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  1. #1
    Community Member TheJMC17's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Everything works fine.. then poof... nothing works.

    I've played for about a month, never had a single problem..

    Since yesterday, i cant play anymore because of that weird bug.
    I login just fine and play dungeons alone just fine.

    I solo some dungeons and everything works..
    Then i decide to join a group and play a dungeon with them and everything is perfect.
    But when the quest is done, no matter which quest, after exiting the dungeon, i click on the NPC that gives me my reward and the usual window appear with the correct text lines, but nothing seems to work anymore. I cant click on anything and when i try it does nothing. I cant press ESC, i cant leave the group, i cant enter a dungeon...
    It's actually easier to say what i can do, like running around and chatting with people, right clicking and casting spells, at least those allowed in town.

    Heck i cant even quit the game, i have to ctrl+alt+delete out of the game...
    There is nothing on my computer that could do that, nothing beside turbine and my anti-virus is running.

    I tryed reinstalling.. i uninstalled and removed both D&D and Turbine and redownloaded that whole 5.8GB and reinstalled, but it still does that.

    Please help im completly clueless =\

  2. #2
    Community Member TheJMC17's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Well i just tryed on another computer and it still bug... but in a whole different manner...

    I didnt try to solo on this computer but when i joined a group and went in a dungeon, as soon as i saw a creature and fired a spell at it, the game froze, my character couldnt move anymore and creatures were just standing there doing nothing as well as the other party members.

    So i removed anything that was using my internet and restarted D&D. It unfrozed the game, i was able to speak with party members and ran to them. But again, as soon as i targeted a creature, the game froze.

    This is a completly different computer... and it still bug!

    Is my account corrupted or something?!?
    I had some pretty hot characters, it would be a shame if i lost them (and my wealth) =(
    I will probably try to create a new account... and see it if still bug... when i be bored.

    It really sucks because i stopped playing WoW for the same reason.. i was playing for months without problems and all suddenly my account started having high latency spikes, usually making the game nearly impossible to play, no matter which computer i am using. Though my internet is fine. I tryed to get help, but after awhile, Blizzard support stopped replying to my e-mails. They probably had no idea how to help me, i guess. I had to cancel the next month and never dared to play again, in fear that i'd pay a month for a game that i cannot play anymore for a reason nobody knows.
    Last edited by TheJMC17; 11-30-2009 at 08:39 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kethari's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Same kind of issue here!


    Both me and my wife had the same kind of issue here.

    For me, I can log in, but can't play after 2-3 minutes... I just lost connection with the game!

    I did uninstall/install from scratch with a new download.
    Update all drivers.
    Check firewall settings.
    Try with a hardwire and wireless connection.

    I can't play! Saddly!


    For my wife, she experienced weird stuff when interacting with npc to have access to quest!

    I did submit a report bug to DDO support team! No answer so far! Dxdiag is showing fine! Launcher log will be posted shortly!

