You need greater reincarnation or true reincarntion.
I noticed in your videos it looked like the game was telling you you were not proficient with your weapons. Did you dump khopesh proficiency because the -4 penalty to hit was negligible?
I made a trip pos healing weapon, but only had the stuff to make a kama, so I switch to that to heal up (123% with everything, get a good 40 to 60 from a pot) then switch back.
You also didn't take oversized TWF which is another -2 to hit
but you did take greater weapon focus for +2 to hit for kensai
how often do you find yourself switching to kensai?
I never switched yet, I do not have the superior feat, however I thought it was a good way to add that one feat and then switch back and forth if you wanted towith kensai. It was a good way for someone to easily try out either...and the needed feats for kensai make up the +/- to hit stuff quite well and add some damage.
These feats are not really needed though for the build.
weapon focus is +1, so the GWF is just +1 to hit
OTWF would be equivalent to +2 to hit by removing the penalty so it'd be better if no need for kensai
True, but so far I have not had an issue hitting anything. I did have this earlier on the first version of the guy.
I think somewhere that the TWF defense feat +1 bonus to Ac does not count as a shield bonus so while TWF'ing you could use a shield clickie for an extra +4 to ac. Is that correct?
yes, and do all the time. Makes the loss of 10 AC by not using a shield only 6..with twf defense it becomes 5.
As, on your ac breakdown on the first page I noticed there is no protection from evil or deflection bonus. Shield of faith from a lvl 18 cleric is +6 ac and the protection from evil is bugged so it gives a +2 sacred bonus to ac.
+5 protection is deflection/sheild of faith, etc.
edit again:
for your "Things you wish you had, but depend on party or other factors" section of the ac breakdown you don't have