hey i put this in the ranger forums too, but I'm putting it here and in the wizard and sorcerer forums just to make sure i get the most opinions.

"hey i recently got my Drow Ranger on Sarlona server up to lvl 4 so i finally get the spells and earlier on i was thinking of adding 1 or 2 lvls of some other class to help make it a bit more rounded. I was thinking rogue before but i don't have very high int and pretty poor search skill (int is 10 because of drow bonus, and search is 10 only because of points spent at lvl 2-4.)

Recently though i was in a group doing kobold assault and someone wanted to make a Ranger/Wizard or ranger/Sorcerer. What i was wandering is would either of these be a good class to splash into my Ranger to make him a little more effective with spells or would it be a waste of lvls and time?"