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  1. #161
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hethyba View Post
    Try here for some ideas on that front.
    Good Build. I believe everyone should look at it and give it a try =)
    Smrti on Khyber

  2. #162
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    Default Warforged Paladin Dual Kopesh - Multiclassing

    Ok I'm using warforged an I need a build to run a paladin with TWF I prefer to use dual kopesh but I can work with just one an a light weap if its more effective. I have been trying to figure this one out myself for a few days an no luck making it work. Some help would be great. On a side note i have the 32 point char build but not much more than that no tomes atm or anything else all that good.

  3. #163
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    Let's try this out.
    I'm trying to figure out what would be good for a NG Elf Cleric/Wizard that would, hopefully, be able to get into the Mystic Theurge PC if/when the developers release it. Looking for a penchant at healing and buffing up my allies, while being able to deal some damage so I won't have to worry about being watched too much. Preferably up to Character Lvl 10, with advice on going to Level 20. 28 point build, please.
    Last edited by Drosksan; 05-02-2010 at 11:05 PM.

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redlotusninjagrl View Post
    Hey in the original thread there was a build for a haggle bard and I was digging it, except it only went to level 14 (Nibel : A bard haggle mule and support bard). I am guessing two years ago, that was the level cap. I have 32 point build and I would like a nice haggle bard. And I guess is there any reason she shouldn't be chaotic? I think with enough UMD she could do chaotic weapons. I really want to yield a pink weapon. I typically play Clerics and Favored Souls as I like healing and support. But it would be nice to be able to do a little damage as well. But the pink weapon is really important. I guess I could come up with what to do after 14, but I am a healer at heart so I really don't know the other feats that may be important. If you can help, great. If not, that's fine too. Pink weapon......
    I know you are busy but i too would like a haggle bard build. 32point vet and any race is available. I would like if possible the ability to solo to lev 10 or 11 but not mandatory.

    P.S. i am not looking for endgame raiding just to make it to be my buyer and seller.
    Last edited by Greyzag; 05-04-2010 at 03:24 PM.

  5. #165
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    How about this one.

    Group play exclusively (static group). Mainly bard, that can do all that is expected of one in terms of buffing and CCing. Healing is minorly important (will prob have a Cleric or FvS in the group). I liked this one ( ) but doesnt have to be ranged or worry about the thieving side, so maybe replace the 2 rogue with 2 ranger for TWF? or maybe fighter for the feats and DPS? Dont have anything unlocked (so 28 point) and do not want Drow, Dwarf or Human

    I think I liked this one ( ) except for the dwarf race.

    Tk and GL!

  6. #166
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    Default revamp

    wondering if you could revamp the 28 point halfling 2 rogue 18 bard you did for Executie into a Drow 32 point pls

  7. #167
    Community Member Giric's Avatar
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    I posted this on Sigtrent's thread here:, and wondered what you could do with it. If you want. If you have time. If not, on either account, no worries.

    Okay, here's what I want, I think, keeping in mind playability and utility are paramount: 28 Point, somewhat soloable to level 7, Drow trap monkey that uses handwraps. Simple to play would be nice, too, without using any DDO store items or mucking about with multiple quick bars. Playability and utility are above everything else, so, if this isn't a possible concept, then I'm not going to sweat not getting it. Gender doesn't make a difference, and I'm not picky about alignment, since it doesn't seem to make much of a difference on quest choices (there aren't things you can say, that I've found, that will shift an alignment a little one way or another; and I do realize they make a difference for character classes).

    Other thoughts on this*: TWF/THF are not necessary, and handwraps give weapons without encumbering. I could be wrong, but handwraps don't require TWF or THF to use well. This should free me up to use some other feats. UMD is not a high priority, I think, because I have yet to use it for anything. That doesn't mean it isn't useful, just that I have yet to find it so. I think balance, jump, DD, OL, spot, and search are really the priorities, with emphasis on the latter four of those. While being very worthwhile, I rarely, if ever, use bluff, intimidate, or diplomacy, but recognize that, with whatever I get, two of the three would probably get used a bit.