    Launcher execution begins: 2009-11-30 09:27:08                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\TurbineLauncher.exe"  -invoker           2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Administrator: False                                                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:08
    UAC enabled: True                                                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Mutex Created: "C:_Program Files (x86)_Turbine_DDO Unlimited_TurbineLauncher.exe"                    2009-11-30 09:27:08
    NHN: Initializing NHN authentication                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Read user settings file.                                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Installed resources:                                                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:08
        en      en English "Select a Language"                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:08
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Target culture: "en-US"                                                                              2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Looking for resources in "en-US"                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Looking for resources in "en-GB"                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Looking for resources in "en"                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Final resource culture: "en"                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:08
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Resources library:                                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:08
        FileName:        C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\en\TurbineLauncher.resources.dll   2009-11-30 09:27:08
        FileVersion:     1.5.3461.20246                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:08
        AssemblyVersion: 1.5.3461.20246                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:08
        BuildTime:       2009-06-23 12:14:52 Eastern Daylight Time                                       2009-11-30 09:27:08
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:08
    ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings:                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:08
        Launcher.DataCenterService.GLS=              2009-11-30 09:27:08
        DataCenter.GameName=DDO                                                                          2009-11-30 09:27:08
        DataCenter.DefaultCenter=DDO                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:08
        Product.DocumentFolder=Dungeons and Dragons Online                                               2009-11-30 09:27:08
        Launcher.DocumentFolder=Launcher                                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:08
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Enter LoadPrivateFonts                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:08
        FontFamily "Masoch Dirach" loaded.                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Exit LoadPrivateFonts                                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:08
    Trying to load splash screen from the local directory...                                             2009-11-30 09:27:08
    No local splash screen image found.                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:08
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:08
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  2009-11-30 09:27:08
                                            System Information                                           2009-11-30 09:27:08
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  2009-11-30 09:27:08
         Operating System: Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate  (6.0.6001, Build 6001) Service Pack 1     2009-11-30 09:27:09
                 Language: English (United States)                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
      System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
             System Model: Studio XPS 1640                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
                     BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A11                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
                Processor: GenuineIntel Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10 (2,4GHz)                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
                   Memory: 4060MB RAM                                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:09
                Page File: 161MB used, 4199MB available                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
          Cipher strength: Min=40-bit, Max=128-bit                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
         .NET CLR version: 1.1.4322.2032 (Service Pack 1 on Windows XP SP2)                              2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Default Proxy Address:                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
       BypassProxyOnLocal: False                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
               BypassList:                                                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:09
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Logging module version data"                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Assemblies:                                                                                          2009-11-30 09:27:09
        ModuleName:      TurbineLauncher.exe                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:        C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\TurbineLauncher.exe                2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Comments:        (RELEASE) Launches Turbine MMORPGs.                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion:                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
        AssemblyVersion: 1.5.3461.20293                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
        BuildTime:       2009-06-23 12:16:26 Eastern Daylight Time                                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:        C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\ControlLibrary.dll                 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Comments:        (RELEASE) New versions of controls which properly support background images and colors. 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion:                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
        AssemblyVersion: 1.5.3461.20240                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
        BuildTime:       2009-06-23 12:14:40 Eastern Daylight Time                                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Libraries:                                                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\Interop.PatchWrapper.dll               2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\Interop.SHDocVw.dll                    2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\PatchClient.dll                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion: 01,05,02,08001                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\PatchWrapper.dll                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion: 1, 5, 0, 15                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\PatchWrapperPS.dll                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion: 1, 5, 0, 15                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\SelfPatch.dll                          2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion: 01,05,02,08000                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\TTEPatchClient.dll                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\zlib1T.dll                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion: 1.2.3                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileName:    C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:09
        FileVersion: 6.0.6001.18272 (vistasp1_gdr.090615-0258)                                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Registering update wrapper"                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing data center browser"                                            2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing alert service"                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing configuration service"                                          2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing authentication service"                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing update service"                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing UI manager"                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Constructing phase engine"                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
    autoPatchTimer interval: 14400000                                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Getting data centers"                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Current Data Center: DDO                                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
    AuthServer:                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    World status servers:                                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Khyber @                                2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Cannith @                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Orien @                                 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Sarlona @                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Argonnessen @                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Ghallanda @                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Thelanis @                              2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Getting remote configuration"                                                2009-11-30 09:27:09
    GetLauncherConfig from: ""              2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Configuration.AppSettings:                                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
        LauncherConfig.DateTime=10/01/09 12:00 PM                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
        LauncherConfig.RefreshFrequency=15                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameName=DDO                                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Patching.ProductCode=DDO                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.Filename=dndclient.exe                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.ArgTemplate=-a {0} -h {1} --glsticketdirect {2} --chatserver {3} --language {4} --rodat on --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 21600 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.ResetGraphicsArg= --safe                                                              2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.AlwaysPatchHighRes=true                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.HighResPatchArg= --HighResOutOfDate                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.RequiredVersion=0                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        GameClient.ForwardVersion=0                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.UpdateDownload=                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Patch.UpdaterNameFormat={0}updater_{1}_{2}.exe                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.Support=                                                          2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.Home=                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.Community=                                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.Account=                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.NewAccount=                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.ForgotPassword=[process]=13                 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.Account.Post=                                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Format.Account.Login=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&user[action]=login&billing[process]=1&billing[action]=1 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Format.Account.BuyNow=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&billing[process]=17&billing[forms][subscriptionName]={2}&billing[scenario]=DDO_BUY_NOW_POPUP&billing[forms][productCode]=DDO&billing[forms][purchaseProductCode]=DDOBuy&billing[forms][purchasePlanCode]=DDO-F2PUp 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Activate.Account.BuyNow=true                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Threshold.Account.DaysLeft=35                                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Activate.Account.DaysLeft=true                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        LauncherConfig.SubscriptionRefreshFrequency=60                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Subscription.FreeToPlay=true                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.PrivacyPolicy=                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.NewsFeed=                2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.NewsStyleSheet=                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.AlertsStyleSheet=                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.LogoButton1=                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.LogoButton2=                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.LogoButton3=                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.LogoButton4=                                                             2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldUpdateRate=1                                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:09
        PatchWindow=30                                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        PatchConnectRetryInterval=1                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:09
        DisablePatch=false                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:09                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        TrialTokenList=StormreachGuest                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.ExpiredTrial.Template={0}                               2009-11-30 09:27:09
        Eula.en.FilePath=en\DDO Eula - Turbine.rtf                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.BannerSource=                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
        URL.BannerTarget= 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.LoginQueue.URL=                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.TakeANumber.Parameters=command=TakeANumber&subscription={0}&ticket={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.LeaveQueue.Parameters=command=LeaveQueue&subscription={0}&context={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.Threshold.WaitTimeMultiplier=1.00                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Medium=300                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Long=900                                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:09
        WorldQueue.PollTimer=15                                                                          2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Getting alerts and news"                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:09
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Initialization status: "Opening main form"                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:09
    Trying to load main form background image from the local directory...                                2009-11-30 09:27:10
    No main form background image found. Using default.                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:10
    Transition to phase: UpdaterSelectControl                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:12
    Update Option: Local Forward Version is newer than Remote ForwardVersion.                            2009-11-30 09:27:12
    Transition to phase: PrereqInstallControl                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:12
    Pre-requisite software NOT specified. Skipping...                                                    2009-11-30 09:27:12
    PrereqInstall Phase: Continue                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:12
    Transition to phase: PatchStatusControl                                                              2009-11-30 09:27:12
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  2009-11-30 09:27:13
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:13
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:13
    Connect: Done                                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:13
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:13
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:14
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:14
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:14
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              2009-11-30 09:27:14
    Update Game Data: Waiting                                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:14
    Update Game Data: Done                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Disconnect: Done                                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Patching complete. Peak throughput: 0.00 KB/sec                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Total downloaded file patch: 0 bytes                                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Total downloaded dat patch: 0 bytes                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Transition to phase: AuthenticationControl                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:15
    The last played world is Cannith                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:15
    Highres Dat is up to date.                                                                           2009-11-30 09:27:15
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:15
    gls url:                                        2009-11-30 09:27:18
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:19
    Username "friedreich" authenticated successfully                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:19
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:19
    DDO Subscriptions:                                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Game: ................ "DDO"                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Description: ......... "DDO Subscription"                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Name: ................ "yz2ejl2ndltylq3qm3alktr4e"                                               2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Status: .............. "Active"                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:19
        ProductTokens: ....... "StormreachGuest,StormreachStandard"                                      2009-11-30 09:27:19
        CustomerServiceTokens: ""                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:19
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:19
    Existing user object.                                                                                2009-11-30 09:27:19
    Selected Subscription:                                                                               2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Game: ................ "DDO"                                                                     2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Description: ......... "DDO Subscription"                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Name: ................ "yz2ejl2ndltylq3qm3alktr4e"                                               2009-11-30 09:27:19
        Status: .............. "Active"                                                                  2009-11-30 09:27:19
        ProductTokens: ....... "StormreachGuest,StormreachStandard"                                      2009-11-30 09:27:19
        CustomerServiceTokens: ""                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:19
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:19
    Transition to phase: WorldSelectControl                                                              2009-11-30 09:27:19
    Launcher.authenticator.Authenticated                                                                 2009-11-30 09:27:19
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:19
    World status update initiated                                                                        2009-11-30 09:27:19
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:19
    25: "Cannith" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: B66484A4-6D70-4FB7-8BDB-CD5001C1F5C0;249A0226-551E-47D5-934F-AC7A3EB54840
    lastServed: 504903  nowServing: 504903  waitHint: 7,637
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    15: "Ghallanda" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: E0348159-C369-4A85-9119-6379BE1A068F;10C27560-F678-4E02-8CF1-47EC1765457F
    lastServed: 439527  nowServing: 439527  waitHint: 8,384
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    19: "Khyber" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: 73669760-0023-4ADD-ACAD-77A67DBA1B54;D783740B-2082-4CCA-8B9A-0481F54AA9ED
    lastServed: 543447  nowServing: 543447  waitHint: 7,721
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    24: "Thelanis" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: 8E59EA33-D33E-40E0-A22B-C2E825B47213;867F6AAC-4EFE-4DDE-9895-5174DA09C98D
    lastServed: 503212  nowServing: 503212  waitHint: 7,965
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    26: "Orien" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: 0A594069-0266-4CE5-9609-E33837A416D2;17DA9EA6-3495-4BD8-B5A3-0A051D13F7E8
    lastServed: 523954  nowServing: 523954  waitHint: 9,51
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    11: "Sarlona" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: D26D307D-A9F6-40A5-83BB-D0FC67EFF718;57884872-83DA-40A5-A858-DCF666C29BD2
    lastServed: 458846  nowServing: 458846  waitHint: 8,66
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    14: "Argonnessen" @; is UP and NOT FULL
    queueNames: F57BB40A-F264-408D-A489-3B022A7899FC;99A9005B-0BDB-4ABC-9023-34AE2048F57F
    lastServed: 484223  nowServing: 484223  waitHint: 9,808
    allowAdminRoles: Server,CustomerService,Observer,SeniorCustomerService,LeadCustomerService,Test
    allowBillingRoles: TurbineEmployee,TurbineVIP,StormreachLimited,StormreachStandard,StormreachGuest,StormreachEUPre 2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    World status update complete                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
                                                                                                         2009-11-30 09:27:23
    Launcher is checking if GLS ticket is valid...                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:26
    Remote launcher config 'Launcher.GlsTicketLifespan' is missing or incorrect.                         2009-11-30 09:27:26
    World selected: Ghallanda                                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:26
    Transition to phase: TicketControl                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:26
    WorldQueue take a number from queue 'E0348159-C369-4A85-9119-6379BE1A068F' succeeded with hResult 0x00000000: 439542 in tier 0 (vs. 439525) of 439542 2009-11-30 09:27:28
    Going to Next Phase with QueueName: "E0348159-C369-4A85-9119-6379BE1A068F" and QueueURL: "" 2009-11-30 09:27:28
    Transition to phase: LaunchControl                                                                   2009-11-30 09:27:28
    Beginning GLS Ticket refresh...                                                                      2009-11-30 09:27:28
    Refreshed GLS Ticket...                                                                              2009-11-30 09:27:28
    Launching: dndclient.exe -a <SubscriptionName> -h --glsticketdirect <GlsTicket> --chatserver --language English --rodat on --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 21600 2009-11-30 09:27:28
    A running game has been found.                                                                       2009-11-30 09:27:28
    Transition to phase: GameIsRunningControl                                                            2009-11-30 09:27:28
    GetLauncherConfig from: ""              2009-11-30 09:42:09
    The running game client has been terminated.                                                         2009-11-30 09:42:31
    Transition to phase: AuthenticationControl                                                           2009-11-30 09:42:32
    The last played world is Ghallanda                                                                   2009-11-30 09:42:32
    Launcher execution ends: 2009-11-30 09:42:34                                                         2009-11-30 09:42:34
    Last edited by Kethari; 11-30-2009 at 10:03 AM. Reason: Laucher log

