run, DDO will see more plat coming their way. Finally, this should increase Guilds policing themselves. If a Guild member gets out of control the Guild is more likely to control the situation.
I would like a response from all Guilds if possible. I would also appreciate any staff member or admin from DDO or Turbine to respond
check this out b4 you leabve any answer