Well, finally got a group and did my first Vision of Destruction raid elite last night, really late.
Two regular clerics, one caster, one rogue, one ranger, one bard, one barbarian (that DC'd really early), me, and 3 more fighters (1 a hybrid). Full pug, a few first timers, lots of old timers.
No pots used for clerics.
I did the intim. And I actually died once. When the barbarian DC'd he was standing next to me...ANd then 'BAM' from full health to death in less than a second.
Other than that, it was a very easy run. I think a lot of mana was spent recouping from that lag and the ensuing pain.
I intimidated the boss, moved out to intim the devils and orthons, and we just beat him down.
I did notice my ac at 85 and was pretty untouchable. Little damage from AoE. I could definitely self heal through it.
WHen he did hit me, it was for 13 to 26....that was with 45 DR going on.
After I died my ac was at 81 and I did notice getting hit a few more times.
I did not fight him, first time and did not want to fail this.
If I did fight I think he would be hitting me for 60-70 points a swing and probably a few times for sure.
All in all, barring the DC problem and loss of our main DPS player, it was just like a normal run.
Loot= one pair of bracers. Reward loot = junk.
scaling to elite did nothing for elite in there for anyone.
But it was fun to finally get to do it.