  4. #4
    Community Member Prihier's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Same here

    Got that issue from yesterday.

    No change in my hardware or software.

    Ive try to create a new character, and after 5 min ...frozen.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Same here

    I am having this exact same issue (and so are some of my friends) so if anyone has an answer I am anxiously waiting to hear it.

    Last night, I could log in (very slow to connect to Cannith though it picked up other servers pretty quick) and walk around and stuff but if I clicked on an npc and opened their dialog box, I couldn't actually pick anything. I could highlight and click but nothing happened. If I walked away from them to get rid of the box I couldn't talk to anyone else because it said I was already talking to the first guy. Or I would click on a quest and it would bring up the box but I wouldn't be able to enter. Or I would die and the release button wouldn't work. If I logged out and on again the offending thing would usually work for a while before it (or something else) broke again. It was pretty suck-o-riffic.

    Hireling controls were completely non-operational as well, which no amount of logging off/on would fix.

    I was hoping it was a temporary bug server-side but it's still the same today. Help!

  6. #6
    Community Member Drakestail's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I've had the exact same issue. Contacted the in-game help folk but then couldn't communicate with them through the dialogue box! Very frustrating. Has anyone else gotten a fix for this? I'd love to hear it.

  7. #7
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'm also having the same issue. I try talking to an NPC and when i click an option the dialogue box doesn't change and then i can no longer talk to anyone else either because it says i am still talking to someone else

  8. #8
    Community Member frenchfrog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Also having this issue since about a week.

    Sometimes speaking to 2-3 different NPC cause the conversation menu to be unresponsive, I cannot click the item menu, I cannot end the conversation, I must walk away. Hitting escape don't show the game menu. If I talk to other NPC I cannot get to the conversation menu at all and get the following error message:
    (Error): You are already conversing with someone else

    I also created a party, and when I tried to accept someone in, I got an error about me not in a party!!!

    I changed nothing in my computer for the last couple of weeks (no new hardware, no new drivers, no new programs). I did some Windows updates yesterday but the problem was already there.

