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  1. #1
    Community Member Ardkor's Avatar
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    Default What are the good *non-raid* items?

    This is aimed at the long time players and build makers, who know all the major pieces of gear by heart.

    I play solo/PD, and I hope to survive to level 20 (eventually). I enjoy the challenge, but it requires a *very* different attitude in my play style, my build choices, my skills/enhancements, and most importantly my gear.

    I can get a lot of nice things on the AH (assuming I have lots of money), however there are plenty of things I am sure that I won't be able to get (because they bind to the character who gets them as a drop/reward, etc). I assume that most really nice items in the end game are bind-on-acquire, but I don't know.

    Without being a longtime player (with lots of experience in end game raids, etc) I have no way of knowing whether or not any given item is something I will eventually be able to acquire (via AH or solo play) or if it is impossible to get without grouping up on a big raid. Take the "Madstone" for example...I see this listed very often in a build. Apparently its a great thing to have for many builds...but can a solo player get one? If not, then that portion of the build is useless (or worse) to me. Many, many builds list their end game stats and a long list of "assume you will have these from raids" items...but will I really, as a solo player?

    What I'd like to see is a list of some great items that can be acquired solo (one way or another). The items that you think would be "essential" or "very useful" to a solo player, in the end game.

    In case it makes a difference: my solo build is a Warforged (STR based) 13 Rogue/6 Ranger/1 Wizard, who fights Two Weapon style, and uses CE/Improved Trip. I plan to have Tempest I, Assassin II. I may pick up Stunning Blow as my last feat, but it will depend on how things shape up by then. He is currently Ro2/Rng2/W1, and almost 6th level.

    Any advice on where to quest/find these good items is appreciated. Under the rules I play by, I can buy them from vendors/brokers/AH (not DDO store) but I have to earn the cash to buy them (etc) - no 'twinking' from any other character/player, and when I die the items are -not- passed on to the next solo attempt.
    On Sarlona:
    Omnitek 17 (WF Monk 13/ Rogue 3/Wizard 1, soloist).
    Calphalon 7 (WF, Rogue 1/Artificer 6, *still* duoing with my wife and having fun)

  2. #2
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    Everything you ever wanted to know about named items...
    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

  3. #3
    Community Member Ardkor's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, this doesn't tell me which of those quests are "must group to complete", so I can't tell if any given item on the list is something that I can actually get as a solo player. It does tell me about the raid ones, which is good.

    The BTC info is good for some of them, though, because I know that I can't get that item at all unless I can do that quest. I've added that thread to my bookmarks, thanks!
    Last edited by Ardkor; 11-28-2009 at 06:54 AM.
    On Sarlona:
    Omnitek 17 (WF Monk 13/ Rogue 3/Wizard 1, soloist).
    Calphalon 7 (WF, Rogue 1/Artificer 6, *still* duoing with my wife and having fun)

  4. #4
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardkor View Post
    The BTC info is good for some of them, though, because I know that I can't get that item at all unless I can do that quest. I've added that thread to my bookmarks, thanks!
    Some items can be obtained without completing a quest.

    Example: Your build may struggle with the end boss of A New Invasion (level 19 quest in Amrath) even on Normal. However, you can obtain named items from that quest without completing it from several chests
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  5. #5
    Community Member zavozod's Avatar
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    Default Oh Boy

    You are kidding right. A lot of work goes into that list and you cannot get it? Oh Boy...
    Balmudo - Defro - Hoka - Kenicki - Mato - Skag - Slob - Smokestone - Uffta - Wiyaka

  6. #6
    Community Member Ardkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zavozod View Post
    You are kidding right. A lot of work goes into that list and you cannot get it? Oh Boy...
    Oh, I'm quite sure there is a lot of work in that list, since its been around for a while and lots of people contributed to it. I did read it, thoroughly, and I did bookmark it for future reference. I even printed off an edited version of it, hardcopy.

    As far as "getting it" goes, why don't *you* scan down that list and just (off the top of your head) tell me which of those quests can't be completed solo, and which can? Because that is a piece of information I need to be able to apply the info in the list in a useful manner. Or you could stop and think about *your* must have items, and whether or not you could have gotten them solo somehow. Then post something useful about those, instead of just a random insult.

