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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Sentient Items...

    I think there should be some nice items that are not really based on min/max characters and could indeed benefit toons who were not rolled as optimized by newer players. Essential they are items that factor stats that aren't just UMD to use.

    An example would be a wizard cloak that requires 18 dex because it's made from a magical fox tail and is a pain in the arse to put on or trip yourself on. Lets say you remove a +dex item and drop below 18 dex with the cloak equipped. Instead of de-equipping the item like UMD items, you find yourself randomly tripping while moving/casting and suffer a -2 BAB bonus to melee.

    I'm thinking of Artemis Entreri's sword that required not only tremendous skill to weild but an incredible amount of willpower to master w/out the glove. While willpower isn't a D&D stat it correlates pretty closely with wisdom when you look at in-game saves and how certain characters save vs. hold spells in books. Artemis' sword fried people who didn't have the willpower to touch it barehanded. While we don't need to go to that extent there are plenty of ways to go about messing with people who fail the requirements, from instant random 2 blindess, bleed effects, poison damage etc.

  2. #2
    Founder Turgar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    the cloak of curses is kinda like that, but it will curse you regardless of what your stats are lol. I think it would be pretty cool to have a trinket called microwave burrito, with an effect like acid vomit 1d4 added to mellee attacks with a fortitude save check, if you fail you create a pool of grease under you (I dont think an explaination is neccesary to explain what this grease is made of, or why you need intestinal fortitude to prevent it)

  3. #3
    Community Member drac317's Avatar
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    May 2008



    i had enough trouble with sentinent items in PnP.

    dont need it here
    X...what? that is my signature

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Well in PnP wouldn't it be up to the disposition of your GM at the moment? I could see that as being quite bothersome at times. In DDO it would be somewhat standardized to a set amount of effects. I guess you could say I'm just asking for more item variety but I do it in mind with what I've read in books.

  5. #5
    Community Member Nonan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I would just like some sentient players in the game first, then we can get sentient weapons.

    "Gimping along since February 2006"....
    Guild of the black dragon
    Nonan - Yesiree - Muhnk - Blhade - Pintsized - Chopsticks - Mollly

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