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Thread: Break levels

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Break levels

    I was wondering if maybe, to help people that are just bound and determined to make multi-class toons, we could get a list of break levels for different classes.

    For example:
    Monk 1 - Good saves, Wis to AC,
    Monk 2 - Good saves, Evasion

    Rogue 1 - UMD, Backstab
    Rogue 2 - Evasion


  2. #2
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    Apr 2009


    Ok - feel free to remove levels that are considered irrelevant for builders (ranger level 3 for example.... not exactly sought after break point)

    Monk 1 - bonus feat, Wis to AC
    Monk 2 - bonus feat, evasion, wis bonus to saves

    Rogue 1 - Sneak attack, UMD as class skill
    Rogue 2 - Evasion
    Rogue 6 - Assassin I, Acrobat I, Mechanic I
    Rogue 10 - Rogue special Feat
    Rogue 12 - Assassin II, Acrobat II, Mechanic II
    Rogue 13 - Rogue special Feat
    Rogue 16 - Rogue special Feat
    Rogue 19 - Rogue special Feat, maxed sneak attack

    Ranger 1 - Bow Strength, use of all divine wands
    Ranger 2 - TWF feat
    Ranger 3 - Diehard feat
    Ranger 6 - Tempest I, ITWF feat, Manyshot feat
    Ranger 9 - Evasion
    Ranger 11 - GTWF feat
    Ranger 12 - Temptest II
    Ranger 18 - Tempest III

    Fighter 1 - Tower shield prof, Fighter bonus feat
    Fighter 2 - Fighter bonus feat (every even level of fighter afterwards gives bonus feat)
    Fighter 6 - Kensei I, Stalwart Defender I
    Fighter 12 - Kensei II, Stalwart Defender II
    Fighter 18 - Kensei III, Stalwart Defender III

    Paladin 1 - Holy Aura, smite Evil, use of divine wands
    Paladin 2 - Divine Grace (Charisma modifier aded to Saves), Lay on hands
    Paladin 3 - Fear and Disease Immunity
    Paladin 6 - Hunter of the dead I, Defender of siberys I, Knight of the Chalice I
    Paladin 12 - Hunter of the dead II, Defender of siberys II, Knight of the Chalice II
    Paladin 18 - Hunter of the dead III, Defender of siberys III, Knight of the Chalice III

    Barb 1 - Rage 1/rest, +10% movement speed
    Barb 2 - Uncanny dodge, Barb DR, Con enhancement, extra/extend rage enhancements
    Barb 6 - Frenzied Berserker I
    Barb 12 - Frenzied Berserker II
    Barb 18 - Frenzied Berserker III

    Have to go... someone else finish this.
    Last edited by Gnorbert; 01-12-2010 at 02:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member FauxSho's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Some additions:

    Monk 1 - also Kama Proficiency, Shuriken Proficiency, fist damage 1D6
    Monk 2 - also +1 centered AC bonus, access to Finishing Moves, Meditation
    Monk 3 - bonus feat -> access to dark/light path ki strikes and finishers (notable for buff [light path] finishers like Aligning the Heavens, and debuff [dark path] finishers), Fast Movement, +2 to saves vs. enchantments
    Monk 4 - fist damage 1D8 (magic), Slow Fall
    Monk 5 - +2 centered AC bonus, Disease Immunity
    Monk 6 - bonus feat
    Monk 7 - Wholeness of Body (self heal)
    Monk 8 - fist damage 1D10 (magic)
    Monk 9 - Improved Evasion
    Monk 10 - fist damage 1D10 (magic, lawful)
    Monk 11 - Poison Immunity
    Monk 12 - fist damage 2D6 (magic, lawful)
    Monk 13 - Spell Resistance 10+MonkLvl
    Monk 15 - Quivering Palm
    Monk 16 - fist damage 2D8 (magic, lawful, and adamantine)
    Monk 20 - fist damage 2D10 (magic, lawful, and adamantine)

    Rogue 1 - also Disable Device and Open Lock as class skills, Light Armor Proficiency

    Ranger 1 - also Martial Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency

    Fighter 1 - also Intimidate as a class skill, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency

    Paladin 1 - also Martial Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency

    Barbarian 1 - also Martial Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency

    Wizard 1 - bonus feat, Use of all arcane wands
    Wizard 5 - bonus feat, access to level 3 spells (notable for Haste, Displacement)
    Wizard 7 - Access to level 4 spells (notable for Firewall)
    Wizard 10 - bonus feat
    Wizard 15 - bonus feat
    Wizard 20 - bonus feat

    Sorcerer 1 - Use of all arcane wands
    Sorcerer 6 - Access to level 3 spells (notable for Haste, Displacement)
    Sorcerer 8 - Access to level 4 spells (notable for Firewall)

    Cleric 1 - Use of all divine wands
    Cleric 9 - Access to level 5 spells (notable for Raise Dead)
    Cleric 11 - Access to level 6 spells (notable for Blade Barrier)

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowcatX View Post
    I was wondering if maybe, to help people that are just bound and determined to make multi-class toons, we could get a list of break levels for different classes.
    Check out this link

  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Cleric 11 - Heal, Bladebarrier
    Cleric 15 - Maxxed out Heal and BB
    Cleric 17 - Mass Heal
    Cleric 20 - Maxxed out Mass Heal; Divine Intervention
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