What the hell! If color blind people get mouse overs for color puzzles then gay marriage wins?
Oh man, we cant have that. I hereby officially remove my support of accommodating Color blind people.
LOL that is rich, didn't you ever learn from your high school debate team that "slippery slope" is a very weak argument no matter how you package it. Anyone with half a brain can tell the difference between someone asking for a chance to experience the game just like everyone else and someone that is just being a jerk.
Color Blind people being accommodated isn't in anyway shape or form going to open the door to ADD kids getting I win buttons, or gay marriage. I am not even sure how that is really relevant to any game, but what ever.
there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
Can anyone describe which puzzle the OP is talking about?
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
Last edited by Shyver; 11-30-2009 at 01:33 PM.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
Ok, I re-read some of the posts. If you are talking about the color wheel puzzles. You do realize that there are symbols with each color. I'm colorblind, so I agree that there can be minor moments in life that we have to make adjustments for. But if the color wheels in Pit, Tangleroot, Haywire, ect....All have symbols on them, then why do the colors matter. Heck, I say make them all white, and you have to solve them by symbols only. Then everyone will be on the same page as you, and the puzzles will still be the same.
Basically what i'm saying, is this is a touch crazy. Take note that I'm not calling you crazy, because I understand your potential frustrations. However, if there is already a sysem in game that helps us, IE. symbols, aka pictures, then colors are not the problem.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
I believe the OP is talking about the puzzle in the security center of the The Pit, were you have the search for plaques with colored lights and runes on them then turn the corresponding colored wheel to the rune on the plaque.
That isn't the only puzzle that is a issue. The Reaver's Fate puzzle is a problem as well. I am not even color blind and I have a hard time tell Orange skulls from Yellow ones. The Crucible wheel puzzle is another one.
there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
Fully agree with the OP's request, though his tone left much to be desired.
Although America is awfully litigious, the original case that spawned this is one that very few people actually hear the real facts about. Read The Actual Facts about the McDonald's Coffee Case if you're interested. Suffice it to say that the 79-year old woman involved suffered third-degree burns that required skin grafts and years of medical treatment.
The More You Know
A close cousin of the Ass-clown, typically identified by a jovial expression and an outward misunderstanding of how he/she is perceived, combined with a generally misguided conception of what is sociably acceptable amongst his/her fellow peers.
Said persons' frequent attempts at humor usually lead to he/she making an ass out of his/herself. Not to be confused with ass-hole.
******! I like the clown part better!
Thats me!!
I used to play ddo with a colorbilnd guy He was always took these silly comments in stride... Called a racist for poking fun at an overly upset player... You know what i always hated all ths puzzels to begin with, but hey thats what solvers are for..
Well i hope they fix your problem and make everything a shade of gray.
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
I see no reason not to implement some sort of colourblind help.
Not to be rude, but you should have 5 others in the group with you, perhaps one of them isnt color blind?
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Most of the time I do quests it's short-manned. But whatever, that's irrelevant.
What is relevant however, is that people sometimes want to solo quests, and it's impossible to do those quests solo unless you've got the locations of all of the puzzle pieces memorized or written down somewhere. It shouldn't have to be that way.
The fix could be something as simple as putting numbers next to the damned things. It wouldn't make anything clickable, just numbers on the wall adjacent to them.
You are thinking of partial colour blindness.
There are varying degrees of colour blindness. For example, the most well-known, red-green, is where the person cannot tell the difference between the colours red and green.
According to the OP's post, I assume that he has total colour blindness, and cannot see colours at all. In which case he would see everything as a grey-scale.
If this is the case, then it doesn't matter that red and blue are the colours he used, since they both would look like grey to him.