    Logoff, then login solve the issue until I talk to 2-3 NPC


    System Information
    Time of this report: 11/30/2009, 21:07:29
           Machine name: PHASE
       Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090804-1435)
               Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: MICRO-STAR INT'L
           System Model: MS-7238
                   BIOS: Default System BIOS
              Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs)
                 Memory: 3328MB RAM
              Page File: 1304MB used, 5956MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
        DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
         DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode
    DxDiag Notes
      DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
          Display Tab 1: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
              Music Tab: No problems found.
              Input Tab: No problems found.
            Network Tab: No problems found.
    DirectX Debug Levels
    Direct3D:    0/4 (n/a)
    DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
    DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
    DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectShow:  0/6 (retail)
    Display Devices
            Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
         Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
            Chip type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x9440)
             DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
           Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9440&SUBSYS_01FC1043&REV_00
       Display Memory: 1024.0 MB
         Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
              Monitor: LG W2442(Digital)
      Monitor Max Res: 1920,1080
          Driver Name: ati2dvag.dll
       Driver Version: 6.14.0010.7008 (English)
          DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
     Driver Date/Size: 9/23/2009 17:38:26, 299520 bytes
          WHQL Logo'd: Yes
      WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
                  VDD: n/a
             Mini VDD: ati2mtag.sys
        Mini VDD Date: 9/23/2009 17:59:26, 4481024 bytes
    Device Identifier: {D7B71EE2-D700-11CF-9368-F621A1C2CB35}
            Vendor ID: 0x1002
            Device ID: 0x9440
            SubSys ID: 0x01FC1043
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D 
     Deinterlace Caps: {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                       {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                       {3C5323C1-6FB7-44F5-9081-056BF2EE449D}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,2) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {552C0DAD-CCBC-420B-83C8-74943CF9F1A6}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,2) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
             Registry: OK
         DDraw Status: Enabled
           D3D Status: Enabled
           AGP Status: Enabled
    DDraw Test Result: Not run
     D3D7 Test Result: Not run
     D3D8 Test Result: Not run
     D3D9 Test Result: Not run
    Sound Devices
                Description: Realtek HD Audio output
     Default Sound Playback: Yes
     Default Voice Playback: Yes
                Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0883&SUBSYS_1462F603&REV_1000
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: RtkHDAud.sys
             Driver Version: 5.10.0000.5345 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: Yes
              Date and Size: 12/21/2006 16:26:00, 4405248 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
             HW Accel Level: Full
                  Cap Flags: 0xF5F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 8000, 192000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 33, 30
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 33, 30
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                   Registry: OK
          Sound Test Result: Not run
    Sound Capture Devices
                Description: Realtek HD Audio Input
      Default Sound Capture: Yes
      Default Voice Capture: Yes
                Driver Name: RtkHDAud.sys
             Driver Version: 5.10.0000.5345 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
              Date and Size: 12/21/2006 16:26:00, 4405248 bytes
                  Cap Flags: 0x41
               Format Flags: 0xFFF
            DLS Path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\GM.DLS
         DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
        Acceleration: n/a
               Ports: Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port
                      Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
            Registry: OK
         Test Result: Not run
    DirectInput Devices
          Device Name: Mouse
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
    Poll w/ Interrupt: No
             Registry: OK
    USB Devices
    + USB Root Hub
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x2831
    | Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub
    | Service: usbhub
    | Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
    | Driver: usbd.sys, 2/28/2006 07:00:00, 4736 bytes
    Gameport Devices
    PS/2 Devices
    + PS/2 Keyboard
    | Matching Device ID: *pnp0303
    | Upper Filters: L8042Kbd
    | Service: i8042prt
    | Driver: i8042prt.sys, 4/13/2008 14:18:00, 52480 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 13:39:47, 24576 bytes
    | Driver: L8042Kbd.sys, 9/21/2007 03:10:20, 20240 bytes
    + Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
    | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd
    | Upper Filters: kbdclass
    | Service: TermDD
    | Driver: termdd.sys, 4/13/2008 19:13:20, 40840 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 13:39:47, 24576 bytes
    + PS/2 Compatible Mouse
    | Matching Device ID: *pnp0f03
    | Upper Filters: L8042mou, LMouKE
    | Service: i8042prt
    | Driver: i8042prt.sys, 4/13/2008 14:18:00, 52480 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 13:39:47, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: L8042mou.Sys, 9/21/2007 03:10:26, 63120 bytes
    | Driver: LMouKE.Sys, 9/21/2007 03:10:54, 78992 bytes
    | Driver: KHALMNPR.Exe, 9/21/2007 03:10:12, 55824 bytes
    + Terminal Server Mouse Driver
    | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou
    | Upper Filters: mouclass
    | Service: TermDD
    | Driver: termdd.sys, 4/13/2008 19:13:20, 40840 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 13:39:47, 23040 bytes
    DirectPlay Service Providers
    DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay Voice Wizard Tests: Full Duplex: Not run, Half Duplex: Not run, Mic: Not run
    DirectPlay Test Result: Not run
    Registry: OK
    DirectPlay Adapters
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM1
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM2
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: Local Area Connection - IPv4 - 
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: Hamachi - IPv4 - 
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 - IPv4 - 
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 - IPv4 - 
    DirectPlay Voice Codecs
    Voxware VR12 1.4kbit/s
    Voxware SC06 6.4kbit/s
    Voxware SC03 3.2kbit/s
    MS-PCM 64 kbit/s
    MS-ADPCM 32.8 kbit/s
    Microsoft GSM 6.10 13 kbit/s
    TrueSpeech(TM) 8.6 kbit/s
    DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps
    FTM (DX7) - Registry: OK, ExeFile: BOS.exe ()
    Majesty (DX7) - Registry: OK, ExeFile: Majesty.exe (1.00.0000.0028)
    Majesty Expansion (DX7) - Registry: OK, ExeFile: MajX.exe (1.01.0000.0011)
    Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
          Drive: C:
     Free Space: 74.2 GB
    Total Space: 270.0 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: MIRROIR
          Drive: E:
     Free Space: 4.1 GB
    Total Space: 4.1 GB
    File System: FAT32
          Model: ST3500320AS
          Drive: F:
     Free Space: 159.6 GB
    Total Space: 446.2 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: ST3500320AS
          Drive: D:
          Model: HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22LS30
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:40:46, 62976 bytes
          Drive: G:
          Model: HU1047S BSR204O SCSI CdRom Device
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:40:46, 62976 bytes
          Drive: H:
          Model: HU1047S BSR204O SCSI CdRom Device
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:40:46, 62976 bytes
    System Devices
         Name: Intel(R) P965/G965/G35 PCI Express Root Port - 29A1
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29A1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&08
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) P965/G965/G35 Processor to I/O Controller - 29A0
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29A0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&00
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_284B&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 4/13/2008 11:36:05, 144384 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family PCI Express Root Port 6 - 2849
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2849&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E5
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family PCI Express Root Port 5 - 2847
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2847&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E4
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 283F
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_283F&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family SMBus Controller - 283E
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_283E&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&FB
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 283A
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_283A&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D7
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 30208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:11:54, 7168 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 2836
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2836&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&EF
