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  1. #1
    Community Member gordgray's Avatar
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    Default Guilds and DDO ?

    I know this subject has been brought up before however, I have not seen a Guild response therefore, I will respond from the Rogue’s Guild. In addition, I would like to present a suggestion for a solution...

    I frequently see people inquiring about a place to store their stuff and the responses to the inquiry are usually “get a bank account”. Unfortunately, that cost turbine points but this solves the problem of storage. Alternatively, you can get VIP status but this cost a monthly fee. Either way, you are paying some sort of “fee”. This has been a downfall for a lot of online games.

    If a person goes out and spends the turbine points to get a Guild started then DDO should offer the option of renting a Guild house with plat each month. This should include storage, offer quicker rest time then the bars and you should be able to receive mail there. Any one in your Guild should be able to put what they want in but only Officers and Guild leaders should be able to get stuff out. Leaving a percentage of copper, gold or plat would be a nice way for Guilds to get members to help with the rent. If a Guild wants to add a training area in their house then rent should go up accordingly. Rent should also be based on what part of town the Guild is in. Guilds should be the only one to drop a member. If a member wants to leave, that member needs to let the Guild know and not just drop out. Any members in the Guild should get a 10% bonus to armor and health.

    I think this would not only be a boon to the Guilds but also to DDO. Let’s make DDO a place to live for our Guilds toon's and not just a game. In the long run, DDO will see more plat coming their way. Finally, this should increase Guilds policing themselves. If a Guild member gets out of control the Guild is more likely to control the situation.

    I would like a response from all Guilds if possible. I would also appreciate any staff member or admin from DDO or Turbine to respond

    check this out b4 you leabve any answer
    Last edited by gordgray; 12-07-2009 at 06:25 PM. Reason: check this out b4 you leabve any answer
    The Rogues Guild - Sarlona
    How did that get in here? Hay give that back O that’s yours? Sorry
    Gordgray Gord of gray Hawk Rogues do it from behind

  2. #2
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    Gord has a great idea here, and I think we should bombard this forum with player's, but especially guild leader's, replies to show DDO that this has real merit and a large following. Rentable guild houses would make guilds much more inviting, and could help to secure a real in game environment where guild members could meet, confer, and train which would only make the DDO experience that much more appealing. Let's get guild houses on the DDO radar!

  3. #3
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    Thumbs up

    This is an outstanding idea. In terms of programming, there really only needs to be one massive guild house. If you approach the house and click on the door while not in a guild, it can just say, "You are not in a guild." If you are in a guild, then you enter and will see guild members from your specific guild inside. In other words, the coding is similar to how an instance or quest works when you're in a party. As you enter Korthos Island or Ataraxia, you only see the people from your party there.

    Otherwise, we'd be talking about a massive new portion of the game that would have to be created. However, to liven things up a bit, maybe there could be multiple guild houses added of varying sizes and expenses.

    The most magnificent guild house could have a port and a ship that'll take you almost anywhere. You could spirit bind at the guild and it might even have a rest shrine in it.

    Maybe there could be an award wall that features the name of top characters...and if you're a really great player the guild house is coded to have paintings or statues up of you in certain areas.

  4. #4
    Community Member dickie's Avatar
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    Default Great Idea

    I know i would have no problem payin some plat for a guild house to store stuff and what not. I say put it on the fast track right along with half orc
    gandorf sorc 20 gandorft bard 13 DougW clr 4 Slyfinger 12 wiz/rog and others

  5. #5
    Community Member Maxelcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Hireling: "Oh god, you're in trouble!" *heal fail* "Oh god, you're still in trouble!!" *heal fail* "Nooooo I will save you!!!" *heal fail* etc. but to the player, it just looked like the hireling was standing there staring off into space. He's not staring...he's thinking...REALLY hard.

  6. #6
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    Reading Enkisamael's post made me realize just how easy this would be from a programmer's perspective. Creating a common room like a tavern, with personal guild "storage lockers" shouldn't be difficult at all, and each guild would just get it's own instance of the guild house so only members of the guild could enter. In that respect it wouldn't be any different from barring someone from entering a quest because they didn't pay, or because they never received the opener. There could be a few different levels of guild houses depending on how much platinum the guild is willing to pay in monthly rent. The better the guild, the better the house. Higher cost houses could have more storage, and maybe even their own personal brokers or auction houses. Adding a general vendor, and a barkeep to each guild house shouldn't be difficult either because those NPC programs are already established, and have protocols all over. Maybe even the really expensive guilds could have their own PvP arenas inside, where guild members could train with each other on team based combat. The differences between the houses would be directly related to how much platinum a guild could get in a collective lockbox from their members. Regardless, even the smallest of guilds could have a small house with a small amount of storage, just so they had a common meeting ground. This idea has complete merit, and I hope we can get it implemented quickly. If anyone has inroads with admin or moderators it would be nice to try and work those connections.

