So, I've been looking over the Greensteel planner, after making a morningstar, and have decided I made the wrong item first (looks like I'll be doing trip neg goggles first. Right now I have nothing in that slot (well, I'm wearing something, but it's got redudant bonuses, so may as well be nothing.)).
Is there a worthwhile casty type GS weap, or will I end up sending the blank to an alt someday or making MinII for when I'm feeling froggy and I don't need to be healing? (or cometfalling, or bladebarrier, or...) I already have a SupPot6 item, I guess the healing increase would be nice, but it's not supergreat either... With SupPot, Emp Heal, and Maximize if I feel like it, some or all of that extra 10 or 20% would be wasted most of the time...
So, what kinda GS weaps do you cleric types have?