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  1. #21
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tmitmis View Post
    I just tried to run The Pit, and I'm as mad as a kobold at a kissing convention!

    It's not my stinkin fault!!! I'm COLORBLIND. From Birth. There's nothing I can do about it. Lots of men are colorblind... SO WHY THE FREAKIN HECK AREN'T THE COLOR PUZZLE's KEY PANELS FREAKIN LABELED, LIKE STINKIN CRAYONS ARE?!?!?!

    WHY DO YOU THINK CRAYONS ARE LABELED FOR LITTLE KIDS?!? BECAUSE SOME OF THEM ARE FREAKIN COLORBLIND!!! Just turn your monitor black and white, and then try doing the stupid puzzle: then you'll know my frustration.

    Some Examples: The Pit, Tangleroot, Haywire... FIX THEM!


    Hmmmmmm.... I wonder what lawyers think of things like this?!? No Handicapped Access... Hmmmmm.....


    This is less of a suggestion and more of a NEEDS TO FREAKIN HAPPEN kind of thing.

    And yes; I used colors!!! I had to get my son to pick them out!!!
    Even with the crappy tone it is hard to argue with this it is a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    And how far do you think this would go? Once you open up that door, you have to start adding features for several types of handicaps. Maybe the OP should, I dunno, find a way to compensate for his problem on his own? I know a few handicapped people who *hate* the way everyone treats them like babies. They want to be treated like everyone else, and overcome their deficiencies, not be considered "special needs".
    I was wrong I guess it is hard for most people to argue with this. Congrats Cedwin you earned my first forum smiting this week.
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

  2. #22
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    I agree that color puzzles in an MMO are counterproductive. The reason Turbine won't add a way to select the the color symbols hidden around to find out what color they represent is that they don't want people to just spam Q to find them all. Easy fix would just be to write the name of the color on the wall right next to the symbol.

    I am not colorblind but I can't tell the difference between the yellow and orange symbols there.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robi3.0 View Post
    I was wrong I guess it is hard for most people to argue with this. Congrats Cedwin you earned my first forum smiting this week.
    Seriously? Wow, you guys are quick to jump all over someones case who doesn't agree with your "morals".. So if a mentally challenged person wanted to play DDO, but found it impossibly hard, should they make it accessible for him or her too? Should they dumb the game down so far that even a 2 year old can play it? I wasn't saying "special needs" is a bad word by the way, just that these things can be pushed too far, and by changing one thing, it opens the door for everything else. Geeze you guys can overreact.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey69 View Post
    i guess you think special needs is a dirty is not! mabey you should let us know here how putting the word for the color on the squares would lessen the fun you get in the game? it should not matter to you one bit ...but i see that it does!
    How in the world did you get "special needs is a dirty word" out of me stating that the handicapped people that I know do not want to be treated like babies, and have everything changed or modified just for them, they would rather overcome a problem themselves.

  5. #25
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    Hmmm, Devs get on this, hes got a pretty good point, that would utterly suck! I mean wow, what would happen if this had happened in a raid that for some reason he was the only one left to do the puzzle lol? This really should be a top priority given the percentage of men with colorblindness.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tmitmis View Post
    "... find a way to compensate for it on my own..." Wow. Your intelligence astounds me... the way to compensate for it is TO ASK OTHERS TO HELP ME. Genius. If they were textually labeled, I wouldn't need someone else's help. I can see the symbols on them clearly, just not the colors. It's humiliating to have to ask everyone what color everything is.
    I noticed you ignored everything else in my post, so let me clarify. I have nothing against you or anyone else who are color blind, I am simply stating that once you modify something to cater to a group, it opens the door to changing *everything* for anyone who has a problem with the game. I want to play DDO, not "Politically Correct DDO".

    I mean, what's next? Should we change Halflings to "Height-Deficientlings"?
    Last edited by Cedwin; 11-26-2009 at 07:21 PM.

  7. #27


    OP, the bottom most wheel is yellow, the first wheel on the right hand side of the level you come in is purple, going 1 flight up the stairs, turning right will immediately bring you to the blue wheel. going across the plaform to the other corner of the level with the blue wheel will bring you to the orange and green wheels. the orange is of to the side of the stairs, the green is under the stairs. the upper most wheel is red
    If you want to know why...

