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  1. #1
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Default Everything I ever wanted to know about the Shroud

    I think I'm just about ready to become a card carrying member of the SHROUD Crafters. I just have a few queries first.

    ~ I know I need to flag 5 quests (still 2 to do yet) to get those stones to be able to do the 13th Eclipse. What I want to know is. Will I need to run those 5 every time I want to do a Shroud Run?

    ~ Are Greensteel Items Bound to Account, Character or what? I'd hate to make a BTA item on a toon That I totally need to reincarnate to de gimpify

    ~ I read that if you fail anywhere in the Shroud Quests you can't redo them nor can you continue.. what does that mean? If I fail on say part 3... will I have to go do 1--> again?

    ~ I've also read that "newbies" can mess up Shroud Groups by not knowing or performing their role... does this mean I'm not likely to find a group that will take me because whereas I will TOTALLY DO WHAT I AM TOLD, I have 0 experience in Shroud Runs (but am researching roles ~ and have my transmuting/ metalline weapon ~ just not a good one)

    I'm asking these because currently I'm addicted to Gianthold Tor, but after 5 complete runs I've only got 2 black scales and was hoping Shroud might be more lucrative for me, or at least a better way to upgrade my kit then praying for 25 Blue Dragon Scales.

    Thanks in advance.
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    ~ I know I need to flag 5 quests (still 2 to do yet) to get those stones to be able to do the 13th Eclipse. What I want to know is. Will I need to run those 5 every time I want to do a Shroud Run?

    >>just once, after that you are flagged for it and can go whenever your timer is off

    ~ Are Greensteel Items Bound to Account, Character or what? I'd hate to make a BTA item on a toon That I totally need to reincarnate to de gimpify

    >>the blank is not bound at all. BUT once you equip or upgrade it, its BTC

    ~ I read that if you fail anywhere in the Shroud Quests you can't redo them nor can you continue.. what does that mean? If I fail on say part 3... will I have to go do 1--> again?

    >>5 mins after going through the opening portal, it closes. so if you whipe, you have to redo the whole thing

    ~ I've also read that "newbies" can mess up Shroud Groups by not knowing or performing their role... does this mean I'm not likely to find a group that will take me because whereas I will TOTALLY DO WHAT I AM TOLD, I have 0 experience in Shroud Runs (but am researching roles ~ and have my transmuting/ metalline weapon ~ just not a good one)

    >>say you are new and do what you get told. then everything is fine, esp as you have your weapon to bypass his DR already
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  3. #3
    Community Member MissErres's Avatar
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    To add to Visty's response:

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    I think I'm just about ready to become a card carrying member of the SHROUD Crafters. I just have a few queries first.

    ~ I know I need to flag 5 quests (still 2 to do yet) to get those stones to be able to do the 13th Eclipse. What I want to know is. Will I need to run those 5 every time I want to do a Shroud Run?

    You do not have to reflag for the quest, but you do need a set of all 5 stones combined into a signet stone for each item you want to craft.

    ~ Are Greensteel Items Bound to Account, Character or what? I'd hate to make a BTA item on a toon That I totally need to reincarnate to de gimpify

    If you're unsure on the item you're crafting or if you are going to keep your build only take it to Tier 2. Small and Med ingredients are fairly easy to come by, it's the larges that are most difficult.

    ~ I read that if you fail anywhere in the Shroud Quests you can't redo them nor can you continue.. what does that mean? If I fail on say part 3... will I have to go do 1--> again?

    You cannot re-enter the Shroud. It is divided up into 5 parts and at the end of each part is a portal to take you into the next. You also cannot go back through a portal into a previous part until the raid in completed and 4 portals pop up to take you back to the previous parts. This is usually when people do their crafting.

