Another question for you Junts. Divine Might asks for a 'base' CHA skill. Is base the starting number or do feats/enhancements/gear add to the "base"?
Another question for you Junts. Divine Might asks for a 'base' CHA skill. Is base the starting number or do feats/enhancements/gear add to the "base"?
Only your starting charisma and tomes count towards base charisma. That's why you start with so much, and with a 32 pt build would start with 17 (to get to 20 with a +3 tome).
Not reaching 20 any time soon will not cripple your build, the difference between DM3 and DM4 is not that much damage (6 vs 8) and starting at 18 cha would cripple your strength.
Yes, force of personality sounds great, but on most paladins it's overkill.
Your build sounds solid enough, assuming you trade in force of personality and extra turning (you'll have plenty of turns to fuel your divine might, if you need more, use enhancements instead of feats) You'll want all 3 two-handed feats.
Thanks for all the help guys. I have decided I am going to wait till I have 32 point builds available before I redo my Pally. It's the toon I want to really dominate with so in the meantime I am toying with a Cleric, a Wizard and a Fighter with friends.
I will re-work with the suggested changes and re-post the 32 point build for a critique before i take off with it.
The only way greater reincarnation varies from lesser is that it upgrades 28 pointers to 32s. Otherwise they do exactly the same thing (lesser does go 28>28 and 32>32).
You can't change class level selections with them, but you can redo starting stats, skill points, level ups, etc.
Dont enhancements add to the base also
Started my new Pally this morning. Got him to Level 2 before I had to head in to work. I had a bit of a time decided between Great Sword and Great Axe. I ended up going with a Great Sword for the extra crit.
At what level can expect to start seeing Tomes dropping?
Oh and my LOY are hitting for over three times what they were on my original gimped Pally!!
Welcome to Canada eh! Here's your bag of milk.