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  1. #21
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    if you are only worrying about pitfiend dps then by all means go holy + whatever, but for the rest of us that actually play the rest of the game we will continue to use acid-good burst-acid blast as being able to kill stuff and very rarely see the immune message is worth the minor (and i mean minor considering that good burst does extra crit dmg with x3 wpn) while fighting pit-fiends. but then again me and many like me make min 2 mauls over swords as we don't like yellow numbers either (unlike you, we fight stuff other than pit-fiends on a regular basis).

    imo make min2 maul for all around usage and lit 2 falchion for dps.
    So you hurt your DPS against 98% of the enemies you'll fight in order to avoid seeing an immune message on the other 2%? We are talking about more than just pit fiend DPS here. We are talking about DPS against devils, demons, gnolls, giants, trogs, kobolds, undead, trolls, ogres, beholders, mind flayers, hobgoblins, orcs, bugbears, minotaurs, etc.(Just name every evil creature in the game) You, only other hand, are concerned about DPS versus elementals, mephits, vermin, animals, and the few other neutral or good creatures in the game. I actually have played nearly every quest in the game over the past 3.5+, which is how I know that Holy works on nearly every type of creature in the game. No matter what the level, I always prefer to have Holy weapons over Pure Good. Of course, I keep some Pure Good or Greater X Bane weapons handy for the occasional neutral mobs. I don't plan on trying to use the same weapon against every single creature in the game.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  2. #22
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    Acid Blast gives you a less than 5% chance of doing an average of 14 points of acid damage, which comes to roughly an additional .7 points per swing. If the enemy has acid resistance 10, then it drops to .2. Any higher and the average drops to nothing. So I could take something that added a tiny amount of DPS(at most) in the places that it really mattered, or I could take a modifier that constantly adds 20 HP and extends the length of my barbarian rages. It wasn't a tough choice for me.
    Wow people still don't get that all blast effects were upgraded long ago, mod6.1 iirc..

    Acid Blast now does on-crit damage in addition to on-vorpal damage.
    A greataxe would do 2d10 acid on crit, in addtion to the 4d6 on a 20.

    This is actaully a pretty decent increase. Especially if your barbarnan has stunning blow, because you go from deal +2-20 dmg on a 19/20, to every single hit.

    Also the +2 con is not an exclusive enhnacement to a mineral. It is much more easily, and better put in a ToD ring. As it costs you only medium ingredients.

    Far as most enemies having acid resist, thats incorrect. Almost nothing in the current epic content has acid resistance. Even works on the demon queen (partially, 10 resist).

    A barbarians primary and often only role is DPS. To not max it is insane imo. If you want that con, put it on a ring.
    Last edited by Shade; 11-29-2009 at 01:56 AM.

  3. #23
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post

    A barbarians primary and often only role is DPS. To not max it is insane imo. If you want that con, put it on a ring.
    There's no ring slot available for +2 Con, every Barbarian that has two ToD rings is gimping themself if they do not craft +2 Exceptional Str on one, and Healing Amp on the other. So +2 Con isn't an option on a ring at all.

    I've grouped with you enough, Shade, to know that you do NOT max your DPS. You wear a Heavy Fort item, which if you were truly concerned about maxxing your DPS you would take off and replace with a Shroud-crafted damaging guard that you do not currently have (such as Freezing Ice Guard, I don't think you wear that).

    However, you are smarter than that, and you realise that while your Heavy Fort item provides you no DPS, it keeps you alive - and critically, the amount of survivability it gives you is of more benefit to your build than the extra DPS of one more retributive damage guard.

    I agree that in Epic content, Acid Blast is superior to +2 Con - but for someone crafting their first greensteel (i.e. someone that's running the Shroud a lot, and starting to run VoD/ToD), +2 Con will outperform Acid Blast on a weapon with mediocre crits like a greataxe, as Horoth, Suulo and Arraetrikos are all highly resistant to acid.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  4. #24
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hokonoso View Post
    if you are only worrying about pitfiend dps then by all means go holy + whatever, but for the rest of us that actually play the rest of the game we will continue to use acid-good burst-acid blast as being able to kill stuff and very rarely see the immune message is worth the minor (and i mean minor considering that good burst does extra crit dmg with x3 wpn) while fighting pit-fiends. but then again me and many like me make min 2 mauls over swords as we don't like yellow numbers either (unlike you, we fight stuff other than pit-fiends on a regular basis).

    imo make min2 maul for all around usage and lit 2 falchion for dps.
    Under no circumstances would I consider Acid Goodblast over Holy Acid Burst on a first weapon. Here you are sacrificing DPS against every important foe in the game in order to be better against fire and earth elementals and mephits.

