You know we have potions of wonder which have random effects. I was thinking maybe its time to put the artifact in. Have it be an extremely rare drop maybe even a Festivault turn in drop and have it be either a destroyable 50 charge rod or a permanent rod that only has 10 charges to it and takes time to recharge (like the mantle of the worldshapper) and have it give off a random effect when used on yourself or a party member. kinda like the wild mage belt only in true rod of wonder style. Its just a flavor item that can add fun nothing too over powering and just a thought.
Other items id like to see one day would be items like wands of reversal which debuff enemies (like the ruby ray of reversal spell) True bags of holding for those who hit epic levels. Quivers of plenty, rings or wands with the ram spells for doors that can be busted down. Just little flavor items that could be fun to use in gamefeel free to leave your little flavor wish items to.