Is the +2 Wis that important? The only stance I will be getting at all is Wind, currently have rank II.
If i recall correctly, WoB is driven by the concentration skill, but i could be wrong...its been awhile since i checked it
This is incorrect. The light path curatives each count as a strike of their element. Using lifting the veil is the same as using Storm Strike, so you could cast Lifting the Veil, Fists of Light, and then Ten Thousand Stars, and it would allow you to cast Dance of the Clouds.
I'm fairly certian its also based upon your Wis mod, if i switch from wind to water stance and cast wholeness of body, i get exactally 1 more healing per tick. I'm not sure if this is due to my increased Con mod, though Wis makes more sense.
No, it is correct.
In Garl's Tomb on Sunday (at the time I was level 5) I was using Fists of Light to help keep my HP up since it was just me and my friend (Ranger/Sorc).
As I was using FoL, I ended up getting the Healing Ki finisher. However, my friend got cursed, so I meditated, used Restoring the Balance to cure his curse. Then I noticed that I still had the finisher and the 10 Ki, so used it.
So unless the game's bugged in my favor (which I seriously doubt, because it's never in our favor), meditating and using the curatives won't break a combo.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Switching from wind to water also boosts your con, and hence your total hitopints.
If you want to test... take off your wis item and try it, then put it back on.
Then do the same with con.
I'm pretty sure it's just based on your con (or potentially, a certain portion of your total hitpoints.. might also try with/without false life/minos/etc.)
Water increases your wisdom (subtracts strength), not con. However, the switch off of Wind does remove the -2 con penalty. Earth increases con (subtracts dex).
I got a hold of a +2 wis item (thus adding +1 to my wisdom modifier) today and started playing around with WoB a bit as a level 9.
No stance, no item = 8 HP / tick
Wind stance, no item = 8 HP / tick
Earth stance, no item = 8 HP / tick
Water Stance, no item = 9 HP / tick
No stance, item = 9 HP / tick
Wind stance, item = 9 HP / tick
Earth stance, item = 9 HP / tick
Water stance, item = 10 HP /tick
I'm not going to say that there isn't a few more numbers in play somewhere, but it appears that wisdom is the main modifier here.
Last edited by Kaldahr; 12-03-2009 at 12:18 AM.
It occurs to me that the dice are being rolled by the same computer that's trying to kill me. It knows all the moves - it's just toying with me.
The Finisher, Healing Ki, is affected by Devotion and Class Devotion enhancements for Positive Energy, Lore enhancements/items and Critical Multiplier enhancements also affect Healing Ki.
The 'Curse of Healing' from Fist of Light lasts 6 seconds.
Unreleated: The same is true of Breath of the Fire Dragon and Compustion, Fire Lore, etc..
Wholeness of Body is affected by your Wisdom modifier. I have never noticed it being affected by Constitution in any way, shape, or form.
In Lesser Sun Stance (-2 Wis) you will gain 2 less hit points per tick than you do in Lesser Ocean Stance (+2 Wis).
Mountain Stance will increase your total hit points, but it will not affect the hit points you receive per tick.
Wholeness of Body is not percentage based. It is level based and heals more as your level increases.
The Human and Monk Improved Recovery enhancements will also increase the effect of your Wholeness of Body.
I do have an idle wonder about WoB. Does it heal a WF who's got improved fortification?
Finding ones past, present, and future in the threads of destiny.
Fol you dont have to hit anything for it to work. Sometimes I have extra Ki and I will simply press FOL three times swinging at the air then hit the heal .
While I am not 100% certain, I would say, after some brief testing, that this is the equation for Wholeness of Body tick value:
[(1/2 Monk Level) + (Wisdom Modifier)]*(Healing Modifier)
It holds true for my level 20 human monk. I have Monk Recovery III and Human Recovery II, for a total healing modifier of 1.56 (1.3*1.2).
(20/2+10)*1.56 = 31 points per tick in Ocean Stance
(20/2+8)*1.56 = 28 points per tick in Sun Stance
I'm not certain how the Warforged resistance to healing works with Wholeness of Body; I have never rolled a Warforged monk.