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  1. #41
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    Default 32pt Fvs

    I am looking for a 32pt Elf Fvs (could splash a couple of leves if needed Maby rogue or monk pure is fine as well)
    Melee capable (Scimitars) twf or sword and bord IDK
    buffs + Heals + BB
    Pref tome light as I am a new player and do not have any at the moment.

  2. #42
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  3. #43
    Community Member Cariara's Avatar
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    Requesting a FvS/Monk/X build, X being anything you think works. Atleast 3 levels in each, 28 point, no Drow, no tomes. DPS type person . Thanks~ Happy New Year :3

    (Yes I know it's an odd request. >_>)

  4. #44
    Community Member nuitariwolf's Avatar
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    Default Get a build Requests and archive.

    Hi lifespawn,

    i would like to have a good halfling monk high ac mainly dex/wis i solo alot sometimes i party, if i could multi-class not sure what would work.

    i also would like a good halfling weapon finesse high dex kensei fighter focuseing on keen kukri's/rapeir's for high crit's can you help, i got 32 build, vet statis.

    i also would like try a bard has to be melee sword/shield if possable relying on music

  5. #45
    Founder Vox's Avatar
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    Just realized I intended to post this in this thread and started a new one accidentally

    I've never before played an arcane and I'm starting to get the urge to do a WF arcane. I know there are a fair amount of WF Arcane builds out there but if I do this I want to plan for the long term.

    I'm thinking of doing WF Wizard twice, and then doing Sorc for the 3rd run through. But I'm concerned about being able to actually take the Wiz past life purchase feats and still have other feats. Given that I've never played an arcane before I have a couple requests.

    1) A wiz build for levelling. Bearing in mind I've never played an arcane and I have no desire to play a stealth style toon. I'm not opposed to splashing a level of something else as I won't spend a lot of time at 20. I'm thinking possibly rogue as the trap xp over the long run can be really nice.

    2) A Sorc build that includes past life Wizzy feats, or someone tell me/show me that this whole concept is utterly ridiculous

    FWIW, I've been playing since headstart, so I know the game fairly well. I just never got it in my head to play an arcane or a WF before.


  6. #46
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    Default 32point healer/buffer

    When playing mmo's my favorite thing to do is play support - there's nothing more satisfying than knowing that you empowered your team to go that extra mile (and besides that a good healer can make or break a group). Although I like to have that little edge to turn the tables, primary through the use of buffs.

    What I would like is:
    - A 32 point build.
    - Any race except for Drow or Warforged
    - Any class you want to throw in is cool ( I'd like to multiclass in fact ), except favored soul ( I do have monk ).
    - Self survivability is secondary to keeping the team up (not worried about having heavy armor for myself) - I'd prefer to survive by keeping my agro low.
    - Priority goes to healing, then assortment of defensive buffs, some cc for self preservation, and maby a few offensive buffs if the opportunity presents itself.
    - It's fine if I do 0 dps - and almost preferred ( I don't ever plan on soloing )
    - I'm kinda new so as few tomes as possible
    - I'm not sure how DDO heals work but I prefer preventative damage warding with some heal over time spells to seal up what damage my wards don't do.
    - Also I prefer having lots of functional abilities to adapt to situations rather than having fewer powerhouse skills that might instead limit my potential (though I'd still like to have a few super skills).

    I think that about covers it.

    Thanks in advance

  7. #47
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akillith View Post
    I'd like a defensive 28pt human pally build. Thanks for your wonderful work.
    first build in the archive there under 28 point builds

    Human 20 defensive pally click the link it will bring you to the build post.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  8. #48
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huflung View Post
    i am looking for a 28 point drow pally (maybe cleric)/rogue build to be able to solo with.... looking for decent dps (maybe twf) but also able to heal thyself for dungeon crawls and trap/lock monkey....

    or maybe executies in drow form

    thanks in advance.
    here you go posted for someone requested before you just hadn't gotten to it yet
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  9. #49
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    Default Sneaky Bard Build Request

    I would like to request a Bard/Rogue build. I have veteran status, warforged, drow, and 32 pt character unlocked. I don't have any tomes immediately available to me, but will have +1's/2's by the time this character is in the teens. I am not partial to any particular race. I can stand back and cast or wade in and fight, either play style is fine by me. I would like to be able to either heal effectively or kill effectively with just 1 or 2 other people in the group. I would prefer not to be extremely high-end raid gear dependent. I like being able to sneak about (and disable and unlock) with impunity and I like being able to support my group. I almost never solo. My DDO experience so far is with my pure 16 rogue so I'm nervous about building my own multiclass character.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  10. #50
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    hi, if you get the time would you mind reccomending me a 34pt build for a tempest ranger, as i will be reincarnating my ranger very soon.
    id like to stay straight ranger and the plan is to use khopesh's. i have veteran status unlocked and im vip so i can access all races etc, +1 and +2 tomes will be no problem as and when needed
    i will be purely group playing i rarely solo
    im basically looking for very strong dps, a good level of hit points, and if i can avoid a dwarf that would be even better

  11. #51
    Community Member z0mbyjr's Avatar
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    Thanks Lifespawn for helping me with my last request.

    I have err, one more request for my last character slot. Kinda easy... but a bit of an odd one.

    I'd like to request a Warforged Tempest III, with at least one monk level.
    The catch? Bastard Swords, not Khopeshes... (I know they're inferior in every way blah blah blah... They're just really cheap and easy to get, and IMO look cooler.)

    I was thinking either 18/2 Ranger/Monk for the feats... or 18/1/1 with rogue for the extra skills, and UMD.

