I have not been following any 'builds' other than what I thougth would do good, and I am simply wondering how I fare compared to 'The Perfect Intimitank Build', which I am pretty sure has been discussed and polished more than once on these forums.
I am also looking for eventual advice on how to proceed to amke it even better. I am not looking for explanations on how what I have done so far is a horrible mess and I should re-start. A few tips might not be frowned upon.
I cannot be bothered to post my whole equipment, but ask if you feel it is really relevant.
These stats take in account all the items bonuses that are always in effect (IE: not click-ativated). I am only posting what I think is relevant, feel free to 'ask' for more. I don't actually care about offense.
Lvl 5, Rank 24
STR = 15
DEX = 14
CON = 23
WIS = 8
INT = 8
CHA = 6
(No Tomes. Yet.)
Fortitude = +11
Reflex = +4
Will = +1
Intimidate = +10
Light Fortification (25%)
Spell Resistance (SR) = 13
Max HP = 144
DR = 1/-
Blocking DR = 16
'Constant' AC = 35
'Usual' AC = 42
AC Breakdown:
10 (Base)
2 (Dex, Max Dex:2)
11 (Armor, +3 Full Plate)
7 (Shield, +3 Tower Shield)
1 (Deflection, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone)
1 (Misc., Protector's Heart set)
3 (Feat, +1 Dodge, +2 Defensive Fighting)
35 (Constant)
2 (Blocking)
3 (Action Boost)
2 (Paladin's Aura (I almost always party with a friend of mine))
42 (Usual)
Plus the buffs (Barkskin, etc.), and Blur, it gets a tad better.
Anything else is either redundant or irrelevant, as I am utterly non-offensive. I have casters/Barbarians for that.
So, any kind of comment is fine, really. I'm just looking for opinions from DDO players who actually know what a good 'build' is, which I don't exactly, as per the 'norms'.