This is exactly my experience so far as well. I am loving every minute of it! I am almost 8, but so far it hasn't felt like a grind at all. For me, it almost feels nostalgic! The first time I took Cedrica through all these quests almost four years ago, it was a MUCH different experience for me than it is now.
I won't be TR'ing Cedrica again. I just needed to fix a few small imperfections, so far so good.
Edit: OH!!! My 1000th post! How perfect is that? lol
Same for me, I am almost level 8 and I still havent done gwylands, tear, greymoon/co6, von's or threnal.
I did do stormcleve N/H/E last nite... but I havent felt the grind yet... I think the higher levels will become a major grind.
Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.