Without CE which is kinda useless since it breaks on finishing moves. At level 9 what should my AC be with good twinking?
Without CE which is kinda useless since it breaks on finishing moves. At level 9 what should my AC be with good twinking?
Dex is hopefully 17 for ITWF, +4 Item, +1 Enh, +2 Stance = 24?
Wis was, oh, a 16 to start? +4 Item, +2 levels, +2 Monk = 24?
10 Base
7 Dex
7 Wis
4 Armor (Mage Armor Potions)
2 Chaosgarde Dodge
3 Protection
2 Monk
1 Dodge Feat?
1 Halfling?
3 Barkskin Pot?
38-40ish? You haven't given any info to go on.
Yes it about 38 with bark and one other pot I use forgot name cleric buff. I guess I am ok.
Arvess can you post ur Ac setup so I can compare please? I sit at 32 unbuffed if I were to get prot +3 that would give me 34 and chaos garde dodge 36.
Currently 35 at level 12 (not enough cash to go higher), which does ok against CR 10 and lower, but CR 12+ mobs don't miss often enough.
DEX 24
Wis 24
!0 base
7 dex
7 wis
1 dodge
1 halflin
4 Vulk derv rob
2 chaosguarde
3 Prot
1 alchemical
1 monk centered
or is it 2 monk centered and no alchemical. I'm not on so i can't see. my.ddo.com says 37 AC tho.