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Thread: Ranger/Fighter

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ranger/Fighter

    I just made a ranger/fighter character and was wondering if in the long run that was a good decision, i mainly used it for wielding 2 exotic weapons and use of heavy armor. anyone know if this was a good choice?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by rmiller15 View Post
    I just made a ranger/fighter character and was wondering if in the long run that was a good decision, i mainly used it for wielding 2 exotic weapons and use of heavy armor. anyone know if this was a good choice?
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  3. #3
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    If you want to wear heavy armor then you should understand that in DDO this allows you to reach only a modest AC by end game. Rangers, with inherent DEX increased via enhancements, are usually able to reach a higher AC without the heavy armor.

    Ranger provides benefits at end game -- the TWF feat line and the ability to choose favored enemies that match most of the end game monster categories. Many people will combine ranger with fighter but not for the reason you cite.

    The most common multiclasses will be ranger 18/monk 1/whatever 1. This is because the ranger capstone is not considered all that valuable so there is little reason to take more than 18 levels in the ranger class. Monk permits combining the WIS bonus with the innate ranger DEX advantages for superior AC as well as boosting saving throws.

    The third class I've listed as "whatever" because it really does not matter -- or more accurately, it is a matter of personal choice. Some people like the bonus feat that fighter provides. Others like the skills options that rogue provides. Some even like to take a 2d level of monk for the centered bonus to AC, +1 WIS enhancement and bonus monk feat.

    But, in almost no case will someone splash ranger into fighter or fighter into ranger in order to get TWF with heavy armor use. Fighters get enough bonus feats that they can cover the entire TWF line provided they've allowed themselves enough DEX. Combined with the kensai PrE this is an attractive option. If a person were looking to go TWF with heavy armor then this would be a more logical approach.

    Note, however, that the AC will not be spectacular. Players who go this route generally focus on maximizing damage and hit points. The plan is to kill the monsters faster than they can kill the character (and then hope for a friendly cleric to return you to full health).

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    If you want to wear heavy armor then you should understand that in DDO this allows you to reach only a modest AC by end game. Rangers, with inherent DEX increased via enhancements, are usually able to reach a higher AC without the heavy armor.

    Ranger provides benefits at end game -- the TWF feat line and the ability to choose favored enemies that match most of the end game monster categories. Many people will combine ranger with fighter but not for the reason you cite.

    The most common multiclasses will be ranger 18/monk 1/whatever 1. This is because the ranger capstone is not considered all that valuable so there is little reason to take more than 18 levels in the ranger class. Monk permits combining the WIS bonus with the innate ranger DEX advantages for superior AC as well as boosting saving throws.

    The third class I've listed as "whatever" because it really does not matter -- or more accurately, it is a matter of personal choice. Some people like the bonus feat that fighter provides. Others like the skills options that rogue provides. Some even like to take a 2d level of monk for the centered bonus to AC, +1 WIS enhancement and bonus monk feat.

    But, in almost no case will someone splash ranger into fighter or fighter into ranger in order to get TWF with heavy armor use. Fighters get enough bonus feats that they can cover the entire TWF line provided they've allowed themselves enough DEX. Combined with the kensai PrE this is an attractive option. If a person were looking to go TWF with heavy armor then this would be a more logical approach.

    Note, however, that the AC will not be spectacular. Players who go this route generally focus on maximizing damage and hit points. The plan is to kill the monsters faster than they can kill the character (and then hope for a friendly cleric to return you to full health).
    heavy armor weapon stalwarts or defenders can hit ACs in the 80s to 90s. with the new PrCs, high AC for heavy armor is no longer a myth. however, this comes at a cost of using a shield

    heavy armor wearing builds with more than 9 levels of rangers are abominations as they choose to sacrifice evasion
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