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  1. #61
    Community Member Sturlin's Avatar
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    Default Pair of Solos (Would that make it a Duo?)

    My father and I play together frequently, but we tend to avoid groups while teaming.

    We have access to all races, all classes, 32 pt. buy, and any tome +2 or less (we would prefer to severely limit tome use to only what is necessary though, because we not only plan to reincarnate eventually, but we currently can only acquire them with ddo points.)

    As we only work with each other (and hirelings when necessary) we are, for all intents and purposes, solo characters. We both need sturdy armor class, dps is desirable as is evasion, and at least one of us needs to be a good healer (or both skilled at self heal). The ability to deal with traps and locks would also be beneficial for one of us.

    We have tried several combinations for this pair but we hit a wall that would do china proud when we reach level 11.

    If you would prefer I get more specific on the topic of class to narrow the field, I can, but my expertise is limited in character builds and I feel that you would probably be better at choosing the specifics than myself.

    In theory we could both function off the same build (a good solo build, logically, would be just as good if you doubled it) but if you happened to have the time to, two separate characters would be able to accomplish more if they were diversified to maximize their potential as a team.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for the help you've offered everyone in the thread thus far!

  2. #62
    Community Member kebin131's Avatar
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    I would like to request a build for a Ranger/Bard using Tempest and Warchanter. Using 28 pt build and mainly built for stealth and solo play. Race is preferably human but can be any of the fleshie types (not sure 28 can support lack of wis/cha on warforged and healing isn't as effective). Casting displacement is definitely a priority. Khopesh would be nice to have but is not a huge priority in terms of feats.

  3. #63
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    Default I would like two builds, not one

    I do not have Monk, FvS, WF, drow, or 32 pt build

    nevermind i only need one build

    I really like the idea of the path Thief Acrobat, So i would like it if you made me a 28pt build with no tomes (or +1 tomes if it is really necessary). I would like to be the trap monkey of the group, and use a staff. Something like the Big F'n Stick build ( except with 28pts. I would like it if its more detailed (enhancements). I know I'm asking a lot.

    Thanks in advance for the hard work, and If i can I will add rep =D.
    Last edited by ElusiveEagle; 01-17-2010 at 02:03 AM.

  4. #64
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    thanks this gives me a good idea of what to try for a class i have never played before

  5. #65
    Community Member dlsidhe's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I've got two requests for ya:

    32pt WF pure monk, path of inevitable domination, solo capable, DPS focused.

    ETA: ...scratch the second one...
    Last edited by dlsidhe; 01-14-2010 at 03:24 PM.

  6. #66
    Community Member Kaervas's Avatar
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    I actually stumbled on something that does the trick, so withdrawing this. Thanks though!
    Last edited by Kaervas; 01-30-2010 at 02:19 PM. Reason: Withdrew request

  7. #67
    Community Member dlsidhe's Avatar
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    I've been enjoying the halfling rogue/monk/ftr thus far, though I've mainly been plinking with alternate builds lately.

    Thus, this request for one I can't get to work, because my head won't wrap around it:

    32pt Elf, (wizard or sorc)/(ranger or rogue), Elven Arcane Archer, Fire/Cold spell focus, expand spell metafeat. Concept; Arcane Sniper - what cannot be blasted with elemental rays can be hit with arcane arrows. Use tomes. Do what you want. Have fun with it.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. #68
    Community Member Izzywhatever's Avatar
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    Default Solo VIP self sufficient build


    I find this idea really great and it is really nice of you, Lifespawn, to give of your time to help others.

    I am new to DDO and I have VIP account, I would love to have a build with which I could explore the game on my own and if possible, traps and locks included. As for race and class, I do not have a preference. I know that the pre-made templates suggest Pally and Monk as easy to solo but if you have a better mix (I know i will have rogue for traps and locks) I will be more than happy to play it and discover the game.


    Edit: I have 32 points builds, Drow, Favored soul and Monks unlocked so as I have said, It can be anything as long as I can discover the game on Solo, with Lock, Spot, Search and Disable devices. So far, I am trying the Exploiter and, even if I am a bit lost in how the build progression is explained, it does what I am looking for so far.
    Last edited by Izzywhatever; 01-17-2010 at 10:06 PM.

  9. #69
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    lifespawns computer is dead atm he's working on getting it back and running he just wanted me to post so people didn't think he forgot.

  10. #70
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    Default Help with a bard build

    I have tried researching bards and tried creating one in the builder, but i just cant find the right info Im looking for. I think ther eis just too much fodder than info ROFL.

    Anyways, I am looking to build a pure bard, Crowd control. I think elf is best for it, yes? to work with rapiers. Has to be able to solo and transform to group asist in the later levels.

    Everyone says to make a haggle-bot too since the charisma will be so high, but I think i would rather put the pts into something than haggle...

    Please help me.

    Someone said a build named "Inchanted" is really good but I couldn't find it.


  11. #71
    Community Member Duskslayer's Avatar
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    Maximum DR possible build(s). 32 Points.

    Requirement: WF.

    Make a difference! Sign these Petitions: Death by Mouse! - Paralyzed! - Static Inventory!
    WE DID IT: AH TXT Search!

  12. #72
    Community Member The_Metal_Monster's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Ok, my only requirements i have are 28 point build, being a WF, and being an Uber Meat Shield Chew Toy. So a Mega-Tank.
    ty in advance if u make this build 4 me.

