Guild run of STK with 4 guildies on Friday night. 2 of the 4 pulled the Ring of Feathers. When was the last time you ever heard of 50% ultra rare pulls on any run?
Not one to begin a conspiracy theory, but I think the Awesomesauce Potions have skewed the loot tables in our guilds favor. On top of the action and great times with The Unrepentant, we also have 50% ultra rare loot pulls. What more can anyone ask for?
We're still recruiting and still imbibing the Awesomesauce every evening runs. Guild is growing like snot with dedicated & fun players - what are you waiting for? Fill out an application now.
If your looking to clear your quests with some laid back guys come here. Cleared some that I had tried to pug (beware the pug) Or you could hook up with some other guild and be stuck with Game Nazi ~ (Your build not right not right -loud screaming-) Enjoying my stay here u.u
I am enjoying my time with The Unrepentant. It was better than Cats. I want to go see it again and again...
In what other guild is it perfectly OK to play single-handed while drinking some amber ale? Been with The U from AoC, WAR, LotRO, and now DDO and it's always been a great community. Nothing like knowing you can jump into whatever game you're playing and be able to group up with laid back cool cats that realize RL > than a game and understand if you can't be on the next day (or several days) or even if you need a month or three off from gaming. If you're looking for a place you can call home away from home and are ready to jump into any number of games with mature (though not always readily apparent! ;-) ) bunch of folks, then this is the place you've been looking for.
I've run that 3 times now, no ring for me... but I did get some boots with the same effect from another instance! Yay!
Update to our latest exploits (and no, not THAT kind of exploit!):
We had 3 different groups running around knocking out quests the other night, with 19 people on. And that was without any kind of organized start time; that was random log on and bam, 3 groups were rolling.
We're now working on planned group quests just about nightly; and on any given night you will be able to group up with someone your level should you be anywhere from 1 to 10. We do have a few higher level members, but they have been playing their alts to help out us lower leveled folk until we catch up, so if you're 15+ we still have a few that can group with you now, and the rest of us will catch up soon enough.
today (sat) we had one low lvl group and one higher lvl group. Not sure what went on in the higher lvl group but i was grouped with 2 lvl 4's(me being one), lvl 6 , lvl 5 and 2 lvl 3's. THe quest was "proof is in the Poison" we had a few wipes and i think we are gonna have to try it again later. but 3 of em stayed to scout around so we know what we gonna do next time. come take a look at our website.
We finished it eventually! Lesson learned there: bring several resist acid potions! Was actually fun, once we figured out what it was we were supposed to do!
We did the Bloody Crypt series in Necropolis last night and I came to the conclusion my warforged barbarian hates mummies.
Mid-Level quest runs, and elite quests for loot.
-- Suck my fletching --
Was reading a thread about people not wanting to team with Rogues in pugs (, and the first thing that came to mind was: "man, I'm glad I had a guild coming in to this game".
I understand looking for certain classes when building a group, but the amount of anal retentiveness some people have in this game is redonkulous.
Three cheers for an awesome guild (ours) that *doesn't* get all up in your grill and exclude you based on your class.
Hell, we did the Tears of Somethingsomething quest last night in House P with two Ranger/Rogues, a Rogue, two Bards and a Wizard. There was some dying, we nearly wiped once while fighting the Clay Golem, and it took longer than it needed to, but you know what? IT WAS FUN. Yes, dammit, I had fun - even when I was the only guy left alive, I had three soulstones in my inventory and 25% of my health left, and I was sprinting through mobs and burning heal pots to make it back to the shrine (which was all the way across a map full of respawning monsters).
It's not about doing quests "the best way". It's about having fun with whatever you are doing. Sometimes, that means a perfectly executed dungeon. Sometimes, that means a royal mess with a lot of dying that generates many amusing stories for the future.
Last night, for example, we learned that our newest member has the jumping skills of a midget with a bum knee. (I like ya, Sil, but I'm not picking you for my basketball team.)
They even let me run around with an untwinked warforged barbarian!
Death we will let u run around how ever u like! lol
Quick update on The Unrepentant in DDO. The guild continues to grow with more peeps and characters applying daily. The level progression has made it up to around level 12 for many characters meaning:
a. Despite our approach to challenging runs, we're still progressing meaning that the awesomesauce either makes us indestructible, extremely lucky or we've actually built a core of pretty darn good DDO players.
b. We have a wide variety of guildies in all levels from start up to 12. A collection of F2P and P2P as well. No matter your circumstance, there will always be at least a few online to group up with.
The best thing about the guild is the complete lack of BS. We all have fun and run. What more can you ask from a party?
We're getting our people set up for our first raid (VON). We expect there will be dying, but more importantly, we expect that in the process of all that dying we will have many new stories with which to make fun of people for a good while.
Because really, isn't that what it's about? You may not even remember whether or not you beat a raid on a given day (we'll beat VON, no doubt), but you'll *definitely* remember teasing someone for something hilariously embarrassing they did while on that raid.
Making fun of each other: it's the Unrepentant way!![]()