  7. #7
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    I totally agree. I'd rent a Guild House for my guild mates so we could have a place to meet and store our items. Right now being in a Guild is slightly better than a "over rated friends list" and allows for a separate chat channel. Other than that, being in a guild is almost pointless.

    A Guild House would allow me to sort our items out so others could benefit from my higher level characters. But I'd really like to see some thing better than what WoW has for Guild Banks. Wow's bank is very lacking in any ability to sort through items and keep items organized. In WoW I find it very cumbersome and almost a waste of my time to bother sorting. There should be an tab for weapons, armor, potions, etc. Guild members should be able to drag and drop an item with it auto-sorting the items. Take away the need to really do any maintenance on the bank.

    I would also like to see the ability to charge guild mates for DDO points. As the Guild Leader I'd like to set the monthly fee of DDO points to be charged so that we could pay for the guild house.

    Definitely a GREAT IDEA for a Guild House.

    Let's hope the Turbine does it right and really make it worth while. Not some cheesy cheap throw together over the weekend bs.


    I'd really like to see some feedback from the DDO/Turbine people. I'd really like to see this happen. It would really bring this game up to a whole new level of excellence to have some thing like this.

    Count me and my guild in on this idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by gordgray View Post
    I know this subject has been brought up before however, I have not seen a Guild response therefore, I will respond from the Rogue’s Guild. In addition, I would like to present a suggestion for a solution...

    I frequently see people inquiring about a place to store their stuff and the responses to the inquiry are usually “get a bank account”. Unfortunately, that cost turbine points but this solves the problem of storage. Alternatively, you can get VIP status but this cost a monthly fee. Either way, you are paying some sort of “fee”. This has been a downfall for a lot of online games.

    If a person goes out and spends the turbine points to get a Guild started then DDO should offer the option of renting a Guild house with plat each month. This should include storage, offer quicker rest time then the bars and you should be able to receive mail there. Any one in your Guild should be able to put what they want in but only Officers and Guild leaders should be able to get stuff out. Leaving a percentage of copper, gold or plat would be a nice way for Guilds to get members to help with the rent. If a Guild wants to add a training area in their house then rent should go up accordingly. Rent should also be based on what part of town the Guild is in. Guilds should be the only one to drop a member. If a member wants to leave, that member needs to let the Guild know and not just drop out. Any members in the Guild should get a 10% bonus to armor and health.

    I think this would not only be a boon to the Guilds but also to DDO. Let’s make DDO a place to live for our Guilds toon's and not just a game. In the long run, DDO will see more plat coming their way. Finally, this should increase Guilds policing themselves. If a Guild member gets out of control the Guild is more likely to control the situation.

    I would like a response from all Guilds if possible. I would also appreciate any staff member or admin from DDO or Turbine to respond

    check this out b4 you leabve any answer
    Last edited by digitalbeachbum; 01-29-2010 at 07:33 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    This is a part of the old paper d&d that is missing from the online experiance. I would like to see a guild only quest in the house also to test applicants. You know the old thief guild maze. I would like to see a guild favor also for unlocks in the guild house not just plat, that way a guild must grow both in total members and in the game.

  9. #9
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordgray View Post
    I frequently see people inquiring about a place to store their stuff and the responses to the inquiry are usually “get a bank account”. Unfortunately, that cost turbine points but this solves the problem of storage.
    That's simply wrong. You get 1 bank account page on every character for free. You get a second and third page for house K favor + in game gold, no TP, so once again free. It's only the shared account bank that is VIP or pay and it is a convinience, not a requirement for storage.

    You can open as many free accounts as you want and create 2 free mules on each of those accounts with free storage. If you wanted 1000 pages of storage for free you could do it, it would just require you to start 500 free accounts.

    That's not to say we shouldn't do something more with guilds, but this reason is simply not valid.

  10. #10
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    That's simply wrong. You get 1 bank account page on every character for free. You get a second and third page for house K favor + in game gold, no TP, so once again free. It's only the shared account bank that is VIP or pay and it is a convinience, not a requirement for storage.

    You can open as many free accounts as you want and create 2 free mules on each of those accounts with free storage. If you wanted 1000 pages of storage for free you could do it, it would just require you to start 500 free accounts.

    That's not to say we shouldn't do something more with guilds, but this reason is simply not valid.
    I'd rep you, but you're on timer. I'm on timer? We should get a /rep command!

