Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars.......I want a Velociraptor!
The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson... for sure. I'd cry tears of joy.
Actually, any Dune setting after original Dune but before God Emperor would be the most boring. The Atreides have already taken over the universe at this point.
I'm currently rereading the first book, and in it says that Atreides and Harkonnen aren't even close to being the biggest or richest noble houses. This leads me to believe that there would be roughly a dozen houses, plus the emperor, each with their own planet. With only 4 planets described in detail, there are many more left open to artistic imagination for almost whatever they want.
Kama Sutra... actually the Koreans have probably already beat me to the punch with this one.
Steve Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen
I think it even started off as a crazy dnd campaign in the first place.
I have not read all the posts but something base off of William Gibson's cyberpunk books (neuromancer, burning chrome etc) could turn out very good. You could have all kinds of augments and upgrades.
Game of Thrones, as mentioned above, would be interesting. There could be a lot more class diversity and new storyline for fans if it were to take place about 50-100 years before the first book.
- Lex
Sarlona ~ Quantum Entropy
Lexiqa, Osterizer, Lexlax
The Kama-Sutra!
No, seriously, I would love to see some for of video game adaptation of the world used in Elizabeth Moon's The Deed of Paksenarrion. That is a great series of books and the world is so detailed that I would love to do something in that setting.
Every night, in Pestilence vent, Jerkky talks about his big Brokeback Mountain MMO idea.
We all have him muted, but say "un huh" and "yeah, cool" once in a while so he thinks we're listening.
Brian Lumley's Necroscope Saga
I agree that ender's game would be cool. But heres some I thought of:
-Call of Cthulhu (Surprised no one said this one yet)
-Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan (2 waring race of faeries that are human sized)
-Eragon (Thou I'm not a big fan dragon riding in an MMO would be awesome)
-Tin man (A sci-fi channel movie. Think a dark twisted version of OZ)
-A .hack MMO that actually makes it to america would be nice.
Others already mentioned Amber and The Book of Swords. Burrough's Martians could be done.
And perhaps McCaffrey's Pern. You could choose to be a crafter and never leave your guild hall. Fire lizard eggs would for for millions at the auction house. Your ultimate goal to defeat thread and fly off planet on your bronze dragon. Blue dragons would be the F2P noobs in that game.
(Tongue (somewhat) firmly in cheek.)
What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good any more?
Proud handler of Baldric, Melkazar, Clant, Mulray, Tirimon, Mallon.
Remember, if one of them falls off a cliff, it's actually my fault.
Lots of great suggestions here, but if I had to pick one it would definitively be
The greatest fantasy series written in recent times IMO, with the A Song of Fire and Ice series coming second. Not for you who like Disney-type fantasy though, these books are a bit dark and brutal at times, but fantastic.
The Malazan books did start out as a D&D-campaign, but they switched to the more flexible GURPS.
It is being developed by CCP Games since 2006 , the Icelandic makers of EVE.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
You know I was thinking. It's not a book, although there have been many books about the era and all. Given the popularity of Zanga's Mafia Wars, and worldwide romanticism of characters such as Al Capone, Bugsy Malone, John Dillenger etc. etc. I think an MMO along these lines would explode if done correctly.
I could enjoy several of the suggestions made here, Dune, Pern, Mechwarrior, western, Firefly, Amber and World of Darkness being the main ones.
Other settings/themes I'd like would include:
- Robotech;
- Space 1889 (Victorian era, ether flyers, ironclads, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with a bit of the "Girl Genius" webcomic);
- Post-apocalyptic setting (Mad Max like, lots of territory sieges and pvp, or maybe a zombie apocalypse for fun).