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    And how far do you think this would go? Once you open up that door, you have to start adding features for several types of handicaps.
    Again, not really. Quite a few online games have alternate colour pallets for colourblind people, and games already avoid (or have optional) certain types of flashing which can cause fits in epileptic people (Yes, this is a very real concern, and there are checkers for this sort of thing!).

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Dawn_Falcon View Post
    Again, not really. Quite a few online games have alternate colour pallets for colourblind people, and games already avoid (or have optional) certain types of flashing which can cause fits in epileptic people (Yes, this is a very real concern, and there are checkers for this sort of thing!).
    the point here is litigation. people and companies get sued. to overcome this, disclaimers have to be printed

    what kind of a society it is when a person orders a cup of HOT coffee and the foam cup has to remind the drinker its HOT and the staff has to remind the drinker verbally too?!?!

    people should stop being lazy and start having more common sense
    If you want to know why...

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    Should they dumb the game down so far that even a 2 year old can play it?
    I found this funny, as my two year old does play DDO, as a rogue. He knows which keys will move him around, and to click on "bad guys" to "knock them down". Of course he does have a few problems still, like cliffs and drowning. He also doesn't seem to get the idea that the big coloured clouds and jets are bad, as he always wants to run up to them for a close look (while telling me "Dada look! Dada look!").

    My four year old does much better being able to cast his spells (he's a wizard), and click the levers and things (He loves those int runes cause "I can open them and daddy can't!" ), but will literally jump into the air and run when he gets surprised by a trap, or something popping out of a sarcophagus. However, he is good enough to actually be helpful in a group, unlike certain players in a few pugs I've been in.
    Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
    If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. - Albert Einstein
    Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge. - Leonardo da Vinci

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    the point here is litigation. people and companies get sued. to overcome this, disclaimers have to be printed
    No it's not. It's about offering an alternate colour pallet for the common issue of colour blindness in males. Period.

  12. #32
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    Mmmm....not to be insensitive or nothing, but if you are fully colorblind, there are some things maybe you just can't do (like, I dunno, attempt a coloured puzzle alone).

    Roleplay the handicap away if it makes you feel better, but I am definately against modification of the game to address individual player deficiencies...especially when someone makes the request in such a ****y manner.
    Excellent idea from the OP, it's one that is important in several places in DDO too. (I don't believe a completely colorblind person could read the Crucible top-of-maze levers, for example)
    Last edited by Tarrant; 11-30-2009 at 11:01 AM.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  13. #33
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    Default Not to hop on the insensitivity train but...

    While they are at it, they need to add a braille mode too, obviously.

    What I am saying is: Ramps next to stairs are nice, but getting mad at a place for not having a ramp is like getting mad at a coffee shop for not plastering their coffee cups with "caution: hot"

    Edit: Oh, and to make sure I am not understood, I think it would be pretty cool if they added a feature to assist the colorblind. It's a good thing to have in mind when designing a game. I just don't think it is appropriate to be mad that such a feature doesn't exist.
    Last edited by Velexia; 11-26-2009 at 08:56 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  14. #34
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Neg rep for being a jerk.

    Excellent idea from the OP, it's one that is important in several places in DDO too. (I don't believe a completely colorblind person could read the Crucible top-of-maze levers, for example)
    Reported for trolling/insults.


  15. #35
    Community Member Sintwar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey69 View Post
    you kidding right! so your take on this is to hell with all people with special needs . jeez louise that is sad . I hope you are fortunate enough to go your whole life without a hitch but mabey it would be a good life lesson for you if something did happen to you so you could understand the hardships people with dissabilities go through on a daily basis . very poor form on your part imo and trust me if i could ,the negative rep would be comming ....nuf said
    Well, he does have a point. I mean really, for people with ADD, perhaps they should add a lever at the beginning of each quest that let's you autommatically complete the quest. Or perhaps for our mentally challenged brothers and sisters, they should add arrow signs pointing in the right direction, along with a special sword that kills mobs even when you don't hit them. Or perhaps they should make sure to include a special door lever that allows you to flick it 3 or 4 times in a row for those with OCD. Perhaps a dm voice over that says "turn left here, stop here, swing sword now" for those completely blind folks.