    Anyway, I was going to say basically the same thing, although I hadn't thought about the free account mule thing... You may have just given me an idea on how to deal with my overflowing backpacks!
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  11. #11
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    i would love to see guild houses. and storage, the only things i keep other then whats equiped, is items for new chars to my guild and cure potions so guild storage makes sense cause then new members can get better equipment without taxing guild members personal storage, not to mention i hate logging off one char then logging logging back in then repeating after sending items

  12. #12
    Community Member The_Metal_Monster's Avatar
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    I think guild houses are a great idea. But how would the storage thing work, like a second bank? Anyway, The Knights of the Forge support guild houses.
    Flazer of Ghallanda Lv 6 Drow Ranger Officer: PD Halls of Valhalla, Giantslayer of Ghallanda Lv 5 Warforged Fighter Leader: The Knights of The Forge

  13. #13
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Thumbs up /signed!

    Darkside has claimed House Deneith proper!
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  14. #14
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    I like guildhalls.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  15. #15
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    DFoL of Ghallanda

  16. #16
    Community Member stilldamom's Avatar
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    I'm all for it as well (MoMz on Khyber) however, I'm wondering about the instanced idea. From a programming prospective, the storage idea wouldn't really work if things refreshed or started over on a timer, like they do for quests, dungeons and taverns. That would really have to be worked out. Most of these other ideas are wonderful though! I'd pay plat for a guild house!

  17. #17
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    I lead a guild on the Sarlona Server, Roll For Blame. We are expanding, we do guild raids, we have a guild site, we have officer meetings. One thing we talk about a lot, is a guild bank. Since DDO has no guild bank system in game, we have set up a secondary account that all my officers have access to. *although I suspect I"m the only one taking inventory on it* We have several toons on there full of items that we offer for our guild members. We keep an updated and organized list on our site. So far this is working so - so. The reason being, I have to dedicate hours of my time to maintain everything to keep the information straight. It is not fun, it is tedious and I honestly hate doing it. I expect a good rep for my guild members. I will keep them geared up the best I can. Thats why I do it.

    As a Guild Leader, I get tells from other Guilds asking about what I do with mine. I get tells praising members in my guild. I also get tells with complaints. I take every complaint seriously. I have kicked a few members from my guild, for unbecoming conduct of a member of Roll For Blame. Any respectable guild will let another know if they have a problem with a member.

    Another thing I notice missing, is a guild BBS. That is the main reason we have a website. Not every member wants to hit Alt + Tab, or logout just to check the forum, or calender. However, thats what it has to be right now.

    I do think it would be a huge step for Tubine to add more features for Guilds in DDO. Guild Banks, a BBS, and even being able to change the guild ranks would be intense.

    If you play on Sarlona, and have a problem with any of my guild members *officers included* send me a message in game.

    Loceish - 20 rouge
    Isenanof - 20 Cleric
    Nuzeik - 7 monk 3 rogue

  18. #18
    Community Member gordgray's Avatar
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    Arrow could you post in Player housing option: permanent instances

    I am very happy that you posted here and you gave Info about your Guild. truly I do thank you for stating things that a few guilds do and have problems with. If you could also post this in (Player housing option: permanent instances) could give more Explanation on how and were you got your site for your guild that would also be great. I to have guild on the Sarlona Server, Rogue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loceish View Post
    I lead a guild on the Sarlona Server, Roll For Blame. We are expanding, we do guild raids, we have a guild site, we have officer meetings. One thing we talk about a lot, is a guild bank. Since DDO has no guild bank system in game, we have set up a secondary account that all my officers have access to. *although I suspect I"m the only one taking inventory on it* We have several toons on there full of items that we offer for our guild members. We keep an updated and organized list on our site. So far this is working so - so. The reason being, I have to dedicate hours of my time to maintain everything to keep the information straight. It is not fun, it is tedious and I honestly hate doing it. I expect a good rep for my guild members. I will keep them geared up the best I can. Thats why I do it.

    As a Guild Leader, I get tells from other Guilds asking about what I do with mine. I get tells praising members in my guild. I also get tells with complaints. I take every complaint seriously. I have kicked a few members from my guild, for unbecoming conduct of a member of Roll For Blame. Any respectable guild will let another know if they have a problem with a member.

    Another thing I notice missing, is a guild BBS. That is the main reason we have a website. Not every member wants to hit Alt + Tab, or logout just to check the forum, or calender. However, thats what it has to be right now.

    I do think it would be a huge step for Tubine to add more features for Guilds in DDO. Guild Banks, a BBS, and even being able to change the guild ranks would be intense.

    If you play on Sarlona, and have a problem with any of my guild members *officers included* send me a message in game.

    Loceish - 20 rouge
    Isenanof - 20 Cleric
    Nuzeik - 7 monk 3 rogue
    The Rogues Guild - Sarlona
    How did that get in here? Hay give that back O that’s yours? Sorry
    Gordgray Gord of gray Hawk Rogues do it from behind

  19. #19
    Words! pie2655's Avatar
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    Default I agree

    I AGREE 100%. Great idea! Im sure my guildmates would agree with your idea. My guild is warriors of valhalla.

  20. #20
    Community Member aoxomoxoa35's Avatar
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    Default good idea


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