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  1. #261
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Hey you .......yes you......if your looking for the awesomesauce and bored of powergaming you could do alot worse than to stop by and check out the Unrepentant gaming comunity at we're a fun loving easy going guild who pride themselves on being friendly and open to all styles of play and types of player. (we also all have zombie plans ready just incase) Anyway if your lookig for a new guild and we sound like your type of people drop in on us at our forums and say hello.

    Last edited by williamsond; 06-03-2011 at 04:23 AM.
    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  2. #262
    Community Member GBantaR's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    How's this for an accomplishment? Only in the U!

    "These fauchards have gone too far!"
    Hi Welcome

  3. #263
    Community Member LoveNeverFails's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GBantaR View Post
    How's this for an accomplishment? Only in the U!

    Now you just gave yourself away here bud... :P

    Oh and HAI DERR!!!

  4. #264
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    We're always recruiting and we have cake

    visit us at to find out what we're all about

    disclamer: there may not infact be any Cake.
    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  5. #265
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    If your looking of a guild that chugs awesome sauce and is noob (or leathery old warrior) friendly why not check us out at stop by and see if we look like your type of people.

    as an added extra we're not just a in-game guild we're a gaming comunity with branches and guilds across many games.

    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  6. #266
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by williamsond View Post
    We're always recruiting and we have cake

    visit us at to find out what we're all about

    disclamer: there may not infact be any Cake.
    This looked really interesting until I read your application, and replies you people
    make to some of the completed applications.

    Suggestion for guild name change:

    The Sado-Masochist Gamers Guild.

  7. #267
    Community Member GBantaR's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by callmeRand View Post
    This looked really interesting until I read your application, and replies you people
    make to some of the completed applications.

    Suggestion for guild name change:

    The Sado-Masochist Gamers Guild.
    Ah, you failed the application process then?

    Join Date: Last month?
    Posts: 1?

    Yeah...Hello and hope you have fun.
    "These fauchards have gone too far!"
    Hi Welcome

  8. #268
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBantaR View Post
    Ah, you failed the application process then?

    Join Date: Last month?
    Posts: 1?

    Yeah...Hello and hope you have fun.
    Yes, that must be it. Couldn't be that I'm a new player looking for a decent guild,
    who clicked through to your application section and found that you folks behave like
    a bunch of fraternity kids verbally hazing would-be pledges. A requirement of age 18+
    implies a desire for maturity - maybe try displaying some on your own boards as an

    Never mind, I'm out of here. People who fill that thing out are getting what they deserve
    anyway, so carry on.

  9. #269
    Community Member GBantaR's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by callmeRand View Post
    Yes, that must be it. Couldn't be that I'm a new player looking for a decent guild,
    who clicked through to your application section and found that you folks behave like
    a bunch of fraternity kids verbally hazing would-be pledges. A requirement of age 18+
    implies a desire for maturity - maybe try displaying some on your own boards as an

    Never mind, I'm out of here. People who fill that thing out are getting what they deserve
    anyway, so carry on.
    Wow - thanks for saving yourself the trouble and heartbreak of applying. If a guild explicitly states what kind of a group they are and what players they are seeking, and you don't like it, there is less than zero reason to moan about it - just don't apply. We're very up front about the application process and what kind of players we are, and the app exists to make sure you're not going to become a member of the guild and then whine because we take the mickey out of each other now and then - which I have a feeling would be a problem, in your case. Sweetness and light and aren't we all such sweet friends is for that other guild of muckers, the Repentant.
    Last edited by GBantaR; 06-13-2011 at 05:12 PM.
    "These fauchards have gone too far!"
    Hi Welcome

  10. #270
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by callmeRand View Post
    Yes, that must be it. Couldn't be that I'm a new player looking for a decent guild,
    who clicked through to your application section and found that you folks behave like
    a bunch of fraternity kids verbally hazing would-be pledges. A requirement of age 18+
    implies a desire for maturity - maybe try displaying some on your own boards as an

    Never mind, I'm out of here. People who fill that thing out are getting what they deserve
    anyway, so carry on.


    Just to clear the message up, we are a gaming community with a cross game member ship just over 1000 active (and mostly content) members. Our application process is not there to haze anyone but I will freely admit a small amount of ribbing and mickey taking does occur. As a Community we are however none discriminating in our love of gaming regardless of any other factor. We open our arms to anyone that meets our insanely high standard of "would I have a drink with this person" (be it beer or soda), .

    This all being said we don't force anyone to drop in an application. For the most part the majority the folk who do bother to apply are successful. If you ask anyone who has applied to our community, I'm sure they would tell you that (in the most part) they enjoyed the application process and understand it's as much a period of us getting to know you, as it is an opportunity for you to get to know us. The only time the Unrepentant will ever ask for, or expect, any effort from its members aside from that which they volunteer freely, is during our application process. On the whole we as a guild don't think it's too much to ask for on the grand scale of things.

    As for the new player comment we fully support all levels of ability and all types of play style here in the U. I myself had never played an MMO before I started on DDO, like many I posted a looking for guild here on the forums as a shiny noob, 2 years later (give or take) and I'm still happy with the guys in the U(and still playing like a Noob some may say), so I can attest first hands that we are a very new player friendly group.

