Did some searches, and found minimal info.
When planning my Wizard, I saw this feat and thought it would be better than quicken in order to save SP.
The core of the reason I wanted this is I LOVE playing my Rog/Rgr and running backwards in circles while peppering groups of very angry, very dangerous enemies. Unfortunately, due to the interface (I can't hold the cast button, like I hold the shoot button), and spell aiming, this doesnt work as well as I had hoped. My main spells are the cold/fire rays, as they are really cheap and effective, but aiming is an issue. MM would work, but is low damage.
EDIT: Also, it seems I still slow down some, so is the small speed up even worth it?
Is there some tactic I am not seeing, or is there a better way to use this feat?
Final question is should I just throw it an Combat Casting away in favor of Heighten which I planned to get next and something else.
Related question on feats for wizard. I have read several posts talking about wizards melee dual wielding. Is this likely being done without the feat? I play as a Drow 18 Wiz/2 Rog (6/1 atm). Typically as part of my combat buffing, I use Masters Touch, and then equip a 2h Sword or Longbow (when not nuking/casting). Would TWF with rapier/SS be a good replacement for MT and 2h sword? I also have a natural Str 10 and Dex 16, so what about Weapon Finesse with or instead of TWF?
Thanks in advance for advice. This is a very helpful forums/community.