I'm debating the merits of staying pure on Jessa, my acrobat rogue and figured I'd seek some advice from the build expertsIf the capstone was better, I'd likely have no debate, but, it's meh. She's level 6, atm, all rogue, with acrobat I. I know I want at least 13 rogue levels, for acrobat II, and the second rogue bonus feat, as I want both Crippling Strike and Improved Evasion.
As for my own thoughts:
Pally and Monk are out since she's chaotic. So, the easy splashes are not options, which may have been a design mistake by me, but I like her chaotic.
Cleric doesn't seem to add anything to compensate for losses, so I don't really view it as an option.
Bard could be nice, but cha was a dump stat for me, so I don't think it would be helpful, though with TR at 20, more cha might make Jessa 2.0 a little bardy
Sorc is also out, again, to to low cha, and low skill points.
Ranger is an option for FE: Undead, and free TWF, though I don't think it helps this build, since she uses staves
Fighter gives bonus feats, but the loss of skill points worries me.
The two options I've given most thought to are:
Barb - barb gives me hp, at least one rage (which could be nice for oh **** moments!), and at level 2, power attack enhancements, and PA will be her level 9 feat. It also looks like it could be good for any split from 13/7 to 18/2.
Wizard - strange, maybe, but 15/5 might not be bad. Buff spells only, with extend as the first bonus feat.
Stat wise she's balanced with base 16 str and dex, 14 con, 13 int, 10 wis, 8 cha if I recall right.
Feats are:
1: Least Mark of Shadow
3: WF: Bludgeon - this I could swap out, I used it mostly to help with lol initial Bab, but I could Fred it out if needed for a decent build.
6: Lesser Mark of Shadow - self displacement is fun
I'm planning PA at 9, and IC Bludgeon as soon as I can, not sure if that would be 12 or 15. Other than that, I'm open to feat suggestions as well. I am not planning on taking Greater DM since it doesn't seem that good.
Thanks, in advance, for any offered advice!