im really set on trying to make a ranged build with a bard that doesnt completely fail, i have plenty of twf builds. i wanted to go warchanter for the big buffs and still be able to pull out some ranged weapon dmg (longbow) on boss fights with manyshots, and dual wield when needed or out of amo. this is what i have so far. (not too worried about order of feats, with stats dump most into dex as lvl and some in str maybe?)
human feat: point blank shot
lvl 1: power attack
lvl 3: weap focus slashing or piercing
lvl 6: precise shot
lvl 9: weap focus range
lvl12: extend spell
lvl15: imp crit ranged
lvl18: many shot
lvl 1-2 rgr: rapid shot, twf, bow str
i figure with a +6 str item human +str 2 rng +dex 1 + +6 dex item (maybe even 32 point build ((wich i should have soon so suggestions would be apreciated))and some tomes if you wanna go "power gamer") and lvl 18 warchanter buffs would make a good longbow pump out some nice dmg with manyshot for boss fights and not that bad a dmg with twf for trash and w/e needed. is this a complete waste of my time or does it have potential? i know im not gonna be having huge dmg with this build but passable dmg with warchanter buffs and enough manna for other buffs and occasional cc should make this a viable and fun class to play.