    Sirgog gave me a very useful answer, for which I am grateful (+1 rep). With the list printed out and in my binder, it will help me find more good answers - but it was not created with a solo player in mind, any more than 95% of the builds in the forums were. If there were already a list of 'great items every solo player should watch for' or 'great items that you can simply forget about if you are a solo player' someone would have linked THAT somewhere, and I'd probably have a copy already.

    That's why I posted my question, and started the thread.
    On Sarlona:
    Omnitek 17 (WF Monk 13/ Rogue 3/Wizard 1, soloist).
    Calphalon 7 (WF, Rogue 1/Artificer 6, *still* duoing with my wife and having fun)

  7. #7
    Community Member Mylon's Avatar
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    My trouble has been, when it comes to looking at all of the loot available, what loot can be combined to make an awesome X? For a cleric, I need +6 wis, +6 con, heavy fortification, Superior potency 6, Striding 25-30%, +hp, +sp, And, if I can find it, +conjuration or +necromancy focus. Probably a few other abilities I forgot to list. But, once I have that, how do I break it down so I can get all of those abilities with my item slots? My current chokepoint is the head slot / belt / jewelery. I have a superior potency 6 head item (named), +6 wis necklace, heavy fort belt, several nice rings, and I've found several +con necklaces. So I'm not sure how to get past this chokepoint.
    Last edited by Mylon; 11-30-2009 at 11:05 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardkor View Post
    Oh, I'm quite sure there is a lot of work in that list, since its been around for a while and lots of people contributed to it. I did read it, thoroughly, and I did bookmark it for future reference. I even printed off an edited version of it, hardcopy.

    As far as "getting it" goes, why don't *you* scan down that list and just (off the top of your head) tell me which of those quests can't be completed solo, and which can? Because that is a piece of information I need to be able to apply the info in the list in a useful manner. Or you could stop and think about *your* must have items, and whether or not you could have gotten them solo somehow. Then post something useful about those, instead of just a random insult.

    Sirgog gave me a very useful answer, for which I am grateful (+1 rep). With the list printed out and in my binder, it will help me find more good answers - but it was not created with a solo player in mind, any more than 95% of the builds in the forums were. If there were already a list of 'great items every solo player should watch for' or 'great items that you can simply forget about if you are a solo player' someone would have linked THAT somewhere, and I'd probably have a copy already.

    That's why I posted my question, and started the thread.
    It would probably be safe to say that anything that drops from a raid (like Madstone Boots) isn't something you will be able to get solo. While that raid is soloable for a cleric or caster, its really only soloable as those classes if you know it really well. You'd perma-death about 20-30 characters figuring out how to solo that raid.

    So much of DDO is about quest-knowledge, I can only imagine that playing the way you are will be incredibly difficult, farming or not. Abotu the best stuff you can farm for are the named items in the desert (bloodstone, greaves, spec gloves).

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardkor View Post
    ...What I'd like to see is a list of some great items that can be acquired solo (one way or another). The items that you think would be "essential" or "very useful" to a solo player, in the end game.
    Some must haves (for me):
    - that Tangleroot clickie with Death Ward. More then one. 3 is a nice number
    - maxed UMD so I can use arcane and divine scrolls and wands. Theres neckless from Deleras that gives +3 UMD skill
    - Voice of the Master from Deleras
    - Planar Gird. Greater Heroism clickie, +4 tohit, skills and saves, Immune vs Fear. 2 would be nice
    - full set of Greater <element> resist items
    - clickies with things like Remove Curse, Lesser Resto, etc. Lots of them.

    Lots of good stuff is raid (bound by definition), so not for you I guess. Madstone boots for example are raid item.

  10. #10
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen View Post
    Some must haves (for me):
    - maxed UMD so I can use arcane and divine scrolls and wands. Theres neckless from Deleras that gives +3 UMD skill
    - Voice of the Master from Deleras
    - Planar Gird. Greater Heroism clickie, +4 tohit, skills and saves, Immune vs Fear. 2 would be nice
    It would be fair to note that you can't solo either Deleras (pt 2 in particular) or Xorian Cypher either.
    I suppose that with hirelings, you could complete Deleras Pt2, but then that wouldn't truly be soloing either.. Both of those items bind, so depending on your definition of Soloing, those would both be out.

    You need a combination of stoned/charmed/Halted/summoned/Hired critters to do XC - but it's somewhat difficult to pull off, and is only realistically doable with 2 ppl or more, I would say. You can also pick up planar girds from the AH, so this isn't as big of a problem.

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