Is it worth building a 8 fighter/12 rogue staff user that is kensei and acrobat 2? Am thinking possibly dwarf or human. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Is it worth building a 8 fighter/12 rogue staff user that is kensei and acrobat 2? Am thinking possibly dwarf or human. Any thoughts are appreciated.
If you want to have a fighter that can go toe to toe with a staff and immune to getting knocked down I still dont think I would go 12/8. A straight fighter will have the same weapon speed, or better at 20, and a lot more health.
At least that is the way it looks 'on paper.'
Add 1 lvl of monk and make it an AC build and it may work out better. 12rogue/7fighter/1monk = more wpn spd, more ac, better saves, and d6 ki strikes and finishers.
I'd go 13r/6f/1m personally. an extra rogue feat and +1d6 SA is better than anything that Fighter 7 can offer.
Either that or 18f/2m and live with the occasional knockdown.. With the monk levels, you could put full ranks in balance for quick kip-ups. Be a kensei 3 quarterstaff fiend!
Lvl 7 fighter does bring something to the party:
Lvl 13 rogue does not give an increase to BAB.
Fighter 7 gives +1BAB, Fighter strat 3 enh, and toughness 3 enh.
The attack bonus of a 2hw user is more important now if it wants to get the most out of glancing blows. That is even more important for a staff user since it has a lower base damage. This build will also be very soft because of the large number of rogue lvls. That makes stunning or tripping even more important to lessen the potential damage it can take.
That extra lvl or rogue or fighter really boils down to taste and playstyle. Some people like to whack mobs in the back of the head, I like to beat 'em down like they tried to take my lunch money.
If your playing the in your face type melee you can use that extra rogue level to get Defensive Roll which is not something to be dimissed on a low hit point toon.
Also, with divine power clickies the BAB from fighter won't really be all that important.