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 30208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:11:54, 7168 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2835
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2835&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2834
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2834&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&D0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2832
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2832&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&EA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2831
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2831&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E9
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2830
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2830&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&E8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 19:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8R/DO/DH SATA RAID Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2822&SUBSYS_72381462&REV_02\3&11583659&0&FA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\iaStor.sys, 6.00.0000.1022 (English), 5/11/2006 11:30:52, 247808 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH8/ICH8R Family LPC Interface Controller - 2810
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2810&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&11583659&0&F8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\isapnp.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:36:41, 37248 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_F2\3&11583659&0&F0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: JMB36X Standard Dual Channel PCIE IDE Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2361&SUBSYS_72461462&REV_02\4&18CD42CE&0&00E4
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:40:30, 96512 bytes
         Name: VIA OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3044&SUBSYS_238D1462&REV_80\4&1FAF5EA3&0&20F0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ohci1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:46:18, 61696 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\1394bus.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:46:18, 53376 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nic1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:51:25, 61824 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\arp1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 13:51:25, 60800 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\enum1394.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 08:46:40, 6400 bytes
         Name: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_238C1462&REV_01\4&24CAFEBD&0&00E5
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\Rtenicxp.sys, 5.654.0721.2006 (English), 7/21/2006 00:25:04, 82432 bytes
         Name: Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AA30&SUBSYS_AA301043&REV_00\4&2B9C2F50&0&0108
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 4/13/2008 11:36:05, 144384 bytes
         Name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9440&SUBSYS_01FC1043&REV_00\4&2B9C2F50&0&0008
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ati2mtag.sys, 6.14.0010.7008 (English), 9/23/2009 17:59:26, 4481024 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ati2erec.dll, 1.00.0000.0019 (English), 9/23/2009 16:28:58, 53248 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2dvag.dll, 6.14.0010.7008 (English), 9/23/2009 17:38:26, 299520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2cqag.dll, 6.14.0010.0446 (English), 9/23/2009 16:23:08, 638976 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2mdxx.exe, 6.14.0010.2495 (English), 9/23/2009 17:21:00, 26112 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati3duag.dll, 6.14.0010.0700 (English), 9/23/2009 17:09:18, 3506080 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativvaxx.dll, 6.14.0010.0236 (English), 9/23/2009 16:53:48, 2096384 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiicdxx.dat, 9/1/2009 14:55:54, 195855 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativva5x.dat, 7/2/2009 11:44:34, 3 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativva6x.dat, 7/2/2009 11:44:34, 887724 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\amdpcom32.dll, 6.14.0010.0023 (English), 9/23/2009 16:36:50, 65024 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atimpc32.dll, 6.14.0010.0023 (English), 9/23/2009 16:36:50, 65024 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiadlxx.dll, 6.14.0010.1052 (English), 9/23/2009 16:30:08, 167936 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativvaxx.cap, 9/23/2009 16:53:28, 316240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIDDC.DLL, 6.14.0010.0008 (English), 9/23/2009 17:17:44, 53248 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atitvo32.dll, 6.14.0010.4200 (English), 9/23/2009 16:29:42, 17408 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativcoxx.dll, 6.13.0010.0005 (English), 11/9/2001 10:01:04, 24064 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2evxx.exe, 6.14.0010.4228 (English), 9/23/2009 17:19:14, 602112 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2evxx.dll, 6.14.0010.4178 (English), 9/23/2009 17:20:36, 155648 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atipdlxx.dll, 6.14.0010.2560 (English), 9/23/2009 17:21:32, 204800 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Oemdspif.dll, 6.15.0006.0006 (English), 9/23/2009 17:21:14, 155648 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2edxx.dll, 6.14.0010.2514 (English), 9/23/2009 17:20:50, 43520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atikvmag.dll, 6.14.0010.0113 (English), 9/23/2009 16:32:20, 561152 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atifglpf.xml, 8/31/2007 08:20:49, 7167 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIDEMGX.dll, 2.00.3553.31783 (English), 9/23/2009 17:39:28, 446464 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticaldd.dll, 6.14.0010.0427 (English), 9/23/2009 16:29:36, 3489792 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticalrt.dll, 6.14.0010.0427 (English), 9/23/2009 16:31:32, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticalcl.dll, 6.14.0010.0427 (English), 9/23/2009 16:31:18, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atibtmon.exe, 2.00.0000.0000 (English), 5/11/2009 16:35:29, 118784 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiok3x2.dll, 6.14.0010.9026 (English), 9/23/2009 16:27:50, 401408 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atioglxx.dll, 6.14.0010.9026 (English), 9/23/2009 16:58:16, 12644352 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiiiexx.dll, 6.14.0010.4006 (English), 9/23/2009 17:11:02, 311296 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\atiogl.xml, 8/7/2009 02:31:36, 18618 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIODCLI.exe, 1.00.0000.0001 (English), 2/3/2009 15:52:03, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIODE.exe, 1.00.0000.0001 (English), 2/18/2009 12:55:21, 294912 bytes
    DirectX Components
       ddraw.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 279552 bytes
     ddrawex.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 27136 bytes
       dxapi.sys: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 10496 bytes
        d3d8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 1179648 bytes
     d3d8thk.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 8192 bytes
     d3dref8.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Debug 12/1/2004 16:59:30 248008 bytes
        d3d9.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 1689088 bytes
     d3dref9.dll: 9.15.0779.0000 English Final Retail 9/28/2006 16:04:02 339736 bytes
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    d3dim700.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 824320 bytes
      d3dref.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Debug 12/1/2004 16:59:12 106696 bytes
     d3dramp.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 590336 bytes
       d3drm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 350208 bytes
      d3dxof.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 47616 bytes
    d3dpmesh.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 34816 bytes
       dplay.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 33040 bytes
      dplayx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 229888 bytes
    dpmodemx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 23552 bytes
     dpwsock.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 42768 bytes
    dpwsockx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 57344 bytes
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    dpvsetup.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:12:18 83456 bytes
      dpvvox.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 116736 bytes
      dpvacm.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 21504 bytes
    dpnhpast.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 35328 bytes
    dpnhupnp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 60928 bytes
    dpserial.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 53520 bytes
      dinput.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 158720 bytes
     dinput8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 181760 bytes
       dimap.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 44032 bytes
    diactfrm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 394240 bytes
         joy.cpl: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:12:41 68608 bytes
       gcdef.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 2/28/2006 07:00:00 76800 bytes
         pid.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:12:02 35328 bytes
      dsound.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 367616 bytes
    dsound3d.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 1293824 bytes
      dswave.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 19456 bytes
       dsdmo.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 181248 bytes
    dsdmoprp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 71680 bytes
      dmusic.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 104448 bytes