    I would also hope that in the most part we are seen as a guild of good reputation across the server involved in very few (if any) instances of drama.

    So alas good luck to you Sir in your future questing and I'm sorry we weren't what you were looking for.

    As for the "getting what they deserve" we do every day awesome sauce, fun with nice people and cake*


    *disclaimer ok I admit it there's no cake
    Last edited by williamsond; 06-14-2011 at 03:26 PM.
    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  11. #271
    Community Member bekkar's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone could read this entire thread and be the slightest bit surprised at the application process. If you're hoping to be coddled, these are not the warforged you're looking for. If you're looking for people who find traps with their faces because they're too busy telling jokes in voice chat to actually look at the screen, you're on the right track.

    Also, from the look of this message preview, I no longer exist. Huh.

  12. #272
    Community Member TitanIapetus's Avatar
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    If you use your only two posts you have had to troll someones Guild Recruitment thread... This is not the guild for you.

    This is our app process working as intended.

  13. #273
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    We have a load of new to DDO guys joining our merry band of brothers at the moment. They are playing with a brandnew batch of low lvl characters so if you're new and are looking for some one to level with check us out at

    All aboard to U-train pants optional

    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  14. #274
    Community Member TitanIapetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by williamsond View Post
    We have a load of new to DDO guys joining our merry band of brothers at the moment. They are playing with a brandnew batch of low lvl characters so if you're new and are looking for some one to level with check us out at

    All aboard to U-train pants optional

    Translation: We got a whole new group of suckers to drink the Kool Aide. We're now extorting them for every copper they got. After they're broke we're going to make them turn tricks in front of the Wayward Lobster and you best believe Uey keeps his pimp hand strong!

  15. #275
    Community Member LoveNeverFails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitanIapetus View Post
    Translation: We got a whole new group of suckers to drink the Kool Aide. We're now extorting them for every copper they got. After they're broke we're going to make them turn tricks in front of the Wayward Lobster and you best believe Uey keeps his pimp hand strong!

    For those still deciding, who look at the app process and think "***?" Lemme state this:

    I'm a new member of the U. Took like...3 days for my app process to complete? And Had never had more fun during any kind of app process anywhere else. Yes, they will make jokes (Especially if you are female) If you read through previous apps, and can't take it, then i reccomend you look elsewhere. But if you read through them, and laugh hysterically, this is the place for you. These guys are awesome fun, great to hang out with, don't take the game as srz bizness, and then...There's Chunkypants.

  16. #276
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoveNeverFails View Post

    For those still deciding, who look at the app process and think "***?" Lemme state this:

    I'm a new member of the U. Took like...3 days for my app process to complete? And Had never had more fun during any kind of app process anywhere else. Yes, they will make jokes (Especially if you are female) If you read through previous apps, and can't take it, then i reccomend you look elsewhere. But if you read through them, and laugh hysterically, this is the place for you. These guys are awesome fun, great to hang out with, don't take the game as srz bizness, and then...There's Chunkypants.

    Thanks for the post, now get back to korthos and grid renown minion......(whip crack)
    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

  17. #277
    Founder William_the_Bat's Avatar
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    I really don't get it. If you discover a guild is not for you, why go to the forums and bad mouth them?

    As Titan said, the app process is working as intended.

    This is definitely a community for people who don't take themselves too seriously. People who would be awesome to sit down and share a beer with.

  18. #278
    Community Member theironlotus93's Avatar
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    I didn't think this guild could get any better, but I recently checked the guild chest and it was filled with the best unbound trinkets I've ever seen. They're called Awesomesauce Packets - they look similar to ketchup, but don't let the appearance fool you. It gives +6 to the Win attribute, an exceptional +1 to your Pimp Hand attack bonus (stacks with everything) and a Drunken Stupor clickie (3/day) that gives +4 to charisma, +2 to strength, and -4 to intelligence. Excellent for paladins particularly without much need for smarts.

    Long story short - join us.
    Sarlona - Unrepentant represent! My main characters are:
    ~~Beesknees - Lvl 20 Dark Monk~~Ironlotus - Lvl 19 Kensei Fighter~~Draedalin - Lvl 1 Recently TR'd Earth Savant~~Iwhipmyhair - Lvl 12/2 Wiz/Monk

  19. #279
    Community Member LoveNeverFails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theironlotus93 View Post
    I didn't think this guild could get any better, but I recently checked the guild chest and it was filled with the best unbound trinkets I've ever seen. They're called Awesomesauce Packets - they look similar to ketchup, but don't let the appearance fool you. It gives +6 to the Win attribute, an exceptional +1 to your Pimp Hand attack bonus (stacks with everything) and a Drunken Stupor clickie (3/day) that gives +4 to charisma, +2 to strength, and -4 to intelligence. Excellent for paladins particularly without much need for smarts.

    Long story short - join us.
    The Pimp hand is strong in this one.

  20. #280
    Community Member williamsond's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    As always our door are still open, visit our guild site at come join us we hardley suck at all these days, honest.

    "Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.

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