This is aimed at the long time players and build makers, who know all the major pieces of gear by heart.
I play solo/PD, and I hope to survive to level 20 (eventually). I enjoy the challenge, but it requires a *very* different attitude in my play style, my build choices, my skills/enhancements, and most importantly my gear.
I can get a lot of nice things on the AH (assuming I have lots of money), however there are plenty of things I am sure that I won't be able to get (because they bind to the character who gets them as a drop/reward, etc). I assume that most really nice items in the end game are bind-on-acquire, but I don't know.
Without being a longtime player (with lots of experience in end game raids, etc) I have no way of knowing whether or not any given item is something I will eventually be able to acquire (via AH or solo play) or if it is impossible to get without grouping up on a big raid. Take the "Madstone" for example...I see this listed very often in a build. Apparently its a great thing to have for many builds...but can a solo player get one? If not, then that portion of the build is useless (or worse) to me. Many, many builds list their end game stats and a long list of "assume you will have these from raids" items...but will I really, as a solo player?
What I'd like to see is a list of some great items that can be acquired solo (one way or another). The items that you think would be "essential" or "very useful" to a solo player, in the end game.
In case it makes a difference: my solo build is a Warforged (STR based) 13 Rogue/6 Ranger/1 Wizard, who fights Two Weapon style, and uses CE/Improved Trip. I plan to have Tempest I, Assassin II. I may pick up Stunning Blow as my last feat, but it will depend on how things shape up by then. He is currently Ro2/Rng2/W1, and almost 6th level.
Any advice on where to quest/find these good items is appreciated. Under the rules I play by, I can buy them from vendors/brokers/AH (not DDO store) but I have to earn the cash to buy them (etc) - no 'twinking' from any other character/player, and when I die the items are -not- passed on to the next solo attempt.