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Thread: when logging in

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Exclamation when logging in

    The SSL certificate appears to be expired.
    Please ensure your system clock is set to the correct time and try again. [ERROR 80001] 1/28/2007 5:09:32 AM
    1/28/2007 5:09:32 AM
    Certificate Information:

    Problem: 0x800B0101 (CERT_E_EXPIRED: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.)

  2. #2
    Community Member kerriegan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    check your computers calendar settings, it would seem that you have it set for 2007 from your post

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default How do I make my own post and how do I contact a GM on a free account

    I am a very nice player on DND and very generous,helping and caring. I always stick up for other players being bullied and I never pick fights.......I know I will get shamed for posting on others posts about a subject that is not of the matter...but I don't know what to do.

    My character is yekomzzz
    I got a 3 day banned after a IN-game GM sent me this long message saying that I had violated a policy and would be banned, my game locked up and then shut-down. Previously I had been in General chat just post Seeling adds and asking to buy peoples stuff when a player, whose name I can't remember called me names, such as jackass,pathetic,dumb,stupid etc in general chat for everyone to see.....So yea I got mad and sent him a Tell/a Whisper ONLY he could see which I will admit had profanity in it. My thing is these players can't be going around cussing me out and calling me names and then getting me banned when I speak MY mind to them and mute them from ever talking to me again. I do apoligize for my actions, but I have gone from lvl1- lvl10 without any bans or any issues what so ever. I think that the GM should have atleast talked to me and I kinda wonder if this happen as a result of this guy paying for his account and the fact that I'm free. Also I would have reported him however I dont have a report button, so it was a dog eat dog kinda situation and with everyone laughing and boasting him on, it just belittle me, you know? He cussed at me, on a General chat and I sent him a whisper, yet I got banned....Please help me post my own post or tell me how to contct a GM on a free account and please don't be mad for this long post on your section, I do apoligize, I just kinda felt targeted cause he said all sorts of obscene comments to me and I sent one whisper versus he's 12 general post and I got banned.

    Thank you all and good luck in your gaming

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