  12. #52
    Community Member Desdemonte's Avatar
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    Maybe the character I'm after is already made and somebody can point me to it. I've never played a cleric or a rogue, or a support character so I'd like to try. I say support, but I also would like to be self sufficient (good ability to deal damage and survive for soloing and short grouping). I'd also like to be strong all the way through and at endgame. 28 point build.

    Human Cleric
    Splash (or however much is the right balance) of Rogue (for UMD, evasion, etc). Sorry not familiar with either class to really be specific.
    I don't want just a DPS battlecleric- I'd like to be able to use some more of their interesting spells, crowd control, etc. Kind of like if the character by Aranticus in the Template for New users thread was developed past level 16.


  13. #53
    Community Member z0mbyjr's Avatar
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    Well... I (almost) found the perfect build for you Desdemonte.
    Valiance's Cleric Build
    17 Cleric, 2 Monk, 1 Rogue.
    With this build, you get decent trapskills, monkey powers! (Extra feats, tons of Wisdom to AC, Evasion), and access to level 9 cleric spells.

    There's two catches though...
    It's about 2 feet shorter than normal, and is a 32 pt build... But, it's almost as accomplishable with a 28 pt drow. Slightly weaker saves, but you'll do more damage with racial enhancements. Not really accomplishable at all with a human though. If you do a drow, and want to keep it (mostly) tome free, sacrifice one point of Wis to up your STR and DEX for ITWF and PA.

    Just as an FYI, Valiance was able to use this build to solo VoD (super raid) using only one mana potion... a very, very, very impressive accomplishment...

    Actually, it's kinda fun being (almost) helpful. =D
    Last edited by z0mbyjr; 01-11-2010 at 06:06 PM.

  14. #54
    Community Member z0mbyjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhattyMcbutterpants View Post
    I am looking for a 32pt Elf Fvs (could splash a couple of leves if needed Maby rogue or monk pure is fine as well)
    Melee capable (Scimitars) twf or sword and bord IDK
    buffs + Heals + BB
    Pref tome light as I am a new player and do not have any at the moment.
    May I suggest Impaqt's "The Really Good FvS"?

    It's a decent 32 pt FvS... all that's really needed is two tomes.
    A +1 Dex tome by level 9, and a +2 Charisma Tome (needed to cast level 9 spells, only really needed past 15-ish). It has great Scimitar TWF'ing damage, as well as good DC's for offensive casting/CC'ing. It can BB well, and Greater Command, Cometfall, etc... whatever you want really.

  15. #55
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    I am going to go assassin rouge on next build.
    I prefer humans, but will take the advice of the character gurus!
    Keep in mind, we have the new versions of reincarnate coming out soon, and that could be beneficial to the new build.
    I prefer a twf, dps build for my rangers, and the 2 multi class build are both 10/6 ranger/rouge.
    All other builds are true rangers.
    All replies are appreciated, thanks
    PS, due to the new reincarnate levels for patch 3, I have not reincarnated as of yet

  16. #56
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    Default Hi

    I was looking for

    1) Race: Dwarf
    2) Focuses everything on DPS like it does everything it possibly can to get as much DPS as possible
    3) uses dual Dwarven axes
    4) the rest is up to you..

  17. #57
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    Talking Enough, I say!

    I just can't take it anymore. After allways running behind the group and trying to catch up with the zerging fighter/barb - only to find the party half-dead when I finally reach them, I really need a break from clericing!
    I send my cleric off to a spa for a few weeks (Ataraxia's sounds nice....)

    I want to switch sides and request a funbuild!

    >> The zerging barbarian dwarf, the nightmare for every healer/cleric in the game!! <<

    Please build me the brother for Dragnur, the cleric....


    - 32 point build

    - Must be dwarf. (Srsly? There are other races in this game?)

    - Must be really dumb. (INT 8 max -the type which has *huge* problems counting 1 to 10 even with help of his fingers. Btw. are there some items which actually decrease the INT below 8?)

    - Must have fast movement. (Just to make sure that he allways keeps well out of the range from the healer/ run into every trap - you know, what I mean.)

    - Good jump skill to keep well out of the cleric's line of sight. Healer love to play hide'n'seek in the heat of the battle. It's just great to jump/climb up to a really high edge and hide yourself behind a pillar with some red-named mobs. The trigger-word to inform the cleric to begin his search is : HEEAALZZZ!!!!


    - Should be a playable(!) toon which can jump right in the middle of a bunch of mobs and give them the hell of a beating while able to survive such an endeavor(for serious gameplay as a tank).

    - Shoul be able to wield a Greataxe - Big is better, you know ;-)

    - Has anger management problems (rage ftw!)

    - Some points in UMD would be nice. (For the grease clicky, just to ensure some nasty events in the party...)

    - Anything else, which is annoying *be creative*

  18. #58
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ahhhhrrgh View Post
    the nightmare for every healer/cleric in the game!! <<
    If you optimize for that, you should take a warforged and not use any healers friends.

  19. #59
    Community Member z0mbyjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anderei View Post
    If you optimize for that, you should take a warforged and not use any healers friends.
    No, Your idea is way too gimped... You need to be a WF Battlecleric with Improved Fortification! xD

  20. #60
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    I am looking for a build that takes advantage of the Barbarian L12 enhancement "barbarian intimidate" which gives -2 to many things for those successfully intimidated. My main aim would be to have an intimitank that also has a nice debuff to go with it.

    I am interested in either obtaining high AC or high DR with guard items for this character.

    I have 32 point build available and am happy with any race and any legal classes to fill the remaining 8 levels.


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