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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Returning VIP, yet...

    I began playing in '06. Made a few characters, etc. Stopped playing after a few months.

    Returned to try out the Free to Play version of the game, downloaded the f2p download. When I logged in, I had 2 subscriptions show up. Tried the first one and it logged me into my old VIP account, but it went by the f2p rules of a Premium account. When I tried the second line, it would not log me in, saying it was for paid accounts, i.e. VIP. So, I played the Premium one, which had my old VIP characters, mind you.

    Now, I've upgraded to VIP. The first line still logs into the subscription I've been playing, i.e. the old VIP characters and all of the ones I have been playing since. But, it is also just a Premium account still. The second line is now accessable and logs me in as a VIP, but does not seem to have any of the characters I've made OR my original VIP characters, i.e. total blank slate.

    Is this how it is supposed to be?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Wanted to add that I've also noticed that my DDO Store points did not seem to carry over to the VIP account either.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Well, nearest I can tell, I somehow have two subscriptions to DDO and upraded the wrong one. Not exactly sure why I had two subscriptions to begin with, but made for a nice waste of my money. At any rate, the correct subscription is now upgraded with another subscription fee paid, and the first line is now VIP.

    Thanks to all who responded (i.e. no one).

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