    *These are just thoughts and opinions based on what I have seen. They are not requirements for the build, but may give some insight into how I think. You know the game better than I do. If something in this list is outright wrong or just wrongheaded, ignore that thing.

    I'm not in any hurry for anything. Your work will be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. #168
    Community Member ZaxisDakmorr's Avatar
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    Red face Monkie Monker

    Hi Lifespawn,

    I want to build an Elf Monk using 32pt build. I like to stay pure since I'm kinda nostalgic (hence the elf, not halflings). Can you build/guide me to a very good one? Thank you.

  9. #169
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    ok have taken a long break but i am back and willing to build a couple builds a week so feel free to post requests.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    ok have taken a long break but i am back and willing to build a couple builds a week so feel free to post requests.
    Welcome back Life! I haven't been around in a few months myself either, alot of RL changes and such.

    Anyway, I'd posted this back on the original request a build/get a build thread and as busy as that was at the time guess it got kinda lost in the shuffle. This isn't any sort of serious main character I'm going for, just looking to dabble with the idea and see how it turns out in practice at some point. What I'm looking for is kinda/sorta a play off Ghoste's 'Shaowmage' ideaology, only with much more rogue focus than wizard instead. Race doesn't matter at all to me, would prefer alignment be true neutral if possible but I'll go with whatever works best according to those far more experienced than me. Here's the basics of what I want, using a 32 point buildout all the way to 20:

    -Primarily want this to be mostly a traditional rogue approach. I would rather have the maximum ability in door/trap detection/disabling and lock picking ability at current endgame, as well as having as high UMD as possible. Traps/locks/UMD are the primary consideration above all else as I intend this to be more of a utility/support character who does most of his fighting/affectation to what's going on out on the periphery. 'Sneakability' (MS/Hide) as high as possible but completely flexible where that comes in given the other focuses of the build , so don't feel restricted there.

    -Some mage/wizard still squeezed in whenever possible mainly for the purpose of having a few crowd control/mob manipulation type spells.

    -DPS is a tertiary consideration here. Certainly I want to be able to do as much damage as possible within the context of the primary goals of the build, but DPS is lowest on the totem pole overall. Whenever possible this character would ideally/conceptually be fighting ranged/on the periphery whether by bow/xbow or throwing weaps, so anything that helps there.

    -Don't need to be feasible solo, but would work well duo'ing with someone who traditionally plays an above average healer/cleric in virtually any game they play (my friend/typical duo partner who is simply a 'healer class' at heart and excels at being such). We're content to have to go slower both through each dungeon individually as well as leveling characters in general.

    Thanks in advance!

  11. #171
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    Default Build or link request

    Hey Lifespawn,

    It is great of you to take the time to help with other players builds, thank-you.

    I would really like to try playing a Drow sorc/rog, but i cant find a build anywhere. I would like this char to be able to find and dis-arm all traps while still being primarily a viable sorc. I dont solo so i am looking for a useful party member that does not melee. I hate dying (getting the stains out of my robes is a chore), so please try to keep me safe from harm, while doing the most harm possible.


  12. #172
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    Default Permadeath request

    I'm looking for a character that can hold its own in a permadeath situation so good dps/survivabilty with self heals w/o the use of pots or scrolls (guild rule) if you can find a place for trap skills that would be great but not if it requires weakening other parts of the character. I can use any race/class except for favored soul, and 32pb isn't a problem but tomes are. I prefer melee but can work with magic or ranged thank you

  13. #173
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    it seems the thread hasn't been showing up in my subscribed threads sorry about people i missed going back and doing some and updating the Op with the links
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  14. #174
    Community Member Holymunchkin's Avatar
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    Smile 32 pt build ftr

    Hi life! I'd like to request a 32 pt build fighter that has:

    -Good DPS;

    -Good HP's;

    -Decent AC;

    -And if possible being able to survive well (and also be a THF, will change to TWF if you think it's better).

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