Hi, i have once again few questions, this time about monk. Did Extend Spell work with 'combo hits' buffs of monk? They stay for a 1 minute only, so if i want to get enough ki to hold them for longer i must use fire stance instead of air stance. Well i was thinking about drow monk with splash into:
1) 1lv wizzy - for an "Mage Armor" (12 min of duration, +4 AC)
2) 1lv cleric - "Remove Fear" for 10 minutes, and allow using healing wands
3) 1-2 ranger - for wands /eventually TWF free if 2 lvls/
4) 1 pally - aura for AC and saves + wands (? they can use same as cleric?)
Or maybe i should stay as an pure monk?
Stats (base):
14 str
16 dex
14 con
10 int
14 wis
10 cha