      dmband.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 28672 bytes
    dmcompos.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 61440 bytes
       dmime.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 181248 bytes
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     dmstyle.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 105984 bytes
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      system.dll: 1.01.4322.2443 English Final Retail 10/13/2009 21:09:22 1232896 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:05 473600 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 5.04.0000.3900 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:02 2676224 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.04.0091.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:02 2846720 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:02 563712 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.06.0168.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:03 567296 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.07.0239.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:03 576000 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.08.0299.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:03 577024 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.09.0376.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:04 577536 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.10.0455.0000 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:05 577536 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.11.0519.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2009 21:59:02 578560 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.12.0589.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2009 21:59:04 578560 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:06 145920 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:06 159232 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:06 364544 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:06 178176 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:05 53248 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:05 12800 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 10/14/2009 17:18:04 223232 bytes
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       dx8vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:52 1227264 bytes
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       mfc42.dll: 6.02.4131.0000 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:56 1028096 bytes
     wsock32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:12:10 22528 bytes
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     devenum.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:51 59904 bytes
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    mciqtz32.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:56 35328 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:12:42 148992 bytes
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     ir50_qc.dll: 5.00.0063.0048 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:11:55 200192 bytes
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    wstcodec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 13:46:24 19200 bytes
    wstdecod.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 19:12:10 50688 bytes
        msdv.sys: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 7/9/2004 03:26:38 52096 bytes
    DirectShow Filters
    WDM Streaming VBI Codecs:
    NABTS/FEC VBI Codec,0x00200000,2,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    CC Decoder,0x00200000,2,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    WST Codec,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    DirectShow Filters:
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    WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,
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    Full Screen Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
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    ATI Ticker,0x00200000,0,1,,
    DV Muxer,0x00400000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
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    AC3 Parser Filter,0x00600000,1,1,,6.05.2600.5512
    CyberLink Audio Decoder (PDVD7),0x00602000,1,1,,6.00.0000.3403
    WMT Format Conversion,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    WMT Black Frame Generator,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    MJPEG Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    CyberLink Audio Effect (PDVD7),0x00200000,1,1,,6.00.0000.2731
    Indeo® video 5.10 Decompression Filter,0x00640000,1,1,ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055
    WMT Screen Capture filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    Microsoft Screen Video Decompressor,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
    MPEG-I Stream Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    SAMI (CC) Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    ATI EZShare Client,0x00200000,0,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    ATI Time Shift Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    ATI Time Shift Reader,0x00600000,0,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    ATI MPEG File Writer,0x00200000,1,0,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    ATI MPEG Video Decoder,0x005fffff,1,2,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    MPEG Layer-3 Decoder,0x00810000,1,1,,1.05.0000.0050
    MPEG-2 Splitter,0x005fffff,1,0,,6.05.2600.5512
    AAC Parser,0x00400000,1,1,,1.01.0000.0000 Sipro Lab Audio Decoder,0x00800001,1,1,,1.04.0000.0000
    RadLight APE DirectShow Filter,0x00600000,0,1,,1.00.0000.0000
    CyberLink SAC Video Decoder(PDVD7 HomeNetwork),0x00200000,2,3,,6.00.0000.2122
    ATI VCR Video Converter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    LogMeIn Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,4.00.0000.0982
    FLV Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,flvDX.dll,1.00.0000.0001
    Internal Script Command Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    MPEG Audio Decoder,0x03680001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    MMACE ProcAmp,0x00200000,0,2,MMACEFilters.dll,
    File Source (Netshow URL),0x00400000,0,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ATI Video Format Converter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    WMT Import Filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    DV Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Bitmap Generate,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    Windows Media Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
    Video Mixing Renderer 9,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Windows Media Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4000
    CyberLink Demux (PDVD7),0x00602000,1,0,,1.00.0000.4528
    CyberLink MPEG Splitter(Scramble),0x00200000,1,2,,3.01.0000.1424
    WMT VIH2 Fix,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    Dirac Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0000
    Record Queue,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    CyberLink Line21 Decoder (PDVD7),0x00200000,0,2,,4.00.0000.6929
    ASUS SBS RTP Source Filter,0x00200000,0,0,,1.00.0000.0002
    ATI CC Multiplexer,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    Windows Media Multiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASX file Parser,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASX v.2 file Parser,0x00600000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    NSC file Parser,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ATI MPEG Audio Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,
    ATI VCR Stream Sink,0x00200000,0,0,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    MainConcept (Nikon) MPEG Splitter,0x00600002,1,2,,1.00.0001.0012
    MainConcept (Nikon) MPEG Audio Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0076
    MainConcept (Nikon) MPEG Video Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0076
    MainConcept (Nikon) MPEG Encoder,0x00200000,2,1,,1.01.0000.0026
    ACM Wrapper,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    CoreAAC Audio Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,,1.02.0000.0575
    Windows Media source filter,0x00600000,0,2,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    Video Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Frame Eater,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer,0x00200000,0,0,sbe.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Line 21 Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Video Port Manager,0x00600000,2,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    CyberLink Push-Mode CLStream (PDVD7),0x00200000,0,1,CLStream(PushMode).ax,1.00.0000.1524
    CyberLink Audio Decoder (PDVD7 UPnP),0x00200000,1,1,,6.00.0000.1803
    WST Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,wstdecod.dll,5.03.2600.5512
    Video Renderer,0x00400000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    ATI MPEG Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    QuickTimeRenderer Filter,0x00200000,1,0,,8.01.0000.0000
    RealMedia Source,0x00600000,0,0,,1.00.0001.0001
    CyberLink Audio Spectrum Analyzer (PDVD7),0x00200000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0924
    DivX Decoder Filter,0xff800000,1,1,,6.00.0000.1571
    ATI MPEG Multiplexer,0x00200000,2,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    ATI Audio Delay Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    WM ASF Writer,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    FLV Video Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,flvDX.dll,1.00.0000.0001
    WMT Sample Information Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    VBI Surface Allocator,0x00600000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor,0x00800000,1,1,,8.00.0000.4487
    MMACE SoftEmu,0x00200000,0,2,MMACEFilters.dll,
    File writer,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    RadLight MPC DirectShow Filter,0x00600000,0,1,,1.00.0000.0004
    CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7),0x00602000,2,3,,6.00.0000.3402