    That said, making a Min 2 Maul is a quite viable option.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  5. #25
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There's no ring slot available for +2 Con, every Barbarian that has two ToD rings is gimping themself if they do not craft +2 Exceptional Str on one, and Healing Amp on the other. So +2 Con isn't an option on a ring at all.
    None of my barbarians are gimped and 3 of 4 of them have +2 con on rings.

    Putitng healing amp on a ring is gimped because it's 20%. If it was 10% or 30% - i'd be all about it. But it's not, as such, its worthless.

    Why? Because like effects do not stack. I always wear 20% healing amp ofcourse, but I put it in more logical slots such as Leviks Bracers or Tempest rune on DT armor.

    I do max my DPS. I just don't go for max in the sense that I need to be getting hit for it to work. The incredibly small amount of dmg guards add don't interest me much, so I instead made the best non-dmg guards and wear them all the time: Enervation and Concordant Oposition.
    Enervation Guard and throw down a stunning blow results in quite a massive increase in dps. Versus maybe lightning strike guard which in the grand scheme of the damage im doing is rather inconsequential.

    That said the ideal ring setup does currently linit healing amp a bit:
    Ravager Belt + Ring, with +2 str
    Shintao Neck + Ring, with +2 con
    Lose neck slot, so no finger necklace..
    As such I usually just use this combo on my warforged barb when getting reconstruct so healing amp is somewhat irrelevant.

  6. #26
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Wow people still don't get that all blast effects were upgraded long ago, mod6.1 iirc..

    Acid Blast now does on-crit damage in addition to on-vorpal damage.
    A greataxe would do 2d10 acid on crit, in addtion to the 4d6 on a 20.

    This is actaully a pretty decent increase. Especially if your barbarnan has stunning blow, because you go from deal +2-20 dmg on a 19/20, to every single hit.

    Also the +2 con is not an exclusive enhnacement to a mineral. It is much more easily, and better put in a ToD ring. As it costs you only medium ingredients.

    Far as most enemies having acid resist, thats incorrect. Almost nothing in the current epic content has acid resistance. Even works on the demon queen (partially, 10 resist).

    A barbarians primary and often only role is DPS. To not max it is insane imo. If you want that con, put it on a ring.
    Huh, I never knew they were upgraded, and either I have an old version of a crafting planner or it was simply never updated. As for the acid resist, I didn't say that most enemies had it, I just pointed out the effect it has on the damage. Since the last four raid bosses added into the game all had acid resistance, that is a valid concern. Against most other enemies, the damage from Acid Blast won't add up to a significant amount before the mob is dead anyway.(By significant, I mean the average number of swings needed to kill a mob is the same whether your weapon has Acid Blast or doesn't) As for the ring slots, I didn't plan on using two TOD rings, so Strength is the only Exceptional stat I'll put in a ring slot for now.(If one ever drops for my barb) As for maxing DPS, insanity would be maxing it without any other considerations.

    On a side note, as anyone tested how resistance is applied to the acid damage from a Min II? If the acid damage is totaled before the resistance is applied, then it would be much higher than if it was applied separately. Although the damage is being done by the same weapon, the different effects make it a fuzzier call in regards to PnP rules.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  7. 11-30-2009, 12:08 AM

  8. #27
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    This is an easy choice...I'm presuming he has loaded dice. That is why he wants the tier 3 acid.

    On a related note, my dice are broken and don't roll 20's. I've tried therapy, hypnosis, massage, all to no avail.

    If anyone knows why my dice are having "performance issues" I would be grateful for the help.
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  9. #28
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    This is an easy choice...I'm presuming he has loaded dice. That is why he wants the tier 3 acid.

    On a related note, my dice are broken and don't roll 20's. I've tried therapy, hypnosis, massage, all to no avail.

    If anyone knows why my dice are having "performance issues" I would be grateful for the help.
    Loaded dice = stunning blow. Doesn't matter what you roll when there auto crit and your doing 2d10 acid every hit. If you roll a 20, thats just a bonus over the burst damage.

    Basicly if you think blast is not worth it, why are you putting burst? Nearly the same idea. Why not go +1 con instead of burst?
    Pretty much d6 everyhit +2d10 on crit
    vs 4d6 on 20 +2d10 on crit
    Not a big difference in the 2. Infact against pit fiends, the blast would do more as the d6 never works.

    Barbs do dmg. Put the con on a ring or go without. Otherwise, recraft your mineral2 to a more appropriate type.

    When they come out with epic shroud. If the tier4 is just a very small amount of dmg, or +3 con.. Im still going dmg, I got enough hp and dont run out of rage.

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