I am mixed up between a WF Wiz18/Rog2 and a WF Sor16/PAl2/Rog2,
evasion is a must, and also the abbility to mellee when necessary (supported by spells)
Which of these builds has the best survivabillity at higher levels, and most chance to solo hard content..
I really like the crowd controll of the Arcane classes, but could not play without any form of selfhealing..
Currently my main is a FvS with Mnk splash, which i like a lot.. but i'd just prefer more CC while still having the same survivabillity and reasonable Mellee capabillities.
I dont think many people have experience with all these builds, so i am allready wondering if i will get any answers at all. Currently my level 5 Wiz/Rog seems to have much less survivabillity then my FvS had at that level, but things might change....