    ATI Video Scaler Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    WMT Log Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    WMT Virtual Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    RealAudio Decoder,0x00400000,1,1,,1.00.0001.0001
    DVD Navigator,0x00200000,0,2,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    CyberLink DVD Navigator (PDVD7),0x00600000,0,3,,7.00.0000.2129
    CyberLink TimeStretch Filter (PDVD7),0x00200000,1,1,,1.00.0000.4024
    MMACE DeInterlace,0x00200000,0,2,MMACEFilters.dll,
    Overlay Mixer2,0x00400000,1,1,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Cyberlink SubTitle Importor (PDVD7),0x00200000,1,1,,1.00.0000.1604
    RadLight Speex Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0000
    AVI Draw,0x00600064,9,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    .RAM file Parser,0x00600000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ATI CC Splitter Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    muvee Video Analyser,0x00200000,1,0,,4.00.0022.0002
    muvee Music Analyser,0x00200000,1,0,,4.00.0022.0002
    ATI Still Capture Filter,0x00200000,1,0,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    WMT DirectX Transform Wrapper,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    G.711 Codec,0x00200000,1,1,,5.01.2600.0000
    MPEG-2 Demultiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,,6.05.2600.5512
    DV Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Indeo® audio software,0x00500000,1,1,,2.00.0005.0053
    Windows Media Update Filter,0x00400000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    CyberLink MPEG-4 Splitter (PDVD7),0x00600000,1,2,,1.00.0000.3229
    ASF DIB Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASF ACM Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASF ICM Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASF URL Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASF JPEG Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASF DJPEG Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ASF embedded stuff Handler,0x00600000,1,1,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ATI Noise Reduction Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    WIA Stream Snapshot Filter,0x00200000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0000
    QuickTime Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,QuickTimeSource.dll,4.00.0043.0000
    Allocator Fix,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    Null Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,qedit.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    WMT Virtual Source,0x00200000,0,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x005fffff,1,0,,6.05.2600.5512
    WMT Interlacer,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    FLV Source,0x00600000,0,0,flvDX.dll,1.00.0000.0001
    ATI Audio Pitch Correction Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    Smart Tee,0x00200000,1,2,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Overlay Mixer,0x00200000,0,0,qdvd.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    AVI Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Uncompressed Domain Shot Detection Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    CyberLink H.264/AVC Decoder (PDVD7),0x00602000,2,3,,1.07.0000.2203
    AVI/WAV File Source,0x00400000,0,2,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    QuickTime Movie Parser,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Wave Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    MIDI Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Multi-file Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    File stream renderer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    XML Playlist,0x00400000,1,0,wmpasf.dll,11.00.5721.5145
    ATI Video Rotation Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    RealMedia Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,,1.00.0001.0001
    AVI Mux,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    muvee WAV Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,,9.00.0000.0000
    Line 21 Decoder 2,0x00600002,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    File Source (Async.),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    File Source (URL),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    WMT DV Extract,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    QuickTime Encoder,0x00200000,1,0,,4.00.0043.0000
    RadLight Theora Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0003
    CyberLink Demux (PDVD7 UPnP),0x00200000,1,0,,1.00.0000.3421
    WMT Switch Filter,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    WMT Volume,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    ATI VCR Stream Source,0x00600000,0,0,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    Stretch Video,0x00200000,1,1,wmm2filt.dll,2.01.4026.0000
    Dirac Video Decoder,0x00400000,1,1,,1.00.0000.0000
    Infinite Pin Tee Filter,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    CyberLink Streamming Filter (PDVD7),0x00200000,0,1,,1.01.0000.1524
    BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00200000,1,0,,6.05.2600.5512
    QT Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    ATI FM-On-Demand Filter,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    MPEG Video Decoder,0x40000001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Indeo® video 4.4 Decompression Filter,0x00640000,1,1,,4.51.0016.0003
    Indeo® video 4.4 Compression Filter,0x00200000,1,1,,4.51.0016.0003
    WDM Streaming Tee/Splitter Devices:
    Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    WDM Streaming Data Transforms:
    Microsoft Kernel Acoustic Echo Canceller,0x00000000,0,0,,
    Microsoft Kernel GS Wavetable Synthesizer,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Microsoft Kernel DLS Synthesizer,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Microsoft Kernel DRM Audio Descrambler,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Video Compressors:
    WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    MSScreen encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Indeo® video 5.10 Compression Filter,0x00100000,1,1,ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055
    LogMeIn Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,,4.00.0000.0982
    MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Cinepak Codec by Radius,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Intel Indeo® Video 4.5,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Indeo® video 5.10,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Intel IYUV codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft H.261 Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft H.263 Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V1,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft RLE,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft Video 1,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    VMnc v2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    VP60® Simple Profile ,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    VP61® Advanced Profile,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft Windows Media Video 9,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    XviD MPEG-4 Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Helix YV12 YUV Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Audio Compressors:
    WMA Voice Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,
    ATI MPEG Audio Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,atidvcr.dll,9.15.0000.20713
    Lernout & Hauspie CELP 4.8kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Lernout & Hauspie SBC 8kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Lernout & Hauspie SBC 12kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Lernout & Hauspie SBC 16kbit/s,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM),0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Windows Media Audio V1,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Windows Media Audio V2,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Microsoft G.723.1,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Audio Capture Sources:
    Realtek HD Audio Input,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    Midi Renderers:
    Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    WDM Streaming Capture Devices:
    ASUS GSB,0x00200000,0,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    WDM Streaming Rendering Devices:
    Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,2,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    BDA Rendering Filters:
    BDA IP Sink,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    BDA Network Providers:
    Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.05.2600.5512
    Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.05.2600.5512
    Video Capture Sources:
    ASUS GSB,0x00200000,0,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    BDA Transport Information Renderers:
    BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,1,0,,6.05.2600.5512
    MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,,6.05.2600.5512
    WDM Streaming Mixer Devices:
    Microsoft Kernel Wave Audio Mixer,0x00000000,0,0,,
    BDA CP/CA Filters:
    XDS Codec,0x00200000,0,0,encdec.dll,6.05.2600.5512
    WDM Streaming Communication Transforms:
    Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Audio Renderers:
    Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    CyberLink Audio Renderer (PDVD7),0x00200000,1,0,,6.00.0000.2812
    Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.5822
    WDM Streaming System Devices:
    Realtek HD Audio Input,0x00200000,4,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,17,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    BDA Receiver Component:
    BDA Slip De-Framer,0x00600000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    BDA MPE Filter,0x00600000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512
    Last edited by frenchfrog; 11-30-2009 at 09:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Kethari, I notice you are in Montreal... So am I and at least 2 others I know of who are having this problem. Could this be a common thread? Where are the rest of you, and what ISP are you on? I am currently using Bell as is one of the others I know of with these issues (not sure about the third guy).