  13. #73
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    Default rogue / healer support with solo-ability

    I'm gonna officially remove my request. If you already started it, go for it. Otherwise, I'm gonna try to create a build on my own with help from other ppl on the forum for advice.
    Last edited by Aakanaar; 01-23-2010 at 07:25 PM.

  14. #74
    Community Member katana_one's Avatar
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    Default Another One …

    Looking for recommendations for a sneaky, self-sufficient DPS character. I like to solo most of the time, but like to pull my weight on the occasions I do group.

    28 point build
    I want two-weapon fighting as well as (adequate) ranged ability
    reliable search and spot
    reliable trapsmith and lockpicking to boot (UMD if you can fit it in)

    Additionally, I don't have access to 1337 gear, so the character has to make do with whatever I can scrounge.

    All of this says Rogue/Ranger to me, but I am curious how the experts might go about it.

    Of course, the build I'm looking for might already be out there - so if someone can link it, that would be great, too.

  15. #75
    Community Member
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    Default Survivalist Build Request


    I'm a returning player, haven't played for several years. Think I had a 12 Ranger and an 8 Rogue. Some of my desires are based on things I experienced way back when and may not be important, so if it's silly to ask for just let me know. I had my funnest times running my rogue through trap heavy dungeons (the one with the big fire trap was my favorite), though found out that a pure rogue with minimal combat was just a waste for groups.

    Character Overview:
    A bit of a survivalist, good at various skills related to survival (jumping, swimming, etc). High resistances are important and a core concept. Focused on being able to move quickly, evade attacks, resist things, and get to places others might not be able to. Doesn't want to be heavily reliant on equipment. Back in the day I envisioned using paladin auras to create a super resistant character, just never did it.

    If the following build request already exists, please let me know where to find it.

    Build needs to come into it's own during the early levels. I'll probably Solo to at least mid levels. I like grouping, but time constraints are difficult. Most likely won't hit max level any time quick, so if the build doesn't play as a survivalistic guru in the first 30 hours play time, I'll probably lose interrest.

    Preference is Halfing, with human as a second posibility, though if there is a choice that makes more sense I'm open to suggestions. Drow and Warforged can be unlocked as needed.

    Open to multi-classing - think this would be fun. Monk and the favored soul(?) are unlocked.

    No characters on server to help out, so stuff that is easy to get is okay. Trying to avoid gear / coin dependencies.

    I like high resistances / evasion / etc. This is a core concept - want to be able to shrug off spells, traps, fire, etc.

    Doesn't really matter, just want a feasable build. I liked the sorc I had which controlled mobs, but there were other aspects (like not being able to jump or swim well) that turned me off. Liked my ranger, but the two weapon wielding always seemed to outshine the bows.

    Build points:
    32 available

    If available through DDO shop it's on the table, though if feasable without then that becomes preference.

    Skills of Interrest:
    Disable Device
    Move Silently
    Open Lock

    Skills that seem to apply but not sure of:

    Feats based around a rapier / dex / finess idea that I'm toying with - not sure if they would fit the build, or how feasable it is:
    Weapon Focus Piercing Weapons (BAB 1)
    Weapon Finesse (BAB 1)
    Two Weapon Fighting (Dex 15)
    Two Weapon Defense (Dex 15)
    Two Weapon Blocking (Dex 15)
    Spring Attack (BAB 4)
    Mobility (Dex 13)
    Dodge (Dex 13)
    Greater Two Weapon Fighting (Dex 17, BAB 11)
    Improved Critical (BAB 8)
    Improved Two Weapon FIghting (Dex 17, BAB 6)
    Least Dragonmark of Healing
    Oversized Two weapon fighting (Str 12)
    Power Critical (BAB 4)

    Thanks for your help,

    Last edited by gjsfaun; 01-30-2010 at 02:38 PM.

  16. #76
    Community Member picaisfun's Avatar
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    Default 32 point dwarf bardbarbarian

    I would like to buff, heal and do mega damage. End game party friendly with low level solo ability. Thanks in advance.

  17. #77
    Community Member Marr0w1's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    You mentioned doing some 34-36 point builds here, but I dont think anyone has requested one yet.

    I would like to make a 36pt rogue (pref halfling).
    -not a 'solo' build, but some survivability.
    -proficiency with heavy repeaters
    -some level of trap skills

    basically a 'bit of everything' legendary rogue. Feel free to factor in any GS/Tomes/Items
    and thanks in advance

  18. #78
    Community Member Amantis's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    28 pt WF Sorc/Cleric or Cleric/Sorc?

  19. #79
    Community Member
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    Default WF TWF Monk build request

    I was wondering if you could please make me a build for a 28 point warforged monk with TWF. I am not to picky on the specifics I would just like the best dps build possible, I would like some survivability as I will be soloing too.



  20. #80
    Community Member JackTekila's Avatar
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    I would like a true reincarnated (with past life:monk) strengh DPS handwrap monk/kensei. I don't know which path is better in this case, but i was thinking of harmonious balance to increase survivability. And it must have stuning blow OR stuning fist (don't know which is better). I really like UMD, but I don't think it can fit on this build.

    Thanks a lot! You're doing a great job.

    EDIT> I just remembered one thing... since i'll use handwraps, I think stuning blow is better because I can use the weighted ability...

    EDIT 2> Forgot to say the race... It can be any race, except warforged.
    Last edited by JackTekila; 01-29-2010 at 12:13 PM.

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