    I could go on all day with the possible modifications that would have to be made in order to accommodate for every possible disorder out there.

    I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but to come in demanding it as if they should know better is absurd.

  16. 11-26-2009, 09:12 PM

  17. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Dawn_Falcon View Post
    No it's not. It's about offering an alternate colour pallet for the common issue of colour blindness in males. Period.
    the epileptic issue you quoted is an issue of litigation, heres some material for you to read up before commenting

    this is not the only case, search the internet and you can find more
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  18. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    And how far do you think this would go? Once you open up that door, you have to start adding features for several types of handicaps. Maybe the OP should, I dunno, find a way to compensate for his problem on his own?
    Even though no one with certain colour blindnesses are allowed to work with most rail signal systems (for safety reasons), ALL my software uses colours that are 'friendly' (unambiguous) to colour blind people.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  19. #38
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tmitmis View Post
    While I apologize for my bytchy tone, I had just ran The Pit and had come up against a solid color brick wall: I was mad. Being mad at 2:00 am may lead to bytchyness.

    Also, If u read the last line of my post, you will see that I did have to use my son's eyes to choose the colors... My use of color text got your attention, which was the whole point of this post... Hopefully you weren't so distracted by the shiny colors that you actually got my real point.

    I REALLY REALLY REALLY doubt that the dev's actually read ANY of this stuff, but if it's a big enough issue, it might somehow catch their eye. Most of the suggestions offered by players seem to be stoically ignored by anyone with any power to do something about it.
    That's because most of those 'suggestions' use a tone similar to your original post, and put about as much thought into it as you did, thus making them rather worthless and little more than /rants for the benefit of the OPs only.

    I have yet to see a developer that listens to their playerbase close to as much as Turbine does. In fact it can be argued they listen too much.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  20. #39
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2xslick View Post

    I'll give ya some negative rep as soon as you reenable it, Softy.
    - Your Youtube vid is stupid and shows you completely missed the subtleties in my reply.
    - Rep can be given, whether I choose to enable or disable the stupid display option.
    - You can only give negative rep after you've earned enough stupid bars (1500 worth or something?)...get back to me in 6 months or so.

    Calling me a "softy" might be a little misplaced there. I'll refrain from applying any specific descriptive word to you...

    ....or will I?

    That little fellow aside, the reality is it's called a HANDICAP. Not a "super-power". Not a "differently-abled attribute". The OP has a personal hurdle and he has the tools to overcome it himself (his son, a walkthru, a non-handicapped party member, etc, etc) or roleplay the problem.

    I personally don't want dev resources allocated to deal with individual or minority doesn't matter how little work it is. I don't draw my line in the middleground, I draw it definitively in the beginning -- saves me being a hypocrite due to personal bias. It's the same reason I just say no to "perma death" servers and other such requests.

    If they add it, they add it. But I don't see the need. Coupled with the rude I-AM-ENTITLED attitude of the OP, I give the thread a huge thumbs down.

  21. #40
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2xslick View Post

    I'll give ya some negative rep as soon as you reenable it, Softy.
    Go ahead and -rep him if you like. No one but him will see it. Turning it does not keep people from giving it to you it just disables the display. Or so that is what I have heard. I have no need to turn it off so I don't know for sure. I would -rep him just to be sure in any case.

    Moving on.

    The OP isn't asking for the game to be made easier or demanding anything unreasonable he is asking for a chance to experience the game just like everyone else.

    Telling him to except the fact that he can't do stuff alone is like telling a one legged man to except the fact that he wont be able to go into any buildings that have stairs. Which ain't cool. Instead you tell owners of said buildings to build some ramps. Problem solved.

    If you remember the color blindness issue was brought up when Dungeon Alert was on Lama. Turbine change the way that work to accommodate. I see no reason to fix this issue as well.
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

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