  10. #10
    Community Member frenchfrog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Yeah, I'm in Val-d'Or/Quebec/Canada, I'm with Cablevision/Telebec/Bell.

  11. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default buggg

    heyy i am from montreal and using bell and 3 of my friends have also bell and are having the same exact issue !

  12. #12
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by sovelis9 View Post
    heyy i am from montreal and using bell and 3 of my friends have also bell and are having the same exact issue !
    The plot thickens... The question is, what can we do about it? I am waiting in queue with Bell support but they're almost certainly going to try to say it's a problem on the game's end.

  13. #13
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Oh wow then. I'm from Quebec, using BELL too. Having the SAME issues, on two computers, starting last sunday.
    - Connection lost while fighting
    - Talk to NPC and lost dialog box
    - Random disconnection of party/guild text/voice chat

    My internet connection is rock stable and fast for everything non-DDO.

  14. #14
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    As predicted...

    "*my name*, I would like to inform you that this might be an issue with the gaming website itself. I would suggest you to contact that gaming company to fix this."

    I don't think he even understood what I was trying to describe... I was trying to explain about the npc dialogs and he was asking me what the popup error message was.

    Have the rest of you sent support requests to Turbine? The more of us that report it the better chance it will be addressed... right? Right...?

    Dammit I wanted to do the Necropolis this week.

  15. #15
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    No time to bug bell about this until wed ... But if they don't fix this, incoming sh*tstorm as I've been a high paying - low-maintenance customer for a decade and could switch phone+net to the competition.

    The major problem here is that their support folk are clueless and probably don't understand the term 'bandwitdh throttling' . The problem here is probably a overzealous malware or peer2peer detection.

  16. #16
    Community Member frenchfrog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thalanthazar View Post
    The major problem here is that their support folk are clueless and probably don't understand the term 'bandwitdh throttling' . The problem here is probably a overzealous malware or peer2peer detection.
    Yeah, this is exactly what I think the problem is. It would be hard to tell them which packets get eaten or modified and if do find some examples you still need a way to reach someone qualified enough at Bell to understand it.

  17. #17
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    Default same

    I am from st-hyacinthe and i got the same issue. But id like to add a fact witch i would assume will put the blame on isp. Im with cablevision too and my cousin is with videotron but does not have the issue we have. Since sunday PSN is down too and only in canada and those with a BELL isp. Bell is the provider for Cogeco and probably cablevision too.
    Last edited by killswitch; 12-01-2009 at 01:54 AM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Sarazahj's Avatar
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    So from what I can tell,DDO/Bell is hating on QC players.

    Making me miss most of the Festivult wah...
    Last edited by Sarazahj; 12-01-2009 at 02:06 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member TheJMC17's Avatar
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    Wow, nice to see someone spotted the problem, Im also from quebec, Drummondville to be exact and i am with Bell too (Sympatico).

    I tryed to create a new account and play, but after creating my character and starting the game, i could not even speak with Jeets on the beach, one thing i noticed is that i usually have 2 or 3 seconds of lag when entering the world where i can see and hear but cannot move. It always did that since i've started playing a month ago. But now it doesnt anymore, as soon as i enter the world, i am able to move without any delay. If i could click on an answer to tell Jeets im ready to go, it'd be great, though i'd rather have 3 seconds of lag and be able to play the game after that.

    I've sent an e-mail to turbine support before making this topic, unfortunatly it takes one to two weeks to get a reply.

    How am i going to survive without DDO during a whole week!
    If anyone gets updates on this subject, keep us informed, we have to stick togheter! ^_^

    (Btw, Turbine support already replied me, asked some infos which i sent a moment ago)
    Last edited by TheJMC17; 12-01-2009 at 05:45 AM.

  20. #20
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    The 'support' person I spoke to last night was via the online chat thing and I have a strong suspicion they were outsourced... Going to try their phone support tonight since last time I called them the person was in Canada at least so maybe it will be easier to explain the problem.

    TheJMC17, if you get any helpful info from Turbine please let us know, since you seem to be the first among us in their queue. Maybe they can suggest a way around this.
    Last edited by Longpig; 12-01-2009 at 06:42 AM.

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