considering that ppl negrep you because you answered a question shows that the system is flawed
but also its fun if you proove someone wrong and he negreps you cause he know he lost![]()
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Correct. The best way to tell is to hover the boxes and it will tell you the person's rank. If the person is "Commended", "Renowned", "Honored" or "Hero of the People", then he or she is able to give neg rep. Ranks under that (Neutral, Noted, Reliable and Trustworthy) can't., #1 source for DDO information., #1 source for DDO information.
My rep is pretty spread out from everything from solid advice and funny posts to making fun of Shade, Tinyelvis and Borror0. Ironically, I think usually when I get rep for making fun of Borr, it's Borr giving me the rep.![](), #1 source for DDO information.
Well the first one I don't know why they would have neg repped except possibly for your exageration about lag causing 20 swings to 1 to miss. Silly exageration does annoy some people.
The second one, trying to conform to PnP 1 swing per sec is a bad idea, you defense of your bad idea with "too many" as you answer to what you thought the current system was showed a lack of knowledge of the system and a lack of insightful contribution. Such a snippy and non contributing answer can draw neg rep., #1 source for DDO information.
There is an alternate.
Sine Qua Non.
I think that all feedback should show who it was from. Being able to post a comment would also be nice.
Its not usually an issue leaving a positive comment and putting your name on it. On the flip side, I think many people would not want to leave a negative comment if they had to put their name on it. For that very reason, I think the persons name should go on it.
If you are unwilling to put your name on it, is your approval or disapproval really valid? I applaud all those you are willing to say it in the thread that they are giving rep. Even more so to those who explain why.
Anyone who gives negative rep with good reason would have nothing to fear even if it was reported to the moderators. Also, the system already requires you to spread rep around, so massive retaliation would not be possible. (Assuming the "spread" applies negative rep as it does positive.) Finally, someone who threw neg rep as retaliation could be reported. The moderators could easily judge the situation when the data is easily found and presented.