So Im looking for a Guild. Im in PST and normally play between 6-10pm PST each night and most weekends. With college ending in a week of so I expect to be on the game a lot more.
Most of my characters are between 16-20 Im currently working on two lowbies who are in the 10-12 range.
I think I play the game well, I dont know every quest but know the majority of them. Im not a big headed player and try and contribute as much as I can to the quest, I have no problem in contributing towards a clerics cost for running quests.
Im not really a guild hopper been playing 3+years and have been in 3 guilds.
I am looking for a guild that is running the high level content, or the mid level content. I even have a lowby spot left for a character which Im still planning out.
Im not a big fan of voice chat and really will not use it until I feel comfy with the guild, Im a Brit living in the US and it frustrates me when I have to repeat myself several times, however when I get to know the guild I will use it all the time.
I am a joker and will make you all laugh, I work hard at it
So there ya goContact me in game or via the PM thingy on here.