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  1. #1
    Community Member shaolaolint's Avatar
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    Default Cantrips

    What about the cantrips? Can't remember the last edition I played PnP, but I remember wizzies having this ability. How about adding some small superfluous spells?

  2. #2
    Community Member Chaosprism's Avatar
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    yeah I'd like to see open/close cantrip.

    Light definitely.

    Finger of fire and other cantrips are on wands already, no reason not to give them to wizards.

  3. #3
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Wonder how much damage disrupt undead would do after bonuses from gear.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I have fond memories of em in my PnP days...le sigh

  5. #5
    Community Member Grimgore's Avatar
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    There are already a few in the game currently with Finger of Flame, Acid Splash, and Cure Minor Wounds (Orison). I wonder what keeps them from bringing them in?

  6. #6
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimgore View Post
    I wonder what keeps them from bringing them in?
    Because, if you make them cost 5sp, they're worthless, and if you make them free, they're too much.
    Assuming it's even usable in game as it is.

    Open/Close? Okay, you can open the chest. Doesn't help you loot it. Doesn't open doors. Won't work on a locked chest.
    Cure Minor Wounds? 5sp for a 1hp heal is a waste of sp, and infinite free 1hp heals can be abused.
    Any that deals damage? Same as Cure Minor.

    Really. I understand wanting them because of the tabletop connection. But I can't see how they'd work out at all.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    I would like to see cantrips and orisins implemented as well. As for SP cost, 1 or 2 would be fine. Too much 'bang for your buck' really wouldn't be an issue. Most mana consumption (aside from Buffbots) is done in the heat of battle anyways. As spells not very useful in battle, getting more bang for your buck is the one advantage you get.

    As for individual spells:

    Dancing Lights/Light - Making all 'lighter' dungeons slightly darker would increase the demand for a light spell, and make things more realistic (Hang out in the Necropolis tombs for a while :P ).

    Detect magic - Would be useful in knowing how many casters (assuming they stretched the limits of the spell a bit :P ) and magical/summoned beings are in the next room and their general location within. This, in my opinion, should be expanded to be able to detect traps that cause elemental damage. Even with every point possible spent on enhancements and skills, it's difficult for rogues and ranger to get over the Spot DC of most traps, which pushes most people to memmorize dungeons or use online maps/guides to know where the traps are, which really takes away from the roleplaying feel. Almost every group I've been in had a person announcing for everybody to slow-down b/c he 'knows' there is a trap coming up in the next room. Get's really annoying. More random trap locations would be nice, but being able to use detect magic for this would be easier to implement.

    Ghost Sound/Prestidigitation - Aside from uses in Performance, would be useful in drawing monsters' attention elsewhere.

    Read Magic - Would be nice if they implemented this along with scrolls and other such things actually written in different languages, which together could be expanded with limitless possibilities as far as storyline/special spells/etc. goes.

    Detect Poison - Might help to know where underground scorpions, etc. are (though they do need more of them). Possibly even make it possible to detect acid traps, even though they're technically different.

    Mage Hand - Mentioned more-so in other threads. Like I said there, it would be useful if they took off the 'non-magic' item portion of it, so you could have better access to picking up soul stones that are caught in the middle of a bunch of traps.

    Mending - There would have to be something to constrain it...Nothing to keep players from continually casting it while in city-limits with the 'eschew materials' feat to make it free to repair gear, albeit very slowly. But it would be interesting to have and convinient to have the spell when you've died several times exploring a new dungeon.

    Arcane Mark - Could use that and its compliment spell 'Drawmij's instant summons - at least within one dungeon. Otherwise, it might be a stylish way for crafters to 'Mark' things they've made and sold to others.

    The rest of the lvl 0 spells are either battle-related or otherwise self-explanatory. It would be nice to have them all implemented though, along with some of the harder spells that have been skipped, but I'll probably post about them later.

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