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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Two Handed Weapon Questions

    Do effects like weighted have a chance of landing on glancing blows?

    vs. non-immune creatures, would a falchion, with it's greater critical threat range, do significantly more damage with it's 5x crits, than a Great Axe would do with it's 6x crits which happen half as often?.... and if the answer is yes, are there enough crit-immune mobs at high levels to make this gain irrelevant often?

  2. #2
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    The effects landing on glancing blows are random, but they do land. If you pick up THF, ITHF, and GTHF, then you have more of a chance for the effects to proc during glancing blows.

    There is also a Warforged enhancement that is supposed to increase the percentage of the glancing blow procs, but I don't know if it stacks with other enhancements like the barbarians FB.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ereshkigal View Post
    Do effects like weighted have a chance of landing on glancing blows?

    vs. non-immune creatures, would a falchion, with it's greater critical threat range, do significantly more damage with it's 5x crits, than a Great Axe would do with it's 6x crits which happen half as often?.... and if the answer is yes, are there enough crit-immune mobs at high levels to make this gain irrelevant often?
    1. Yes. Every effect can work on glancing blows.

    2. Falcions do not get x5 crits that cover it's full range. FB increased multipliers only work on a 19 and 20. So as a falcion crits 15-20, the large majority of it's criticals will only be at x2.
    Greataxes only normally crit on a 19-20 anyways, so they will allways be x6 assuming your fighting a normal non helpless target and you keep up rage and death frenzy.

  4. #4
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Frenzied berserker crit mult doesn't in any way benefit either falchion or greataxe more than the other; the falchion continues to get 2x crits on 4 more swings and the greataxe 1 mult higher on the ones it's getting. Due ot the lower base damage, the falchion's generally not better dps until you have around +50 to your damage modifier, when it starts to be, though it will not have as high a damage output on an autocrit target.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    1. Yes. Every effect can work on glancing blows.

    2. Falcions do not get x5 crits that cover it's full range. FB increased multipliers only work on a 19 and 20. So as a falcion crits 15-20, the large majority of it's criticals will only be at x2.
    Greataxes only normally crit on a 19-20 anyways, so they will allways be x6 assuming your fighting a normal non helpless target and you keep up rage and death frenzy.

    Hey Shade - what do you think the rate is on glancing blows - for example, weighted? Ie. is it even close to TWF? Or a better way to ask, versus how many opponents would you need to be facing to see it proc the same amount? Gut feel is fine, or number crunching, I'm good either way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumarek View Post
    Enochroot does know what he is talking about but even a knowledgeable Troll is still a Troll.

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enochroot View Post
    Hey Shade - what do you think the rate is on glancing blows - for example, weighted? Ie. is it even close to TWF? Or a better way to ask, versus how many opponents would you need to be facing to see it proc the same amount? Gut feel is fine, or number crunching, I'm good either way.
    At maximum attack rates, THF gets pretty close to the same number of hits per min as TWF if you add in glancing blows.
    (TWF: 110 swings per min, x2 = 220, THF: 140 +70 glancing blows = 210)

    Proc rate is around 30%

    In almost all encounters you can set it up so you hit at least 3+ mobs, so I find im always stunning more things on my THF barbs looking at the proc alone. Add in the feat and I find I can pull off multi stuns quite often.

    However TWF does get the double chance hit attempt. So against enemies with exceedingly high fort saves, it is more reliable to land the stuns. Also gains the advantage of putting any old weighted weapon in the offhand, while keeping your best dps weapon in the main hand to take the enemy down in the 6 seconds you have them stunned.

    So there both good, they got there pro's and cons.

    ATM i got all of my barbarians to lvl20 and they all play quite well with small differences. My TWF has several epic weapons too, dual cleavers and the sirroco. Epic Sirroco + max str twf double chance= can trip any enemy in the game, even epics with there insane str.. Something my THF barb can't do right now on epic (well he can with a vertigo +10, but I have no good ones worth using, only a +1 greataxe)
    Hopefully the epic xuum has something cool like vertigo 10.

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