    ~ I've also read that "newbies" can mess up Shroud Groups by not knowing or performing their role... does this mean I'm not likely to find a group that will take me because whereas I will TOTALLY DO WHAT I AM TOLD, I have 0 experience in Shroud Runs (but am researching roles ~ and have my transmuting/ metalline weapon ~ just not a good one)

    The only place someone can really screw up is in parts 2 and 3. If you die in part 4 you are sent to the "dead room". Do not release, you will rejoin your party when they have completed the objective at hand. Just let the group know you are new and follow directions. You'll be fine.

    I'm asking these because currently I'm addicted to Gianthold Tor, but after 5 complete runs I've only got 2 black scales and was hoping Shroud might be more lucrative for me, or at least a better way to upgrade my kit then praying for 25 Blue Dragon Scales.

    Thanks in advance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    ~locks Erres in the ancient cage~

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    ~ I know I need to flag 5 quests (still 2 to do yet) to get those stones to be able to do the 13th Eclipse. What I want to know is. Will I need to run those 5 every time I want to do a Shroud Run?
    You only need to do the 5 quests every time you wish to create an initial base greensteel item. The 5 stones are combined and used as a part of the base ingredients. You can create as many greensteel items as you want but when it comes to clothing/jewelry you can only wear 1 piece of clothing/jewelry at a time unless that clothing/jewelry has been cleansed. You get a cleansing stone every 20th shroud run and you use it on the clothing/jewelry on your 21st shroud run.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    ~ Are Greensteel Items Bound to Account, Character or what? I'd hate to make a BTA item on a toon That I totally need to reincarnate to de gimpify
    Base items are not bound unless they have been equipped. If they have been equipped or had the first tier of ingredients placed on them then it is bound to character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    ~ I read that if you fail anywhere in the Shroud Quests you can't redo them nor can you continue.. what does that mean? If I fail on say part 3... will I have to go do 1--> again?
    The Shroud is one quest, the raid itself, it has 5 parts to it. Beating Portals, Kill 4 Names, Puzzles, Raid Boss, 4 Names again with Raid Boss. If you fail any part then yes you have to start all over again. Failure usually happens on 2, 4 and 5.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    ~ I've also read that "newbies" can mess up Shroud Groups by not knowing or performing their role... does this mean I'm not likely to find a group that will take me because whereas I will TOTALLY DO WHAT I AM TOLD, I have 0 experience in Shroud Runs (but am researching roles ~ and have my transmuting/ metalline weapon ~ just not a good one)
    All you have to do is let the party know that it is your first shroud run, and they will explain each part to you as you get to each part. Pay attention to what the leader or any other experienced shrouders say, and having your speakers/headphones turned on is a very big plus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    I'm asking these because currently I'm addicted to Gianthold Tor, but after 5 complete runs I've only got 2 black scales and was hoping Shroud might be more lucrative for me, or at least a better way to upgrade my kit then praying for 25 Blue Dragon Scales.
    Shroud is probably the most popular raid in the game, you'll love it. If it is armor that you are after, then you need to look at doing the Reaver's Refuge quests. You can get a nice piece of Dragontouch armor from doing the 4 quests there.
    Last edited by UltraMonk2; 11-23-2009 at 08:20 AM.
    Visit the DDO Wiki! Unique items: Quest Rewards - Raid Loot - Chest Loot - Item Sets
    DDO Store List, with references on how you can gain items ingame for free!

  5. #5
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Thank you for all your responses, and thanks for the "I'm new" advice.

    I have been researching Reavers Refuge today and want some DragonTouched armor (seems easier to acquire then the Dragon Scale armors considering I've done GH Tor 5 times - 15 Dragons - and only 2 scales)

    For the DT armor.. they can only have one effect at a time? or can I have one of each type of rune effect?

    (off to read how hard SoS is)
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  6. #6
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    Thank you for all your responses, and thanks for the "I'm new" advice.

    I have been researching Reavers Refuge today and want some DragonTouched armor (seems easier to acquire then the Dragon Scale armors considering I've done GH Tor 5 times - 15 Dragons - and only 2 scales)

    For the DT armor.. they can only have one effect at a time? or can I have one of each type of rune effect?

    (off to read how hard SoS is)
    one eldritch, one tempest and one sovereign effect for a total of 3
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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    o o

  7. #7
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    one eldritch, one tempest and one sovereign effect for a total of 3
    ooooh 3 effects!!!! ~happy Shammy Dance~ OMG so many things I want to do
    Gianthold Tor ~ still want them elusive scales
    Shroud ~ Stuff to make a good weapons on my NEXT Toon
    Reavers Refuge ~ Some good ole DT armor of uber sweetness

    SO little time.. I really want Obama to "CHANGE" the length of the day to 30 hours so I can increase my play time by 6 hours every day. I'd vote for that!

    Um I'm guessing teh DT armor is BtC right?? or possibly BtA (plz plz plz)
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  8. #8
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    the armor and the runes
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
    *insert axe*
    o o

  9. #9
    Community Member MissErres's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    ooooh 3 effects!!!! ~happy Shammy Dance~ OMG so many things I want to do
    Gianthold Tor ~ still want them elusive scales
    Shroud ~ Stuff to make a good weapons on my NEXT Toon
    Reavers Refuge ~ Some good ole DT armor of uber sweetness

    SO little time.. I really want Obama to "CHANGE" the length of the day to 30 hours so I can increase my play time by 6 hours every day. I'd vote for that!

    Um I'm guessing teh DT armor is BtC right?? or possibly BtA (plz plz plz)
    He's so excited I almost don't wanna bring this up... but...

    DT armor has a kind of 'roulette' system. You don't get to choose what you put on it. You put in your runes and hope you get what you want. If you don't, you try other runes until you do.

    It's great if you can get what you want, can be rather tedious and a grind if you don't.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    ~locks Erres in the ancient cage~

  10. #10
    Community Member Wyrmnax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    ~ I've also read that "newbies" can mess up Shroud Groups by not knowing or performing their role... does this mean I'm not likely to find a group that will take me because whereas I will TOTALLY DO WHAT I AM TOLD, I have 0 experience in Shroud Runs (but am researching roles ~ and have my transmuting/ metalline weapon ~ just not a good one)

    - Follow Directions.

    It is as simple as that. Parts 1 and 2 of the Shroud are a test to see if you can follow directions. On part 1 you want people taking down portals, one at a time, instead of fanning out and have 2 people at each portal. That reduces the SP spent on healing and makes it easier to control the enemies around.

    Part 2 require people to take down 4 mobs at almost the same time. So you take its health down to where you are told to, stop attacking when you are told to, and engage who you are told to.

    Parts 3 and 4 are more dependant on knowing the puzzle and sheer ability to survive/do damage. Part 3 goes faster if more people know what they are doing, but it isnt too bad. Part 4 is a endurance fight.

    All in all, most groups will fail at part 2 or 4. Sometimes people are just not geared enough, and many times they are too stupid to listen. If you can just listen and follow instructions, problems solve themselves.

    Also, pay attention to what buffs people are using. If every one is putting True Sight and you dont have it, ask for it. If they are using fire resistance, use it. It is fairly important to have the correct stuff for what youa re fighting - People withouth fire resistance on the elemental make a mess, for example.
    Editing everything i post, since day 1. Things make much more sense inside my head.

  11. #11
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissErres View Post
    He's so excited I almost don't wanna bring this up... but...

    DT armor has a kind of 'roulette' system. You don't get to choose what you put on it. You put in your runes and hope you get what you want. If you don't, you try other runes until you do.

    It's great if you can get what you want, can be rather tedious and a grind if you don't.

    Ugh... a crafting system requiring LUCK?? I'm fully hosed. If it wasn't for "Greek Trajedy", I'd have no measure of luck at all.. C'est la vie.. thank god I am persistent though.

    Okay so my cool armor and cool weapons will be BtC for Heidian.. so if I reincarnate her into yes... another Paladin (just less gimped) will I keep any of the bound gear I busted Blonde arse for?
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

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